rust docker交叉編譯靜態單體執行文件

   1. 這是有人專門做好對編譯對應平臺的docker image(

Rust toolchain Cross Compile Target Docker Image Tag
stable x86_64-unknown-linux-musl x86_64-musl
stable i686-unknown-linux-musl i686-musl
stable arm-unknown-linux-musleabi arm-musleabi
stable arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf arm-musleabihf
stable armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf armv7-musleabihf
stable armv5te-unknown-linux-musleabi armv5te-musleabi
stable mips-unknown-linux-musl mips-musl
stable mipsel-unknown-linux-musl mipsel-musl


(1)先拉取對應鏡像 docker pull messense/rust-musl-cross:armv7-musleabihf


alias rust-musl-builder='docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/home/rust/src messense/rust-musl-cross:armv7-musleabihf'
 rust-musl-builder cargo build --release



  • The standard musl-libc libraries.
  • OpenSSL, which is needed by many Rust applications.


rust-musl-builder uses musl-libc, musl-gcc, and the new rustup target support. It includes static versions of several libraries:

  • The standard musl-libc libraries.
  • OpenSSL, which is needed by many Rust applications.
  • libpq, which is needed for applications that use diesel with PostgreSQL.
  • libz, which is needed by libpq.


You may be able to speed up build performance by adding the following -v commands to the rust-musl-builder alias:

-v cargo-git:/home/rust/.cargo/git
-v cargo-registry:/home/rust/.cargo/registry
-v target:/home/rust/src/target

You will also need to fix the permissions on the mounted volumes:

rust-musl-builder sudo chown -R rust:rust \
  /home/rust/.cargo/git /home/rust/.cargo/registry /home/rust/src/target


alias rust-musl-builder='docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/home/rust/src ekidd/rust-musl-builder'

2. rust-musl-builder cargo build --release

 PS:若在運行編譯時,報權限問題,chmod 777 -R 項目路徑授權。

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