通過Ajax api 動態傳參 調用 Azkaban

通過Ajax api 動態傳參 調用 Azkaban



數據倉庫中, 使用 azkaban 作爲任務調度的組件.

倉庫搭建完成後, 需要執行過去兩年的數據, 因爲 Web UI 沒有提供這個功能, 所以調用官方提供的 api, 然後動態傳入日期變量. 達到目的.

Execute a Flow

This API executes a flow via an ajax call, supporting a rich selection of different options. Running an individual job can also be achieved via this API by disabling all other jobs in the same flow.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=executeFlow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.Example Values: 30d538e2-4794-4e7e-8a35-25a9e2fd5 300
ajax=executeFlow The fixed parameter indicating the current ajax action is executeFlow.
project The project name of the executing flow.Example Values: run-all-jobs
flow The flow id to be executed.Example Values: test-flow
disabled (optional) A list of job names that should be disabled for this execution. Should be formatted as a JSON Array String.Example Values: [“job_name_1”, “job_name_2”, “job_name_N”]
successEmails (optional) A list of emails to be notified if the execution succeeds. All emails are delimitted with [,|;|\s+].Example Values: [email protected],[email protected]
failureEmails (optional) A list of emails to be notified if the execution fails. All emails are delimitted with [,|;|\s+].Example Values: [email protected],[email protected]
successEmailsOverride (optional) Whether uses system default email settings to override successEmails.Possible Values: true, false
failureEmailsOverride (optional) Whether uses system default email settings to override failureEmails.Possible Values: true, false
notifyFailureFirst (optional) Whether sends out email notifications as long as the first failure occurs.Possible Values: true, false
notifyFailureLast (optional) Whether sends out email notifications as long as the last failure occurs.Possible Values: true, false
failureAction (Optional) If a failure occurs, how should the execution behaves.Possible Values: finishCurrent, cancelImmediately, finishPossible
concurrentOption (Optional) Concurrent choices. Use ignore if nothing specifical is required.Possible Values: ignore, pipeline, skip
flowOverride[flowProperty] (Optional) Override specified flow property with specified value.Example Values : flowOverride[failure.email]=test@ gmail.com

Response Object

Parameter Description
error Error message if the call has failed
flow The executed flow id
execid The execution id

Here is a curl command example:

curl -k --get --data 'session.id=189b956b-f39f-421e-9a95-e3117e7543c9' --data 'ajax=executeFlow' --data 'project=azkaban-test-project' --data 'flow=test' https://localhost:8443/executor

Sample response:

  message: "Execution submitted successfully with exec id 295",
  project: "foo-demo",
  flow: "test",
  execid: 295

在官方文檔中, 請求參數的最後一個

flowOverride[flowProperty] (Optional)

就是相當於 Web UI 中的自定義參數.


package com.whdx.paper.upload.utils;

import cn.hutool.http.HttpRequest;
import cn.hutool.json.JSONObject;
import cn.hutool.json.JSONUtil;

import java.util.Objects;

public class AzkaBanInvok {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String body = HttpRequest.post("")
                .header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
                .header("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
                .form("action", "login")
                .form("username", "admin")
                .form("password", "admin")
        JSONObject jsonObject = JSONUtil.parseObj(body);
        if (Objects.equals(jsonObject.getStr("status"), "success")) {
            String sessionId = jsonObject.getStr("session.id");
            String result = HttpRequest.get("")
                    .header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
                    .header("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
                    .form("session.id", sessionId)
                    .form("ajax", "executeFlow")
                    .form("project", "whadmin")
                    .form("flow", "export_all")
                    // 添加自定義參數, dt=2020-04-05.
                    .form("flowOverride[dt]", "2020-04-05") 





示例中利用了 hutool 工具庫, 簡化了請求. 使用 HttpClient, HttpURLConnection 同理

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