chromium 的jni函數



        上一篇介紹過,在AwShellActivity onCreate的時候,會加載so,最後會調用到loadWithSystemLinkerAlreadyLocked函數,通過調用System.loadLibrary跟System.load進行加載,着兩個都是系統函數,先看看這兩個函數的區別。因爲我的debug板是安卓4.4.2的,所以看的安卓源碼是安卓4.4.2。以下涉及系統源碼的代碼路徑都是指安卓4.4.2下的路徑

    private void loadWithSystemLinkerAlreadyLocked(ApplicationInfo appInfo, boolean inZygote) {
        for (String library : NativeLibraries.LIBRARIES) {
            if (!isInZipFile()) {
            } else {
                // Load directly from the APK.
                boolean is64Bit = ApiHelperForM.isProcess64Bit();
                String zipFilePath = appInfo.sourceDir;
                boolean crazyPrefix = forceSystemLinker(); // See comment in this function.
                String fullPath = zipFilePath + "!/"
                        + makeLibraryPathInZipFile(library, crazyPrefix, is64Bit);

                Log.i(TAG, "libraryName: %s", fullPath);


     * Loads and links the library with the specified name. The mapping of the
     * specified library name to the full path for loading the library is
     * implementation-dependent.
     * @param libName
     *            the name of the library to load.
     * @throws UnsatisfiedLinkError
     *             if the library could not be loaded.
    public static void loadLibrary(String libName) {
        Runtime.getRuntime().loadLibrary(libName, VMStack.getCallingClassLoader());
     * Loads and links the dynamic library that is identified through the
     * specified path. This method is similar to {@link #loadLibrary(String)},
     * but it accepts a full path specification whereas {@code loadLibrary} just
     * accepts the name of the library to load.
     * @param pathName
     *            the path of the file to be loaded.
    public static void load(String pathName) {
        Runtime.getRuntime().load(pathName, VMStack.getCallingClassLoader());





System.loadLibrary函數和System.load函數僅僅在調用參數上有一些區別(java層的代碼實現上有一些差別),具體的底層函數實現是一樣的,System.loadLibrary函數和System.load函數最終底層都是調用的Native函數Runtime.nativeLoad來實現。兩者調用關係如 下,終究是殊途同歸。所以還是看看nativeLoad函數做了什麼。


const DalvikNativeMethod dvm_java_lang_Runtime[] = {
    { "freeMemory",          "()J",
        Dalvik_java_lang_Runtime_freeMemory },
    { "gc",                 "()V",
        Dalvik_java_lang_Runtime_gc },
    { "maxMemory",          "()J",
        Dalvik_java_lang_Runtime_maxMemory },
    { "nativeExit",         "(I)V",
        Dalvik_java_lang_Runtime_nativeExit },
    { "nativeLoad",         "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;",
        Dalvik_java_lang_Runtime_nativeLoad },
    { "totalMemory",          "()J",
        Dalvik_java_lang_Runtime_totalMemory },
    { NULL, NULL, NULL },











(3) 調用dvmLoadNativeCode函數加載目標so庫文件。dvmLoadNativeCode函數主要實現是先調用dlopen函數加載目標so庫文件,然後通過獲取的句柄,調用dlsym到處函數JNI_OnLoad,實現jni函數的註冊以及其他的初始化操作等。

static void Dalvik_java_lang_Runtime_nativeLoad(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* fileNameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    Object* classLoader = (Object*) args[1];
    StringObject* ldLibraryPathObj = (StringObject*) args[2];

    assert(fileNameObj != NULL);
    char* fileName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(fileNameObj);

    if (ldLibraryPathObj != NULL) {
        char* ldLibraryPath = dvmCreateCstrFromString(ldLibraryPathObj);
        void* sym = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "android_update_LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
        if (sym != NULL) {
            typedef void (*Fn)(const char*);
            Fn android_update_LD_LIBRARY_PATH = reinterpret_cast<Fn>(sym);
        } else {
            ALOGE("android_update_LD_LIBRARY_PATH not found; .so dependencies will not work!");

    StringObject* result = NULL;
    char* reason = NULL;
    bool success = dvmLoadNativeCode(fileName, classLoader, &reason);
    if (!success) {
        const char* msg = (reason != NULL) ? reason : "unknown failure";
        result = dvmCreateStringFromCstr(msg);
        dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc((Object*) result, NULL);




(2)dlopen so獲取句柄,將so Entry添加到動態庫的哈希tab種;



bool dvmLoadNativeCode(const char* pathName, Object* classLoader,
        char** detail)
    SharedLib* pEntry;
    void* handle;
    bool verbose;

    /* reduce noise by not chattering about system libraries */
    verbose = !!strncmp(pathName, "/system", sizeof("/system")-1);
    verbose = verbose && !!strncmp(pathName, "/vendor", sizeof("/vendor")-1);

    if (verbose)
        ALOGD("Trying to load lib %s %p", pathName, classLoader);

    *detail = NULL;

     * See if we've already loaded it.  If we have, and the class loader
     * matches, return successfully without doing anything.
    pEntry = findSharedLibEntry(pathName);
    if (pEntry != NULL) {
        if (pEntry->classLoader != classLoader) {
            ALOGW("Shared lib '%s' already opened by CL %p; can't open in %p",
                pathName, pEntry->classLoader, classLoader);
            return false;
        if (verbose) {
            ALOGD("Shared lib '%s' already loaded in same CL %p",
                pathName, classLoader);
        if (!checkOnLoadResult(pEntry))
            return false;
        return true;

     * Open the shared library.  Because we're using a full path, the system
     * doesn't have to search through LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  (It may do so to
     * resolve this library's dependencies though.)
     * Failures here are expected when java.library.path has several entries
     * and we have to hunt for the lib.
     * The current version of the dynamic linker prints detailed information
     * about dlopen() failures.  Some things to check if the message is
     * cryptic:
     *   - make sure the library exists on the device
     *   - verify that the right path is being opened (the debug log message
     *     above can help with that)
     *   - check to see if the library is valid (e.g. not zero bytes long)
     *   - check config/ to ensure that the library
     *     is listed and is not being overrun by the previous entry (if
     *     loading suddenly stops working on a prelinked library, this is
     *     a good one to check)
     *   - write a trivial app that calls sleep() then dlopen(), attach
     *     to it with "strace -p <pid>" while it sleeps, and watch for
     *     attempts to open nonexistent dependent shared libs
     * This can execute slowly for a large library on a busy system, so we
     * want to switch from RUNNING to VMWAIT while it executes.  This allows
     * the GC to ignore us.
    Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
    ThreadStatus oldStatus = dvmChangeStatus(self, THREAD_VMWAIT);
    handle = dlopen(pathName, RTLD_LAZY);
    dvmChangeStatus(self, oldStatus);

    if (handle == NULL) {
        *detail = strdup(dlerror());
        ALOGE("dlopen(\"%s\") failed: %s", pathName, *detail);
        return false;

    /* create a new entry */
    SharedLib* pNewEntry;
    pNewEntry = (SharedLib*) calloc(1, sizeof(SharedLib));
    pNewEntry->pathName = strdup(pathName);
    pNewEntry->handle = handle;
    pNewEntry->classLoader = classLoader;
    pthread_cond_init(&pNewEntry->onLoadCond, NULL);
    pNewEntry->onLoadThreadId = self->threadId;

    /* try to add it to the list */
    SharedLib* pActualEntry = addSharedLibEntry(pNewEntry);

    if (pNewEntry != pActualEntry) {
        ALOGI("WOW: we lost a race to add a shared lib (%s CL=%p)",
            pathName, classLoader);
        return checkOnLoadResult(pActualEntry);
    } else {
        if (verbose)
            ALOGD("Added shared lib %s %p", pathName, classLoader);

        bool result = true;
        void* vonLoad;
        int version;

        vonLoad = dlsym(handle, "JNI_OnLoad");
        if (vonLoad == NULL) {
            ALOGD("No JNI_OnLoad found in %s %p, skipping init",
                pathName, classLoader);
        } else {
             * Call JNI_OnLoad.  We have to override the current class
             * loader, which will always be "null" since the stuff at the
             * top of the stack is around Runtime.loadLibrary().  (See
             * the comments in the JNI FindClass function.)
            OnLoadFunc func = (OnLoadFunc)vonLoad;
            Object* prevOverride = self->classLoaderOverride;

            self->classLoaderOverride = classLoader;
            oldStatus = dvmChangeStatus(self, THREAD_NATIVE);
            if (gDvm.verboseJni) {
                ALOGI("[Calling JNI_OnLoad for \"%s\"]", pathName);
            version = (*func)(gDvmJni.jniVm, NULL);
            dvmChangeStatus(self, oldStatus);
            self->classLoaderOverride = prevOverride;

            if (version != JNI_VERSION_1_2 && version != JNI_VERSION_1_4 &&
                version != JNI_VERSION_1_6)
                ALOGW("JNI_OnLoad returned bad version (%d) in %s %p",
                    version, pathName, classLoader);
                 * It's unwise to call dlclose() here, but we can mark it
                 * as bad and ensure that future load attempts will fail.
                 * We don't know how far JNI_OnLoad got, so there could
                 * be some partially-initialized stuff accessible through
                 * newly-registered native method calls.  We could try to
                 * unregister them, but that doesn't seem worthwhile.
                result = false;
            } else {
                if (gDvm.verboseJni) {
                    ALOGI("[Returned from JNI_OnLoad for \"%s\"]", pathName);

        if (result)
            pNewEntry->onLoadResult = kOnLoadOkay;
            pNewEntry->onLoadResult = kOnLoadFailed;

        pNewEntry->onLoadThreadId = 0;

         * Broadcast a wakeup to anybody sleeping on the condition variable.
        return result;



// This is called by the VM when the shared library is first loaded.
// Most of the initialization is done in LibraryLoadedOnMainThread(), not here.
JNI_EXPORT jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) {
  if (!weblayer::MaybeRegisterNatives())
    return -1;
  return JNI_VERSION_1_4;



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