python 格式化的三種方法





# coding: utf-8
name = '李明'
age = 26
city = 'SuZhou'
dict = {'name': '劉翔', 'age': 31, 'city': 'ShangHai'}

# %_formatting
print('the name is %s' % name)
print('the name is %s, his age is %s, he come from %s' % (name, age, city))
print('the name is %s, his age is %s, he come from %s' % (dict['name'], dict['age'], dict['city']))

# str.format()
print('the name is {}'.format(name))
print('the name is {}, his age is {}, he come from {}'.format(name, age, dict['age']))
print('the name is {0}, his age is {1}, he come from {2}'.format(name, age, city))
print('the name is {0}, his age is {1}, he come from {2}'.format(dict['name'], dict['age'], dict['city']))
print('the name is {name}, his age is {age}, he come from {city}'.format(name=dict['name'], age=dict['age'], city=dict['city']))
print('the name is {name}, his age is {age}, he come from {city}'.format(**dict))

# F-Strings
print(f'the name is {name}, his age is {age}, he come from {city}')
print(f'the name is {name}, his age is {dict["age"]}, he come from {city}')
print(f'the name is {name}, his age is {age+2}, he come from {city}')
print(f'the name is {name}, his age is {(lambda x: x**2) (4)}, he come from {city}')


the name is 李明
the name is 李明, his age is 26, he come from SuZhou
the name is 劉翔, his age is 31, he come from ShangHai
the name is 李明
the name is 李明, his age is 26, he come from 31
the name is 李明, his age is 26, he come from SuZhou
the name is 劉翔, his age is 31, he come from ShangHai
the name is 劉翔, his age is 31, he come from ShangHai
the name is 劉翔, his age is 31, he come from ShangHai
the name is 李明, his age is 26, he come from SuZhou
the name is 李明, his age is 31, he come from SuZhou
the name is 李明, his age is 28, he come from SuZhou
the name is 李明, his age is 16, he come from SuZhou
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