Quartz手册 - Lesson 1: Using Quartz

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Lesson 1: Using Quartz

Before you can use the scheduler, it needs to be instantiated (who’d have guessed?). To do this, you use a SchedulerFactory. Some users of Quartz may keep an instance of a factory in a JNDI store, others may find it just as easy (or easier) to instantiate and use a factory instance directly (such as in the example below).

scheduler实例化之后才能被使用。你可以使用ScheduleFactory来实例化。你可以在JDNI store中维护一个Quartz的实例,也可以使用一种更为简便的方式,也就是直接使用工厂来创建实例(例子如下):

Once a scheduler is instantiated, it can be started, placed in stand-by mode, and shutdown. Note that once a scheduler is shutdown, it cannot be restarted without being re-instantiated. Triggers do not fire (jobs do not execute) until the scheduler has been started, nor while it is in the paused state.


Here’s a quick snippet of code, that instantiates and starts a scheduler, and schedules a job for execution:


SchedulerFactory schedFact = new org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory();

Scheduler sched = schedFact.getScheduler();


// define the job and tie it to our HelloJob class
JobDetail job = newJob(HelloJob.class)
    .withIdentity("myJob", "group1")

// Trigger the job to run now, and then every 40 seconds
Trigger trigger = newTrigger()
    .withIdentity("myTrigger", "group1")

// Tell quartz to schedule the job using our trigger
sched.scheduleJob(job, trigger);

As you can see, working with quartz is rather simple. In Lesson 2 we’ll give a quick overview of Jobs and Triggers, and Quartz’s API so that you can more fully understand this example.

就和你看到的一样,运行quartz非常简单。在Lesson 2中我们会快速浏览Jobs、Triggers和Quartz的API来帮助更好的理解这个例子。

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