(個人筆記)Coursera 英語學術寫作


文章內容是 Academic English: Writing Specialization 課程筆記。


一共有下圖中3種類型的句子:1)Simple 類型的句子只有一個主語和一個動詞,叫做 independent clause,這種類型的句子存在 series with 3 or more items 時,應該用逗號,比如:She bought apples, pears, and grapes 2)Compound 類型用連接詞把2個 independent clause 連接起來,注意連接詞前的逗號。3)Complex 類型由 independent clause and one or more dependent clauses 組成。


關於 Compound 類型的句子,又分爲2種情況:1)用 conjunctions(比如:and, but, or, nor, yet, so)連接2個句子。這種情況下,連接詞前面應該放上逗號。例句:The waiter brought us some water, and we looked at the menus. 2)用 transition words(比如:therefore, however, in addition, thus, furthermore, similarly, otherwise, then, nonetheless, also) 連接2個句子。這種情況下,連接詞左面加分號,右面加逗號。例句:I was late to work; therefore, my boss is not happy. 這篇文章中 有更多這樣的 transition words.

Adverb Clause

上面的小節中提到過,Complex 類型的句子應該有一個 independent clause 和至少一個 dependent clause. 下面2個句子是例句:

  • While Sam washed his face, we listened to music.
  • We listened to music while Sam washed his face.

從上面的例句中可以看出:1)adverb clause connectors + 主語 + 動詞 構成了dependent clause. 2) 當 dependent clause 開頭時,需要加上逗號。

一些常見的 adverb clause connectors:after, although, while, when, before, since, if, because, even if, whether or not, in case, unless, so that, even though

More Uses of Commas

當使用 introductory phrases, Interrupting phrases, and clauses 時,也應該加上逗號,下面我分別用這三種短語舉個例子:

  • introductory phrases: Due to the bad weather, our game was canceled.
  • Interrupting phrases: The mayor, by the way, will be at the meeting.
  • adjective clauses: My roommate, who hates seafood, doesn’t want me to cook shrimp.

Parallel Structure

下面是一些比常見的,需要 Parallel Structure 的 connectors:

  • __ and __
  • __ but __
  • both __ and __
  • not only __ but also __


1、錯誤例句:I want to find a gym that is not only close to my apartment but also I want to find a cheap one. 第一個黑體是 adjective phrase,第二個黑體是 independent clause,因此它們的結構不一致。

改正過後:I want to find a gym that is not only close to my apartment but also affordable.

2、錯誤例句:He is afraid of being alone but not to die. 第一個黑體是 gerund,第二個黑體是 infinitive,因此它們的結構不一致。

改正過後:He is afraid of being alone but not dying.

Parallel StructureUsage - Parallel Structure 中有更多的例子供你練習。

Sentence Variety


1、用不同的 Sentence Types

2、句子開頭的方式:Adverbs, prepositional phrases, and transitions. Vary sentence openings

Vary sentence openings



如何寫 Essay

Introduction Paragraphs

一篇 essay 的 Introduction Paragraphs 通常是3 ~ 5 句話,通常用 funnels 技巧來完成它,技巧如下:

  • 第1部分:General statements / Hooks
  • 第2部分:More specific statements
  • 第3部分:Thesis statement

寫 Hooks 的手法通常用:surprising statement, anecdote, statistic, question, and quotation. Thesis statement 應該由 topic + controlling idea 組成。

Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs 必須要支撐 introduction paragraphs 中的 thesis statement,它應該包括1個 topic sentence,2 ~ 4 個 supporting ideas, 1 ~ 3 個 details or examples. 它們之間層層遞進,即 body paragraphs 中的 topic sentence 應該支撐 thesis statement,supporting ideas 應該支撐 topic sentence,而 details or examples 是更加具體的 supporting ideas. 最後,每個 body paragraphs 應該包含一個 conclusion sentence.

Conclusion Paragraphs

Conclusion paragraphs 應該保持簡短,不要引入新的 ideas. 有4種方式可以寫 conclusion paragraphs:

  1. Restate your thesis and summarize major points. 也就是用不同的句子結構總結一下 introduction paragraph 中的 thesis statement 和 body paragraphs 中的每個 topic sentence
  2. Predict an outcome.
  3. Make a suggestion.
  4. Call for action. 呼籲人們應該去做什麼。


在這個範文中,老師已經用各種顏色的字體標明瞭文章的結構,每種顏色的含義在文章末尾。進一步地,老師已經在 first body paragraph 加入了一些 transitions,使文章過渡地更加平滑,其餘的 body paragraphs 並沒有加上 transitions,供我們練習。下圖是文章的部分截圖,全部文章去範文下載。


Compare/contrast Essays

Compare essay 就是比較2件事情的相同點,而 contrast essay 就是比較2件事情的不同點,你的 essay 只能寫這2種類型中的一種,不能混合這2種類型。Compare/contrast Essays 的 thesis statement 應該做到以下2點:

  • mention the two things that you’re going to be comparing or contrasting
  • indicate whether you will compare or contrast


Compare/contrast Essays


Cause/Effect Essays

Cause means what makes something happen; Effect means what happens as a result. When you write this kind of essay, you’re only going to write about the causes, or only about the effects. You’re not going to write about both in one essay.

The picture below is an outline of a cause essay:

cause essay

The picture below is an outline of a effect essay:

effect essay


Argument Essays

每個 argument 都有不同的方面,選擇一個你認爲對的方面並且給出原因,說服別人。你的論點應該是 debatable 的,否則沒有任何意義。To write an argument essay, you’ll need to gather evidence and present a well-reasoned argument on a debatable issue.



Comparison and Contrast Transition Words

還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.