Unskilled in English is looked down on by people(四)

dull 鈍
mess 米西 混亂
hideous hide-out 長得醜出來嚇人
the dullness of mess is very hideous

ridiculous 弱的可樂死
diligent 地裏站着 勤奮
diligence n勤奮
pregnant 補來個男的
She looks like a ridiculous diligent,but it's actually She's pregnant.

ponderous 胖的要死
rumor 辱沒 n謠言
tie 帶,v系,綁
tight 緊的
tape 帶子
Rumors will bring him a ponderous psychological burden,like tape tie tight

punish 判你死
punishment n懲罰

wander 彎 徘徊
wonder wond-want 想知道 驚奇 
when a man is wandering,he says he wonder.

rude 魯的lude 
crude 粗魯,粗糙,未加工
rough 粗略的

wind 【waind】 vt彎的,纏繞

hunter 神探亨特 獵人,搜索者

warm 溫暖--worm 蠕蟲--virus 病毒
Worm virus is live in a warm environment.

inch 英尺 英尺
foot 英尺

alter other 改變
alternate v交替
alternative a可替代的,n可供選擇的事物

glacier 哥冷死呀 冰川

appoint 指指點點 ap point ap加強語氣,引申含義
date 約定(男女)
disappoint vt使失望

punctual a守時的【point--punct】
punctuality n嚴守時間

aim 目的,目標,瞄準,致力於

dig 指頭,挖
ditch v挖溝
digit n手指,數字
digital a手指的【DV】
decade 十年 指頭有十個
ten dig can digit in the decade.

indicate in-dicate v指着 
indication n指示
indicator n指標
index 指標

How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
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