





	 * Create a proxy with the configured interceptors if the bean is
	 * identified as one to proxy by the subclass.
	 * 判断是否采用代理对象替换原对象
	 * @see #getAdvicesAndAdvisorsForBean
	public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
		if (bean != null) {
			Object cacheKey = getCacheKey(bean.getClass(), beanName);
			if (!this.earlyProxyReferences.contains(cacheKey)) {
				return wrapIfNecessary(bean, beanName, cacheKey);
		return bean;


	 * Wrap the given bean if necessary, i.e. if it is eligible for being proxied.
	 * @param bean the raw bean instance
	 * @param beanName the name of the bean
	 * @param cacheKey the cache key for metadata access
	 * @return a proxy wrapping the bean, or the raw bean instance as-is
	protected Object wrapIfNecessary(Object bean, String beanName, Object cacheKey) {
		if (beanName != null && this.targetSourcedBeans.contains(beanName)) {
			return bean;
		if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(this.advisedBeans.get(cacheKey))) {
			return bean;
		if (isInfrastructureClass(bean.getClass()) || shouldSkip(bean.getClass(), beanName)) {
			this.advisedBeans.put(cacheKey, Boolean.FALSE);
			return bean;

		// Create proxy if we have advice.
		// 首先获取容器中存在的advice切面,然后判断该类满足哪些切面的要求
		Object[] specificInterceptors = getAdvicesAndAdvisorsForBean(bean.getClass(), beanName, null);
		if (specificInterceptors != DO_NOT_PROXY) {
			this.advisedBeans.put(cacheKey, Boolean.TRUE);
			// 创建代理对象
			Object proxy = createProxy(
					bean.getClass(), beanName, specificInterceptors, new SingletonTargetSource(bean));
			this.proxyTypes.put(cacheKey, proxy.getClass());
			return proxy;
		this.advisedBeans.put(cacheKey, Boolean.FALSE);
		return bean;
	 * Find all eligible Advisors for auto-proxying this class.
	 * @param beanClass the clazz to find advisors for
	 * @param beanName the name of the currently proxied bean
	 * @return the empty List, not {@code null},
	 * if there are no pointcuts or interceptors
	 * @see #findCandidateAdvisors
	 * @see #sortAdvisors
	 * @see #extendAdvisors
	protected List<Advisor> findEligibleAdvisors(Class<?> beanClass, String beanName) {
		List<Advisor> candidateAdvisors = findCandidateAdvisors();
		List<Advisor> eligibleAdvisors = findAdvisorsThatCanApply(candidateAdvisors, beanClass, beanName);
		if (!eligibleAdvisors.isEmpty()) {
			eligibleAdvisors = sortAdvisors(eligibleAdvisors);
		return eligibleAdvisors;

	protected List<Advisor> findCandidateAdvisors() {
		// Add all the Spring advisors found according to superclass rules.
		List<Advisor> advisors = super.findCandidateAdvisors();
		// Build Advisors for all AspectJ aspects in the bean factory.
		return advisors;
调用工具类BeanFactoryAdvisorRetrievalHelper如下方法获取标准的spring Advisors。

	 * Find all eligible Advisor beans in the current bean factory,
	 * ignoring FactoryBeans and excluding beans that are currently in creation.
	 * @return the list of {@link org.springframework.aop.Advisor} beans
	 * @see #isEligibleBean
	public List<Advisor> findAdvisorBeans() {
		// Determine list of advisor bean names, if not cached already.
		String[] advisorNames = null;
		synchronized (this) {
			advisorNames = this.cachedAdvisorBeanNames;
			if (advisorNames == null) {
				advisorNames = BeanFactoryUtils.beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors(
						this.beanFactory, Advisor.class, true, false);
				this.cachedAdvisorBeanNames = advisorNames;
		if (advisorNames.length == 0) {
			return new LinkedList<Advisor>();
		List<Advisor> advisors = new LinkedList<Advisor>();
		for (String name : advisorNames) {
			if (isEligibleBean(name)) {
				if (this.beanFactory.isCurrentlyInCreation(name)) {
				else {
					try {
						advisors.add(this.beanFactory.getBean(name, Advisor.class));
					catch (BeanCreationException ex) {
		return advisors;

	 * Look for AspectJ-annotated aspect beans in the current bean factory,
	 * and return to a list of Spring AOP Advisors representing them.
	 * <p>Creates a Spring Advisor for each AspectJ advice method.
	 * @return the list of {@link org.springframework.aop.Advisor} beans
	 * @see #isEligibleBean
	public List<Advisor> buildAspectJAdvisors() {
		List<String> aspectNames = null;

		synchronized (this) {
			aspectNames = this.aspectBeanNames;
			if (aspectNames == null) {
				List<Advisor> advisors = new LinkedList<Advisor>();
				aspectNames = new LinkedList<String>();
				String[] beanNames =
						BeanFactoryUtils.beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors(this.beanFactory, Object.class, true, false);
				for (String beanName : beanNames) {
					if (!isEligibleBean(beanName)) {
					Class<?> beanType = this.beanFactory.getType(beanName);
					if (beanType == null) {
					// 判断bean是否为Aspect切面
					if (this.advisorFactory.isAspect(beanType)) {
						AspectMetadata amd = new AspectMetadata(beanType, beanName);
						if (amd.getAjType().getPerClause().getKind() == PerClauseKind.SINGLETON) {
							MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory factory =
									new BeanFactoryAspectInstanceFactory(this.beanFactory, beanName);
							List<Advisor> classAdvisors = this.advisorFactory.getAdvisors(factory);
							if (this.beanFactory.isSingleton(beanName)) {
								this.advisorsCache.put(beanName, classAdvisors);
							else {
								this.aspectFactoryCache.put(beanName, factory);
						else {
							// Per target or per this.
							MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory factory =
									new PrototypeAspectInstanceFactory(this.beanFactory, beanName);
							this.aspectFactoryCache.put(beanName, factory);
				this.aspectBeanNames = aspectNames;
				return advisors;

		if (aspectNames.isEmpty()) {
			return Collections.emptyList();
		List<Advisor> advisors = new LinkedList<Advisor>();
		for (String aspectName : aspectNames) {
			List<Advisor> cachedAdvisors = this.advisorsCache.get(aspectName);
			if (cachedAdvisors != null) {
			else {
				MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory factory = this.aspectFactoryCache.get(aspectName);
		return advisors;
	public boolean isAspect(Class<?> clazz) {
		return (hasAspectAnnotation(clazz) && !compiledByAjc(clazz));

	private boolean hasAspectAnnotation(Class<?> clazz) {
		return (AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(clazz, Aspect.class) != null);

	public List<Advisor> getAdvisors(MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory aspectInstanceFactory) {
		Class<?> aspectClass = aspectInstanceFactory.getAspectMetadata().getAspectClass();
		String aspectName = aspectInstanceFactory.getAspectMetadata().getAspectName();

		// We need to wrap the MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory with a decorator
		// so that it will only instantiate once.
		MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory lazySingletonAspectInstanceFactory =
				new LazySingletonAspectInstanceFactoryDecorator(aspectInstanceFactory);

		List<Advisor> advisors = new LinkedList<Advisor>();
		for (Method method : getAdvisorMethods(aspectClass)) {
			Advisor advisor = getAdvisor(method, lazySingletonAspectInstanceFactory, advisors.size(), aspectName);
			if (advisor != null) {

		// If it's a per target aspect, emit the dummy instantiating aspect.
		if (!advisors.isEmpty() && lazySingletonAspectInstanceFactory.getAspectMetadata().isLazilyInstantiated()) {
			Advisor instantiationAdvisor = new SyntheticInstantiationAdvisor(lazySingletonAspectInstanceFactory);
			advisors.add(0, instantiationAdvisor);

		// Find introduction fields.
		for (Field field : aspectClass.getDeclaredFields()) {
			Advisor advisor = getDeclareParentsAdvisor(field);
			if (advisor != null) {

		return advisors;

	public Advisor getAdvisor(Method candidateAdviceMethod, MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory aspectInstanceFactory,
			int declarationOrderInAspect, String aspectName) {


		AspectJExpressionPointcut expressionPointcut = getPointcut(
				candidateAdviceMethod, aspectInstanceFactory.getAspectMetadata().getAspectClass());
		if (expressionPointcut == null) {
			return null;

		return new InstantiationModelAwarePointcutAdvisorImpl(expressionPointcut, candidateAdviceMethod,
				this, aspectInstanceFactory, declarationOrderInAspect, aspectName);
	private AspectJExpressionPointcut getPointcut(Method candidateAdviceMethod, Class<?> candidateAspectClass) {
		AspectJAnnotation<?> aspectJAnnotation =
		if (aspectJAnnotation == null) {
			return null;

		AspectJExpressionPointcut ajexp =
				new AspectJExpressionPointcut(candidateAspectClass, new String[0], new Class<?>[0]);
		return ajexp;
	 * Find and return the first AspectJ annotation on the given method
	 * (there <i>should</i> only be one anyway...)
	protected static AspectJAnnotation<?> findAspectJAnnotationOnMethod(Method method) {
		Class<?>[] classesToLookFor = new Class<?>[] {
				Before.class, Around.class, After.class, AfterReturning.class, AfterThrowing.class, Pointcut.class};
		for (Class<?> c : classesToLookFor) {
			AspectJAnnotation<?> foundAnnotation = findAnnotation(method, (Class<Annotation>) c);
			if (foundAnnotation != null) {
				return foundAnnotation;
		return null;

	 * Search the given candidate Advisors to find all Advisors that
	 * can apply to the specified bean.
	 * @param candidateAdvisors the candidate Advisors
	 * @param beanClass the target's bean class
	 * @param beanName the target's bean name
	 * @return the List of applicable Advisors
	 * @see ProxyCreationContext#getCurrentProxiedBeanName()
	protected List<Advisor> findAdvisorsThatCanApply(
			List<Advisor> candidateAdvisors, Class<?> beanClass, String beanName) {

		try {
			return AopUtils.findAdvisorsThatCanApply(candidateAdvisors, beanClass);
		finally {
	 * Determine the sublist of the {@code candidateAdvisors} list
	 * that is applicable to the given class.
	 * @param candidateAdvisors the Advisors to evaluate
	 * @param clazz the target class
	 * @return sublist of Advisors that can apply to an object of the given class
	 * (may be the incoming List as-is)
	public static List<Advisor> findAdvisorsThatCanApply(List<Advisor> candidateAdvisors, Class<?> clazz) {
		if (candidateAdvisors.isEmpty()) {
			return candidateAdvisors;
		List<Advisor> eligibleAdvisors = new LinkedList<Advisor>();
		for (Advisor candidate : candidateAdvisors) {
			if (candidate instanceof IntroductionAdvisor && canApply(candidate, clazz)) {
		boolean hasIntroductions = !eligibleAdvisors.isEmpty();
		for (Advisor candidate : candidateAdvisors) {
			if (candidate instanceof IntroductionAdvisor) {
				// already processed
			if (canApply(candidate, clazz, hasIntroductions)) {
		return eligibleAdvisors;
	 * Can the given advisor apply at all on the given class?
	 * <p>This is an important test as it can be used to optimize out a advisor for a class.
	 * This version also takes into account introductions (for IntroductionAwareMethodMatchers).
	 * @param advisor the advisor to check
	 * @param targetClass class we're testing
	 * @param hasIntroductions whether or not the advisor chain for this bean includes
	 * any introductions
	 * @return whether the pointcut can apply on any method
	public static boolean canApply(Advisor advisor, Class<?> targetClass, boolean hasIntroductions) {
		if (advisor instanceof IntroductionAdvisor) {
			return ((IntroductionAdvisor) advisor).getClassFilter().matches(targetClass);
		else if (advisor instanceof PointcutAdvisor) {
			PointcutAdvisor pca = (PointcutAdvisor) advisor;
			return canApply(pca.getPointcut(), targetClass, hasIntroductions);
		else {
			// It doesn't have a pointcut so we assume it applies.
			return true;
	 * Can the given pointcut apply at all on the given class?
	 * <p>This is an important test as it can be used to optimize
	 * out a pointcut for a class.
	 * @param pc the static or dynamic pointcut to check
	 * @param targetClass the class to test
	 * @param hasIntroductions whether or not the advisor chain
	 * for this bean includes any introductions
	 * @return whether the pointcut can apply on any method
	public static boolean canApply(Pointcut pc, Class<?> targetClass, boolean hasIntroductions) {
		Assert.notNull(pc, "Pointcut must not be null");
		if (!pc.getClassFilter().matches(targetClass)) {
			return false;

		MethodMatcher methodMatcher = pc.getMethodMatcher();
		IntroductionAwareMethodMatcher introductionAwareMethodMatcher = null;
		if (methodMatcher instanceof IntroductionAwareMethodMatcher) {
			introductionAwareMethodMatcher = (IntroductionAwareMethodMatcher) methodMatcher;

		Set<Class<?>> classes = new LinkedHashSet<Class<?>>(ClassUtils.getAllInterfacesForClassAsSet(targetClass));
		for (Class<?> clazz : classes) {
			Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods();
			for (Method method : methods) {
				if ((introductionAwareMethodMatcher != null &&
						introductionAwareMethodMatcher.matches(method, targetClass, hasIntroductions)) ||
						methodMatcher.matches(method, targetClass)) {
					return true;

		return false;


	 * Create an AOP proxy for the given bean.
	 * @param beanClass the class of the bean
	 * @param beanName the name of the bean
	 * @param specificInterceptors the set of interceptors that is
	 * specific to this bean (may be empty, but not null)
	 * @param targetSource the TargetSource for the proxy,
	 * already pre-configured to access the bean
	 * @return the AOP proxy for the bean
	 * @see #buildAdvisors
	protected Object createProxy(
			Class<?> beanClass, String beanName, Object[] specificInterceptors, TargetSource targetSource) {

		if (this.beanFactory instanceof ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) {
			AutoProxyUtils.exposeTargetClass((ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) this.beanFactory, beanName, beanClass);

		ProxyFactory proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory();

		if (!proxyFactory.isProxyTargetClass()) {
			if (shouldProxyTargetClass(beanClass, beanName)) {
			else {
				evaluateProxyInterfaces(beanClass, proxyFactory);
		Advisor[] advisors = buildAdvisors(beanName, specificInterceptors);
		for (Advisor advisor : advisors) {


		if (advisorsPreFiltered()) {
		return proxyFactory.getProxy(getProxyClassLoader());

	public AopProxy createAopProxy(AdvisedSupport config) throws AopConfigException {
		// Optimize为true,proxyTargetClass为true,bean没有实现任何接口的
		if (config.isOptimize() || config.isProxyTargetClass() || hasNoUserSuppliedProxyInterfaces(config)) {
			Class<?> targetClass = config.getTargetClass();
			if (targetClass == null) {
			// 目标对象为接口或者本事为代理对象
			if (targetClass.isInterface() || Proxy.isProxyClass(targetClass)) {
				return new JdkDynamicAopProxy(config);
			return new ObjenesisCglibAopProxy(config);
		else {
			return new JdkDynamicAopProxy(config);








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