golang微服务框架go-micro使用 (二) Ultimate Guide For Bootstrap


package main

import (
	log "github.com/micro/go-micro/v2/logger"
	hello "micro-hello/proto/hello"

func main() {
	// New Service
	service := micro.NewService(

	// Initialise service

	// Register Handler
	hello.RegisterMicroHandler(service.Server(), new(handler.Micro))

	// Register Struct as Subscriber
	micro.RegisterSubscriber("go.micro.service.micro", service.Server(), new(subscriber.Micro))

	// Run service
	if err := service.Run(); err != nil {




	hello "micro-hello/proto/hello"

我们给micro-hello/proto/hello 起了别名hello, 这也是micro的惯例:给所有接口包设置别名。


	// New Service
	service := micro.NewService(

我们使用func NewService(opts …Option) Service {}方法去创建爱你一个服务,这个方法可以接收多个micro.Option作为参数。共有29个参数来控制服务。

  • 1 micro.Name,指定服务名称。默认是go.micro.server。
// Name of the service
func Name(n string) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
  • 2 micro.Version指定服务版本,默认是启动时间的格式化字符串。使用正确的版本号,结合正确的选择器,我们可以实现优雅的轮换升级,灰度测试,A/B测试及其他操作
// Version of the service
func Version(v string) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
  • 3 micro.Address 指定grpc地址,默认是本地并且随机端口。因为使用Registry进行服务发现,所以随机端口并不影响。然而,实践中通常会固定一个端口,有利于管控与安全
func Address(addr string) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
  • 4 micro.RegisterTTL 指定服务注册超时时间,默认1分钟
// RegisterTTL specifies the TTL to use when registering the service
func RegisterTTL(t time.Duration) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
  • 5 micro.RegisterInterval 指定服务向registry报告状态的时间间隔。避免服务停机时注册信息出现错误
// RegisterInterval specifies the interval on which to re-register
func RegisterInterval(t time.Duration) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
  • 6 WrapHandler 从概念上讲与中间件类似,集中控制方法的行为。可以有多层,执行顺序从外向内
// WrapHandler adds a handler Wrapper to a list of options passed into the server
func WrapHandler(w ...server.HandlerWrapper) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		var wrappers []server.Option

		for _, wrap := range w {
			wrappers = append(wrappers, server.WrapHandler(wrap))

		// Init once
// HandlerWrapper wraps the HandlerFunc and returns the equivalent
type HandlerWrapper func(HandlerFunc) HandlerFunc

// HandlerFunc represents a single method of a handler. It's used primarily
// for the wrappers. What's handed to the actual method is the concrete
// request and response types.
type HandlerFunc func(ctx context.Context, req Request, rsp interface{}) error
  • 7 micro.WrapSubscriber 与 WrapHandler 类似,除了它是用于异步消息传递
// WrapSubscriber adds a subscriber Wrapper to a list of options passed into the server
func WrapSubscriber(w ...server.SubscriberWrapper) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		var wrappers []server.Option

		for _, wrap := range w {
			wrappers = append(wrappers, server.WrapSubscriber(wrap))

		// Init once
// SubscriberWrapper wraps the SubscriberFunc and returns the equivalent
type SubscriberWrapper func(SubscriberFunc) SubscriberFunc

// SubscriberFunc represents a single method of a subscriber. It's used primarily
// for the wrappers. What's handed to the actual method is the concrete
// publication message.
type SubscriberFunc func(ctx context.Context, msg Message) error

// Message is an async message interface
type Message interface {
	// Topic of the message
	Topic() string
	// The decoded payload value
	Payload() interface{}
	// The content type of the payload
	ContentType() string
	// The raw headers of the message
	Header() map[string]string
	// The raw body of the message
	Body() []byte
	// Codec used to decode the message
	Codec() codec.Reader
  • 8 micro.WrapCall 包装来自客户端的每个方法调用
// WrapCall is a convenience method for wrapping a Client CallFunc
func WrapCall(w ...client.CallWrapper) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
// CallFunc represents the individual call func
type CallFunc func(ctx context.Context, node *registry.Node, req Request, rsp interface{}, opts CallOptions) error

// CallWrapper is a low level wrapper for the CallFunc
type CallWrapper func(CallFunc) CallFunc
  • 9 micro.WrapClient 包装服务链接,可以应用于多个层次,执行顺序由内到外
// WrapClient is a convenience method for wrapping a Client with
// some middleware component. A list of wrappers can be provided.
// Wrappers are applied in reverse order so the last is executed first.
func WrapClient(w ...client.Wrapper) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		// apply in reverse
		for i := len(w); i > 0; i-- {
			o.Client = w[i-1](o.Client)
// Wrapper wraps a client and returns a client
type Wrapper func(Client) Client

// Client is the interface used to make requests to services.
// It supports Request/Response via Transport and Publishing via the Broker.
// It also supports bidirectional streaming of requests.
type Client interface {
	Init(...Option) error
	Options() Options
	NewMessage(topic string, msg interface{}, opts ...MessageOption) Message
	NewRequest(service, endpoint string, req interface{}, reqOpts ...RequestOption) Request
	Call(ctx context.Context, req Request, rsp interface{}, opts ...CallOption) error
	Stream(ctx context.Context, req Request, opts ...CallOption) (Stream, error)
	Publish(ctx context.Context, msg Message, opts ...PublishOption) error
	String() string
  • 10 micro.BeforeStart 在服务启动前设置多个回调函数
// BeforeStart run funcs before service starts
func BeforeStart(fn func() error) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.BeforeStart = append(o.BeforeStart, fn)
  • 11 micro.BeforeStop 在服务停止前设置多个回调函数
// BeforeStop run funcs before service stops
func BeforeStop(fn func() error) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.BeforeStop = append(o.BeforeStop, fn)
  • 12 micro.AfterStart 在服务启动后设置多个回调函数
// AfterStart run funcs after service starts
func AfterStart(fn func() error) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.AfterStart = append(o.AfterStart, fn)
  • 13 micro.AfterStop 在服务停止后设置多个回调函数
// AfterStop run funcs after service stops
func AfterStop(fn func() error) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.AfterStop = append(o.AfterStop, fn)
  • 14 micro.Action 处理命令行参数,支持子命令与标志。更多参考micro/cli
// Action can be used to parse user provided cli options
func Action(a func(*cli.Context) error) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Cmd.App().Action = a
// Context is a type that is passed through to
// each Handler action in a cli application. Context
// can be used to retrieve context-specific args and
// parsed command-line options.
type Context struct {
	App           *App
	Command       *Command
	shellComplete bool
	flagSet       *flag.FlagSet
	parentContext *Context
  • 15 micro.Flags 处理命令行标志。更多参考micro/cli
// Flags that can be passed to service
func Flags(flags ...cli.Flag) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Cmd.App().Flags = append(o.Cmd.App().Flags, flags...)
  • 16 micro.Cmd 指定命令行处理对象
func Cmd(c cmd.Cmd) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Cmd = c
type Cmd interface {
	// The cli app within this cmd
	App() *cli.App
	// Adds options, parses flags and initialise
	// exits on error
	Init(opts ...Option) error
	// Options set within this command
	Options() Options
  • 17 micro.Metadata 指定服务元信息,元信息通常用来给服务打标签或分组,实现客户端负载均衡策略等
// Metadata associated with the service
func Metadata(md map[string]string) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
  • 18 micro.Transport 指定传输协议,默认HTTP
// Transport sets the transport for the service
// and the underlying components
func Transport(t transport.Transport) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Transport = t
		// Update Client and Server
// Transport is an interface which is used for communication between
// services. It uses connection based socket send/recv semantics and
// has various implementations; http, grpc, quic.
type Transport interface {
	Init(...Option) error
	Options() Options
	Dial(addr string, opts ...DialOption) (Client, error)
	Listen(addr string, opts ...ListenOption) (Listener, error)
	String() string
  • 19 micro.Selector 指定节点选择来实现不同的负载均衡,默认随机选择
// Selector sets the selector for the service client
func Selector(s selector.Selector) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
// Selector builds on the registry as a mechanism to pick nodes
// and mark their status. This allows host pools and other things
// to be built using various algorithms.
type Selector interface {
	Init(opts ...Option) error
	Options() Options
	// Select returns a function which should return the next node
	Select(service string, opts ...SelectOption) (Next, error)
	// Mark sets the success/error against a node
	Mark(service string, node *registry.Node, err error)
	// Reset returns state back to zero for a service
	Reset(service string)
	// Close renders the selector unusable
	Close() error
	// Name of the selector
	String() string
  • 20 micro.Registry指定服务发现,默认使用mdns
// Registry sets the registry for the service
// and the underlying components
func Registry(r registry.Registry) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Registry = r
		// Update Client and Server
		// Update Broker
// The registry provides an interface for service discovery
// and an abstraction over varying implementations
// {consul, etcd, zookeeper, ...}
type Registry interface {
	Init(...Option) error
	Options() Options
	Register(*Service, ...RegisterOption) error
	Deregister(*Service, ...DeregisterOption) error
	GetService(string, ...GetOption) ([]*Service, error)
	ListServices(...ListOption) ([]*Service, error)
	Watch(...WatchOption) (Watcher, error)
	String() string
  • 21 micro.Server 指定使用的服务,默认rpcServer
// Server to be used for service
func Server(s server.Server) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Server = s
// Server is a simple micro server abstraction
type Server interface {
	// Initialise options
	Init(...Option) error
	// Retrieve the options
	Options() Options
	// Register a handler
	Handle(Handler) error
	// Create a new handler
	NewHandler(interface{}, ...HandlerOption) Handler
	// Create a new subscriber
	NewSubscriber(string, interface{}, ...SubscriberOption) Subscriber
	// Register a subscriber
	Subscribe(Subscriber) error
	// Start the server
	Start() error
	// Stop the server
	Stop() error
	// Server implementation
	String() string
  • 22 micro.HandleSignal 指定是否默认捕获TERM, INT, QUIT信号。 默认true
// HandleSignal toggles automatic installation of the signal handler that
// traps TERM, INT, and QUIT.  Users of this feature to disable the signal
// handler, should control liveness of the service through the context.
func HandleSignal(b bool) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Signal = b
  • 23 micro.Context 指定服务使用的上下文信息。默认context.BackGround()。可以用来控制服务的声明周期
// Context specifies a context for the service.
// Can be used to signal shutdown of the service and for extra option values.
func Context(ctx context.Context) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Context = ctx
  • 24 micro.Client 指定服务链接。默认rpcClient
// Client to be used for service
func Client(c client.Client) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Client = c
// Client is the interface used to make requests to services.
// It supports Request/Response via Transport and Publishing via the Broker.
// It also supports bidirectional streaming of requests.
type Client interface {
	Init(...Option) error
	Options() Options
	NewMessage(topic string, msg interface{}, opts ...MessageOption) Message
	NewRequest(service, endpoint string, req interface{}, reqOpts ...RequestOption) Request
	Call(ctx context.Context, req Request, rsp interface{}, opts ...CallOption) error
	Stream(ctx context.Context, req Request, opts ...CallOption) (Stream, error)
	Publish(ctx context.Context, msg Message, opts ...PublishOption) error
	String() string
  • 25 micro.Broker 指定消息代理。默认HTTP broker
// Broker to be used for service
func Broker(b broker.Broker) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Broker = b
		// Update Client and Server
// Broker is an interface used for asynchronous messaging.
type Broker interface {
	Init(...Option) error
	Options() Options
	Address() string
	Connect() error
	Disconnect() error
	Publish(topic string, m *Message, opts ...PublishOption) error
	Subscribe(topic string, h Handler, opts ...SubscribeOption) (Subscriber, error)
	String() string
  • 26 micro.Profile 用于调试的配置文件
// Profile to be used for debug profile
func Profile(p profile.Profile) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Profile = p
type Profile interface {
	// Start the profiler
	Start() error
	// Stop the profiler
	Stop() error
	// Name of the profiler
	String() string
  • 27 micro.Tracer 指定服务的链路追踪程序
// Tracer sets the tracer for the service
func Tracer(t trace.Tracer) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
// Tracer is an interface for distributed tracing
type Tracer interface {
	// Start a trace
	Start(ctx context.Context, name string) (context.Context, *Span)
	// Finish the trace
	Finish(*Span) error
	// Read the traces
	Read(...ReadOption) ([]*Span, error)
  • 28 micro.Auth 设置服务用户
// Auth sets the auth for the service
func Auth(a auth.Auth) Option {
   return func(o *Options) {
   	o.Auth = a
// Auth providers authentication and authorization
type Auth interface {
   // Init the auth
   Init(opts ...Option)
   // Options set for auth
   Options() Options
   // Generate a new account
   Generate(id string, opts ...GenerateOption) (*Account, error)
   // Grant access to a resource
   Grant(role string, res *Resource) error
   // Revoke access to a resource
   Revoke(role string, res *Resource) error
   // Verify an account has access to a resource
   Verify(acc *Account, res *Resource) error
   // Inspect a token
   Inspect(token string) (*Account, error)
   // Token generated using refresh token
   Token(opts ...TokenOption) (*Token, error)
   // String returns the name of the implementation
   String() string
  • 29 micro.Config 服务配置信息
// Config sets the config for the service
func Config(c config.Config) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Config = c
// Config is an interface abstraction for dynamic configuration
type Config interface {
	// provide the reader.Values interface
	// Init the config
	Init(opts ...Option) error
	// Options in the config
	Options() Options
	// Stop the config loader/watcher
	Close() error
	// Load config sources
	Load(source ...source.Source) error
	// Force a source changeset sync
	Sync() error
	// Watch a value for changes
	Watch(path ...string) (Watcher, error)

Micro 推荐用户通过环境变量指定设置,这种方法更加灵活。运行 ./micro_hello -h 查看所有可以指定的参数

luslin@local:~/go/workspace/tools/micro-hello$ ./micro_hello -h
   com.foo.service.micro - a go-micro service

   micro_hello [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --client value                       Client for go-micro; rpc [$MICRO_CLIENT]
   --client_request_timeout value       Sets the client request timeout. e.g 500ms, 5s, 1m. Default: 5s [$MICRO_CLIENT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT]
   --client_retries value               Sets the client retries. Default: 1 (default: 1) [$MICRO_CLIENT_RETRIES]
   --client_pool_size value             Sets the client connection pool size. Default: 1 (default: 0) [$MICRO_CLIENT_POOL_SIZE]
   --client_pool_ttl value              Sets the client connection pool ttl. e.g 500ms, 5s, 1m. Default: 1m [$MICRO_CLIENT_POOL_TTL]
   --register_ttl value                 Register TTL in seconds (default: 60) [$MICRO_REGISTER_TTL]
   --register_interval value            Register interval in seconds (default: 30) [$MICRO_REGISTER_INTERVAL]
   --server value                       Server for go-micro; rpc [$MICRO_SERVER]
   --server_name value                  Name of the server. go.micro.srv.example [$MICRO_SERVER_NAME]
   --server_version value               Version of the server. 1.1.0 [$MICRO_SERVER_VERSION]
   --server_id value                    Id of the server. Auto-generated if not specified [$MICRO_SERVER_ID]
   --server_address value               Bind address for the server. [$MICRO_SERVER_ADDRESS]
   --server_advertise value             Used instead of the server_address when registering with discovery. [$MICRO_SERVER_ADVERTISE]
   --server_metadata value              A list of key-value pairs defining metadata. version=1.0.0 [$MICRO_SERVER_METADATA]
   --broker value                       Broker for pub/sub. http, nats, rabbitmq [$MICRO_BROKER]
   --broker_address value               Comma-separated list of broker addresses [$MICRO_BROKER_ADDRESS]
   --profile value                      Debug profiler for cpu and memory stats [$MICRO_DEBUG_PROFILE]
   --registry value                     Registry for discovery. etcd, mdns [$MICRO_REGISTRY]
   --registry_address value             Comma-separated list of registry addresses [$MICRO_REGISTRY_ADDRESS]
   --runtime value                      Runtime for building and running services e.g local, kubernetes (default: "local") [$MICRO_RUNTIME]
   --runtime_source value               Runtime source for building and running services e.g github.com/micro/service (default: "github.com/micro/services") [$MICRO_RUNTIME_SOURCE]
   --selector value                     Selector used to pick nodes for querying [$MICRO_SELECTOR]
   --store value                        Store used for key-value storage [$MICRO_STORE]
   --store_address value                Comma-separated list of store addresses [$MICRO_STORE_ADDRESS]
   --store_database value               Database option for the underlying store [$MICRO_STORE_DATABASE]
   --store_table value                  Table option for the underlying store [$MICRO_STORE_TABLE]
   --transport value                    Transport mechanism used; http [$MICRO_TRANSPORT]
   --transport_address value            Comma-separated list of transport addresses [$MICRO_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS]
   --tracer value                       Tracer for distributed tracing, e.g. memory, jaeger [$MICRO_TRACER]
   --tracer_address value               Comma-separated list of tracer addresses [$MICRO_TRACER_ADDRESS]
   --auth value                         Auth for role based access control, e.g. service [$MICRO_AUTH]
   --auth_id value                      Account ID used for client authentication [$MICRO_AUTH_ID]
   --auth_secret value                  Account secret used for client authentication [$MICRO_AUTH_SECRET]
   --auth_namespace value               Namespace for the services auth account [$MICRO_AUTH_NAMESPACE]
   --auth_public_key value              Public key for JWT auth (base64 encoded PEM) [$MICRO_AUTH_PUBLIC_KEY]
   --auth_private_key value             Private key for JWT auth (base64 encoded PEM) [$MICRO_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY]
   --auth_provider value                Auth provider used to login user [$MICRO_AUTH_PROVIDER]
   --auth_provider_client_id value      The client id to be used for oauth [$MICRO_AUTH_PROVIDER_CLIENT_ID]
   --auth_provider_client_secret value  The client secret to be used for oauth [$MICRO_AUTH_PROVIDER_CLIENT_SECRET]
   --auth_provider_endpoint value       The enpoint to be used for oauth [$MICRO_AUTH_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT]
   --auth_provider_redirect value       The redirect to be used for oauth [$MICRO_AUTH_PROVIDER_REDIRECT]
   --auth_provider_scope value          The scope to be used for oauth [$MICRO_AUTH_PROVIDER_SCOPE]
   --config value                       The source of the config to be used to get configuration [$MICRO_CONFIG]
   --help, -h                           show help (default: false)


	// Initialise service
// Init initialises options



	// Initialise service
	micro.AfterStart(func() error {
		log.Infof("service listening on %s\n", service.Options().Server.Options().Address)
		return nil
 2020-05-23 13:54:21  file=main.go:21 level=info service listening on [::]:37125


	// Register Handler
	hello.RegisterMicroHandler(service.Server(), new(handler.Micro))

	// Register Struct as Subscriber
	micro.RegisterSubscriber("go.micro.service.micro", service.Server(), new(subscriber.Micro))


  • 1 注册grcp处理程序,创建一个handler.Micro对象,然后注册到服务中。可以注册多个Handler来提供不同的业务方法
func RegisterMicroHandler(s server.Server, hdlr MicroHandler, opts ...server.HandlerOption) error {
	type micro interface {
		Call(ctx context.Context, in *Request, out *Response) error
		Stream(ctx context.Context, stream server.Stream) error
		PingPong(ctx context.Context, stream server.Stream) error
	type Micro struct {
	h := &microHandler{hdlr}
	return s.Handle(s.NewHandler(&Micro{h}, opts...))

type MicroHandler interface {
	Call(context.Context, *Request, *Response) error
	Stream(context.Context, *StreamingRequest, Micro_StreamStream) error
	PingPong(context.Context, Micro_PingPongStream) error
  • 2 注册消息处理对象,第一个参数是message topic, 第二个是server 第三个是消息处理对象
// RegisterSubscriber is syntactic sugar for registering a subscriber
func RegisterSubscriber(topic string, s server.Server, h interface{}, opts ...server.SubscriberOption) error {
	return s.Subscribe(s.NewSubscriber(topic, h, opts...))


	// Run service
	if err := service.Run(); err != nil {


在命令行中运行 micro web

micro web
2020-05-23 14:11:21  file=http.go:90 level=info service=web HTTP API Listening on [::]:8082
2020-05-23 14:11:21  file=auth.go:31 level=info service=web Auth [noop] Authenticated as go.micro.web-f65783c6-0ffc-4d88-bc58-f2a5de158845 in the go.micro namespace
2020-05-23 14:11:21  file=service.go:205 level=info service=web Starting [service] go.micro.web
2020-05-23 14:11:21  file=grpc.go:845 level=info service=web Server [grpc] Listening on [::]:38703
2020-05-23 14:11:21  file=grpc.go:676 level=info service=web Registry [mdns] Registering node: go.micro.web-f65783c6-0ffc-4d88-bc58-f2a5de158845

默认http 端口是8082 ,使用 micro web -h 获取更多信息

luslin@local:~/software/zipkin$ micro web -h
   micro web - Run the web dashboard

   micro web [command options] [arguments...]

   --address value         Set the web UI address e.g [$MICRO_WEB_ADDRESS]
   --namespace value       Set the namespace used by the Web proxy e.g. com.example.web [$MICRO_WEB_NAMESPACE]
   --resolver value        Set the resolver to route to services e.g path, domain [$MICRO_WEB_RESOLVER]
   --auth_login_url value  The relative URL where a user can login [$MICRO_AUTH_LOGIN_URL]
   --help, -h              show help (default: false)

由于我的etcd 搭在本地了, 所以指定了register

MICRO_REGISTRY=etcd micro web


  • 服务名称
  • 节点列表,这里开启了两个服务
  • 端点:服务定义,groc服务名,方法名, 参数信息,数据类别等
    ./micro_hello 与 micro web 是不能相互访问的,web是如何获取服务信息的呢?,我使用etcd注册,可以在etcd中查看服务注册信息
luslin@local:~/software/zipkin$ etcdctl get / --prefix
還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.