JVM 收集器簡介



收集器 串行、並行or併發 新生代/老年代 算法 目標 適用場景 權威解釋
Serial 串行 新生代 複製算法 響應速度優先 單CPU環境下的Client模式 "Serial" is a stop-the-world, copying collector which uses a single GC thread.
Serial Old 串行 老年代 標記-整理 響應速度優先 單CPU環境下的Client模式、CMS的後備預案 "Serial Old" is a stop-the-world,mark-sweep-compact collector that uses a single GC thread.
ParNew 並行 新生代 複製算法 響應速度優先 多CPU環境時在Server模式下與CMS配合 "ParNew" is a stop-the-world, copying collector which uses multiple GC threads. It differs from "Parallel Scavenge" in that it has enhancements that make it usable with CMS. For example, "ParNew" does the synchronization needed so that it can run during the concurrent phases of CMS.
Parallel Scavenge 並行 新生代 複製算法 吞吐量優先 在後臺運算而不需要太多交互的任務 "Parallel Scavenge" is a stop-the-world, copying collector which uses multiple GC threads.
Parallel Old 並行 老年代 標記-整理 吞吐量優先 在後臺運算而不需要太多交互的任務 "Parallel Old" is a compacting collector that uses multiple GC threads.Using the -XX flags for our collectors for jdk6
CMS 併發 老年代 標記-清除 響應速度優先 集中在互聯網站或B/S系統服務端上的Java應用 "CMS" is a mostly concurrent, low-pause collector
G1 併發 both 標記-整理+複製算法 響應速度優先 面向服務端應用,將來替換CMS

JVM 對應選項的回收器組合

  • UseSerialGC is "Serial" + "Serial Old"
  • UseParNewGC is "ParNew" + "Serial Old"
  • UseConcMarkSweepGC is "ParNew" + "CMS" + "Serial Old". "CMS"is used most of the time to collect the tenured generation. "Serial Old" is used when a concurrent mode failure occurs.
    why https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39569649/why-is-cms-full-gc-single-threaded?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0 簡單翻譯一下:因爲開發人員的精力都在G1上,而且 CMS發現FULL GC的情況很少,另外每個回收器的內存實現很複雜,不能簡單地進行兼容,需要開發。所以沒有支持para old,但已經提了patch,只不過沒有快實現
  • UseParallelGC is "Parallel Scavenge" + "Serial Old"
  • UseParallelOldGC is "Parallel Scavenge" + "Parallel Old"


jdk1.7 默認垃圾收集器Parallel Scavenge(新生代)+Serial Old(老年代)
jdk1.8 默認垃圾收集器Parallel Scavenge(新生代)+Serial Old(老年代)
jdk1.9 默認垃圾收集器G1
jdk10 默認垃圾收集器G1
-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags jvm參數可查看默認設置收集器類型

 java -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags -version
-XX:InitialHeapSize=132435328 -XX:MaxHeapSize=2118965248 -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags -XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:-UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation -XX:+UseParallelGC
java version "1.8.0_221"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_221-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.221-b11, mixed mode)




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