



viewer->updatePointCloud (colored_cloud, "colored cloud");
ui->qvtkWidget->update ();

可能會產生bug,錯誤是vtk庫中拋出的vector::reserve容量溢出異常,應該是vtk的一個bug,剛開始我還不確定是什麼問題,調試到vtk庫中的代碼時又都是彙編代碼,於是我思考如何能調試vtk庫,考慮到之前安裝vtk時,使用的cmake參數是-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release",因此我想應該跟這裏有關,將選項修改爲-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug",編譯出的庫就能進行調試了,爲了防止我原先的庫被覆蓋,我也加了這個選項-DCMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX="d",接着是編譯make -j4和安裝sudo make install。在.pro文件中加入的vtk庫爲LIBS += /usr/local/lib/libvtk*d.so,調試發現,果然是vtk的bug,報錯點在reserve()處

// used to create an IBO for point primitives
void vtkOpenGLIndexBufferObject::AppendPointIndexBuffer(
  std::vector<unsigned int> &indexArray,
  vtkCellArray *cells,
  vtkIdType vOffset)
  vtkIdType* indices(nullptr);
  vtkIdType npts(0);
  size_t targetSize = indexArray.size() +
    cells->GetNumberOfConnectivityEntries() -
    cells->GetNumberOfCells();           //0+ 62649-12548 負數轉無符號長整數,造成溢出
  if (targetSize > indexArray.capacity())
    if (targetSize < indexArray.capacity()*1.5)
      targetSize = indexArray.capacity()*1.5;
    indexArray.reserve(targetSize);  //throw length error

  for (cells->InitTraversal(); cells->GetNextCell(npts, indices); )
    for (int i = 0; i < npts; ++i)
      indexArray.push_back(static_cast<unsigned int>(*(indices++)+vOffset));


viewer->removePointCloud("colored cloud");
viewer->addPointCloud (colored_cloud, "colored cloud");
ui->qvtkWidget->update ();

PS:1)我也在網上搜索了一下調試動態庫的方法,只要加上gcc -g選項,就能編譯得到附加調試信息的庫,因此,我想到-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug"選項在後續處理中應該也有類似的作用吧,生成的makefile文件在make編譯執行時,也能爲庫文件附加調試信息。
         2)學到的一個查看庫文件是否包含調試信息的方法,通過gdb *.so就能查看動態庫有無調試信息了。

➜ gdb libvtkCommonMath-8.2.so 
GNU gdb (GDB) 9.1
Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
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Reading symbols from libvtkCommonMath-8.2.so...
(No debugging symbols found in libvtkCommonMath-8.2.so)

➜ gdb libvtkCommonMath-8.2d.so
GNU gdb (GDB) 9.1
Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
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Reading symbols from libvtkCommonMath-8.2d.so...

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