storm分区,并行度笔记- Introducing parallelism in Storm

本文来自Book- 《Storm Blueprints.Patterns》:,个人觉得讲的非常好,就在这做了一个笔记

introducing parallelism in Storm

Recall from the introduction(间接中提到) that Storm allows a computation to scale horizontally(横向扩展)
across multiple machines by dividing the computation into multiple, independent
tasks that execute in parallel across a cluster. In Storm, a task is simply an instance
of a spout or bolt running somewhere on the cluster
To understand how parallelism works, we must frst explain the four main
components involved in executing a topology in a Storm cluster:
- Nodes (machines): These are simply machines confgured to participate in
a Storm cluster and execute portions of a topology. A Storm cluster contains
one or more nodes that perform work.
- Workers (JVMs): These are independent JVM processes running on a node.
Each node is confgured to run one or more workers. A topology may request
one or more workers be assigned to it
- Executors (threads): These are Java threads running within a worker JVM
process. Multiple tasks can be assigned to a single executor. Unless explicitly
overridden, Storm will assign one task for each executor.
- Tasks (bolt/spout instances): Tasks are instances of spouts and bolts whose
nextTuple() and execute() methods are called by executor threads.

WordCountTopology parallelism

So far in our word count example, we have not explicitly used any of Storm’s
parallelism APIs; instead, we allowed Storm to use its default settings. In most cases,
unless overridden, Storm will default most parallelism settings to a factor of one.
Before changing the parallelism settings for our topology, let’s consider how our
topology will execute with the default settings. Assuming we have one machine
(node), have assigned one worker to the topology, and allowed Storm to one task
per executor, our topology execution would look like the following
As you can see, the only parallelism we have is at the thread level. Each task runs on
a separate thread within a single JVM. How can we increase the parallelism to more
effectively utilize the hardware we have at our disposal? Let’s start by increasing the
number of workers and executors assigned to run our topology

Adding workers to a topology

Assigning additional workers is an easy way to add computational power to a
topology, and Storm provides the means to do so through its API as well as pure
confguration. Whichever method we choose, our component spouts and bolts do not
have to change, and can be reused as is.
In the previous version of the word count topology, we introduced the Config
object that gets passed to the submitTopology() method at deployment time but
left it largely unused. To increase the number of workers assigned to a topology, we
simply call the setNumWorkers() method of the Config object:

Config config = new Config();

This assigns two workers to our topology instead of the default of one. While this
will add computation resources to our topology, in order to effectively utilize those
resources, we will also want to adjust the number of executors in our topology as
well as the number of tasks per executor.

Confguring executors and tasks

As we’ve seen, Storm creates a single task for each component defned in a topology,
by default, and assigns a single executor for each task. Storm’s parallelism API offers
control over this behavior by allowing you to set the number of executors per task as
well as the number of tasks per executor.
The number of executors assigned to a given component is confgured by setting
a parallelism hint when defning a stream grouping. To illustrate this feature, let’s
modify our topology defnition to parallelize SentenceSpout such that it is assigned
two tasks and each task is assigned its own executor thread:

builder.setSpout(SENTENCE_SPOUT_ID, spout, 2);

If we’re using one worker, the execution of our topology now looks like the following:
Two spout tasks
Next, we will set up the split sentence bolt to execute as four tasks with two executors.
Each executor thread will be assigned two tasks to execute (4 / 2 = 2). We’ll also
confgure the word count bolt to run as four tasks, each with its own executor thread:

builder.setBolt(SPLIT_BOLT_ID, splitBolt, 2)
builder.setBolt(COUNT_BOLT_ID, countBolt, 4)
    .fieldsGrouping(SPLIT_BOLT_ID, newFields("word"));

With two workers, the execution of the topology will now look like the following

With the topology parallelism increased, running the updated WordCountTopology
class should yield higher total counts for each word:
a : 2726
ate : 2722
beverages : 2723
cold : 2723
cow : 2726
dog : 5445
don’t : 5444
fleas : 5451
has : 2723
have : 2722
homework : 2722
i : 8175
like : 5449
man : 2722
my : 5445
the : 2727
think : 2722

Since spout emits data indefnitely and only stops when the topology is killed, the
actual counts will vary depending on the speed of your computer and what other
processes are running on it, but you should see an overall increase in the number
of words emitted and processed.
It’s important to point out that increasing the number of workers has no effect when
running a topology in local mode. A topology running in local mode always runs
in a single JVM process, so only task and executor parallelism settings have any
effect. Storm’s local mode offers a decent approximation of cluster behavior and is
very useful for development, but you should always test your application in a true
clustered environment before moving to production.

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