visual box上安装minix-2.0.4





Intel-2.0.4\i386\USR.TAZ (TAZ为压缩格式,解压出来的内容为操作系统的/usr分区内容)

Intel-2.0.4\src\SYS.TAZ (内核源码)

Intel-2.0.4\src\CMD.TAZ (命令工具)


1. 制作安装系统所需要的floppy盘


1.1. 制作floppy启动盘:boot.img

dd if=/dev/zero of=boot.img bs=1k count=1440
cat Intel-2.0.4/i386/ROOT.MNX Intel-2.0.4/i386/USR.MNX | dd of=boot.img conv=notrunc

1.2. 安装/usr分区内容所需要的floppy盘


split -b 1440k USR.TAZ



dd if=/dev/zero of=usr01.img bs=1k count=1440
cat xaa | dd of=usr01.img conv=notrunc
dd if=/dev/zero of=usr02.img bs=1k count=1440
cat xab | dd of=usr02.img conv=notrunc
dd if=/dev/zero of=usr03.img bs=1k count=1440
cat xac | dd of=usr03.img conv=notrunc

1.3. Minix系统源码和man手册floppy安装盘


split -b 1440k SYS.TAZ


dd if=/dev/zero of=sys01.img bs=1k count=1440
cat xaa | dd of=sys01.img conv=notrunc
dd if=/dev/zero of=sys02.img bs=1k count=1440
cat xab | dd of=sys02.img conv=notrunc

1.4. 常用命令floppy安装盘


split -b 1440k CMD.TAZ


dd if=/dev/zero of=cmd01.img bs=1k count=1440
cat xaa | dd of=cmd01.img conv=notrunc
dd if=/dev/zero of=cmd02.img bs=1k count=1440
cat xab | dd of=cmd02.img conv=notrunc
dd if=/dev/zero of=cmd03.img bs=1k count=1440
cat xac | dd of=cmd03.img conv=notrunc

2. 利用visual box创建虚拟机








然后添加一个floppy controller,将boot.img加载到软盘,然后启动虚拟机

3. 安装Minix操作系统

3.1. 将系统从floppy安装到硬盘

Minix boot monitor 2.19

Press ESC to enter the monitor

Hit a key as follows:

     =   Start Minix


Minix 2.0.4 Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Executing in 32-bit protected mode

Memory size = 65096K  MINIX = 291K  RAM disk = 480K  Available = 64325K

RAM disk loaded.

Sun Jun 27 16:21:37 GMT 2004
Finish the name of device to mount as /usr: /dev/


Finish the name of device to mount as /usr: /dev/fd0p2
/dev/fd0p2 is read-write mounted on /usr

Multiuser startup in progress.
Starting standard daemons: update.

Login as root and run 'setup' to install Minix.

Minix Release 2 Version 0.4

noname login:


# setup

This is the Minix installation script.

Note 1: If the screen blanks suddenly then hit F3 to select "software

Note 2: If things go wrong then hit DEL and start over.

Note 3: The installation procedure is described in the manual page
usage(8). It will be hard without it.

Note 4: Some questions have default answers, like this: [y]
Simply hit RETURN (or ENTER) if you want to choose that answer.

Note 5: If you see a colon (:) then you should hit RETURN to continue.


What type of keyboard do you have? You can choose one of:

french japanese polish uk
german latin-am scandinavn us-std
italian olivetti spanish us-swap

Keyboard type? [us-std]

使用U.S.标准键盘, 击 ENTER 键

Minix needs one primary partition of at least 35 Mb (it fits in 25 Mb, but
it needs 35 Mb if fully recompiled. Add more space to taste, but don't
overdo it, there are limits to the size of a file system.)

If there is no free space on your disk then you have to back up one of the
other partitions, shrink, and reinstall. See the appropriate manuals of the
the operating systems currently installed. Restart your Minix installation
after you have made space.

To make this partition you will be put in the editor "part". Follow the
advice under the '!' key to make a new partition of type MINIX. Do not
touch an existing partition unless you know precisely what you are doing!
Please note the name of the partition (e.g. c0d0p1, c0d1p3, c1d1p0) you
make. (See the devices section in usage(8) on Minix device names.)

击 ENTER 键,进行硬盘分区

Select device    ----first----  --geom/last--  ------sectors-----
 Device       Cyl Head Sec  Cyl Head Sec    Base    Size    Kb
  /dev/c0d0              ?  ? ?
            ?  ? ?  ?  ? ? ?   ?    ?
Num Sort Type
? ?   ? ? ?  ? ?  ?  ? ? ?   ?    ?
? ?   ? ? ?  ? ?  ?  ? ? ?   ?    ?
? ?   ? ? ?  ? ?  ?  ? ? ?   ?    ?
? ?   ? ? ?  ? ?  ?  ? ? ?   ?    ?

Type '+' or '-' to change, 'r' to read, '?' for more help, '!' for advice

这台计算机只有一个硬盘,按 ‘r’ 读入分区信息,然后创建分区:

Select device    ----first----  --geom/last--  ------sectors-----
 Device       Cyl Head Sec  Cyl Head Sec    Base    Size    Kb
 /dev/c0d0               203   16  63
                     0    0   0  203   15  62        0   204624 102312
Num Sort Type
 1* p0 81 MINIX    0   0  0  203    0 62      63   204624 102312 
 2 p1 00 None    0   0 0    0    0  -1     0      0     0
 3 p2 00 None    0   0 0    0    0  -1     0      0    0
 4 p3 00 None    0   0 0    0    0  -1     0      0    0



Select device    ----first----  --geom/last--  ------sectors-----
 Device       Cyl Head Sec  Cyl Head Sec    Base    Size    Kb
 /dev/c0d0               203   16  63
                     0    0   0  203   15  62        0   204624 102312
Num Sort Type
 1* p0 81 MINIX    0   0  0  203    0 62      63   204624 102312 
 2 p1 00 None    0   0 0    0    0  -1     0      0     0
 3 p2 00 None    0   0 0    0    0  -1     0      0    0
 4 p3 00 None    0   0 0    0    0  -1     0      0    0

Warning: About to write a new table no /dev/c0d0
Save partition table? (y/n) y

Please finish the name of the primary partition you have created:
(Just type RETURN if you want to rerun "part") /dev/c0d0p0



How much swap space would you like? Swapspace is only needed if 
this system is memory starved, like a 16-bit system with less then 2M, or a
32-bit system with less then 4M. Minix swapping isn't very good yet, so
there is no need for it otherwise.
Size in kilobytes? [0] 6000 

You have created a partition named: /dev/c0d0p1
The following subpartitions are about to be created on /dev/c0d0p1:

Root subpartition: /dev/c0d0p0s0 1440 kb
Swap subpartition: /dev/c0d0p0s1 6000 kb 
/usr subpartition: /dev/c0d0p0s2 rest of c0d0p0

Hit return if everything looks fine, or hit DEL to bail out if you want to
think it over. The next step will destroy /dev/c0d0p0.



/dev/c0d0p0s1: swapspace at offset 2, size 5998 kilobytes
/dev/c0d0p0s1 is swapspace

Migrating from floppy to disk... 

Scanning /dev/c0d0p0s2 for bad blocks. (Hit DEL to stop the scan if are 
absolutely sure that there can not be any bad blocks. Otherwise just wait.)
Scan done
/dev/c0d0p0s2 is read-write mounted on /mnt
mkdir /mnt/bin 
cp /usr/bin/MAKEDEV /mnt/bin/MAKEDEV 
cp /usr/bin/arch /mnt/bin/arch 
cp /usr/bin/badblocks /mnt/bin/badblocks 
mkdir /mnt/root 
mkdir /mnt/tmp 
cp /root/.ashrc /mnt/.ashrc 
/dev/fd0 unmounted from /root 
/dev/c0d0p0s0 unmounted from /mnt 
Second level file system block cache set to 1024 kb.

Please insert the installation ROOT floppy and 'halt' to exit Minix.
You can type 'boot c0d0p0' to try the newly installed Minix system. See 
"Testing" in the usage manual.

安装第一步完成了,输入‘halt’和‘boot c0d0p0’重启计算机

3.2. 安装Minix源码和man手册

系统起来后,用 root 登录,运行'setup /usr’


# setup /usrWhat is the size of the images on the diskettes? [all]


What floppy drive to use? [0]

使用默认的第一个软盘,击 ENTER 键


Please insert input volume 1 and hit return

根据系统提示将SYS01.img加载到软盘,然后击 ENTER 键

Please insert input volume 2 and hit return


根据系统提示将SYS02.img加载到软盘,然后击 ENTER 键


后面的都一样,根据提示依次加载镜像到软盘,然后击 ENTER 键

3.3. 安装常用工具




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