
@RequestMapping(value = "/giftList", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Protocol<ProtocolPager<GiftRaffleOut>> giftList(String _appId, GiftRaffleIn giftRaffleIn) {
    ParamsValid valid = new ParamsValid();
    if (!valid.isValid()) {
        return valid.showInValidMessage();
    try {
        return giftRaffleRecordService.giftList(giftRaffleIn);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        logger.error("GiftRaffleRecordController.giftList獲取獎品列表出錯", ex);
        return new Protocol(1, "獲取獎品列表出錯");

logger.warn("SubjectService.getAllSubjectType入參: " + JSON.toJSONString(subjectTypeIn));
int count = subjectTypeMapper.getAllSubjectTypeCount(subjectTypeIn);
if (count < 1) {
    return new Protocol(new ProtocolPager(), 0, "查詢無結果");
List<SubjectType> subjectTypeList = subjectTypeMapper.getAllSubjectType(subjectTypeIn);
ProtocolPager protocolPager = new ProtocolPager(
return new Protocol<>(protocolPager, 0, "");
<select id="getAllSubjectType" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="com.autohome.dealer.vrar.contract.in.chezhan.SubjectTypeIn">
    ;WITH temp as(
        <include refid="Base_Column_List"/> ,
        ROW_NUMBER () OVER (order by CreateTime DESC) as rowNum
        FROM SubjectType WITH (nolock)
        <foreach collection="list" item="item" separator=",">
        <if test="subjectTypeName!=null and subjectTypeName!=''">
        and SubjectTypeName like '%'+#{subjectTypeName}+'%'
        <if test="category!=null">
            and category = #{category}
    select * from temp t
    where t.rowNum between #{rowBegin} and #{rowEnd}



loadStatisTable: function (pageIndex) {
        url: '/datastatis/dealerorder/getDealerOrderDataList',
        dataType: 'json',
        type: 'get',
        data: {
            pageIndex: pageIndex,
            pageSize: pageSize,
            reportDateStart: reportDateStart,
            reportDateEnd: reportDateEnd,
            dealerId: dealerId
        success: function (data) {
            if (data == null || data.list == null) {
                $('.ics_table_v1').empty().append(template('defaultStatisTableTemplate', {
                    Data: data
                zhwx.dealer.loadStatisTableNum(1, 1, 0);
            if (data) {
                $('.ics_table_v1').empty().append(template('statisTableTemplate', {
                    Data: data
                zhwx.dealer.loadStatisTableNum(data.pagecount, data.pageindex, data.rowcount);
        error: function (data) {
            $('.ics_table_v1').empty().append(template('defaultStatisTableTemplate', {
                Data: data
loadPreOrNextPage: function (obj, pageCount) {
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        if (currentPage != 1) {
            zhwx.dealer.loadStatisTable(parseInt(currentPage) - 1);
    } else {
        if (currentPage != pageCount) {
            zhwx.dealer.loadStatisTable(parseInt(currentPage) + 1);
loadJumpPage: function (pageCount) {
    var pageNumber = $("#pageNumber").val();
    if (pageNumber !== '' && pageNumber !== null && pageNumber !== undefined && pageNumber > 0 && pageNumber <= pageCount) {
loadStatisTableNum: function (pageCount, pageIndex, rowcount) {
    var pageNumHtml = "<span class='mr10 font-12'>共 <em>" + rowcount + "</em> 天 </span>";
    pageNumHtml += "<a onclick='homeCompass.zhwx.dealer.loadPreOrNextPage(this," + pageCount + ")' class='page-prev page-disabled ' href='javascript:void(0); '></a>";
    if (pageCount < 6) {
        for (var i = 1; i < pageCount + 1; i++) {
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            } else {
                pageNumHtml += "<a onclick='homeCompass.zhwx.dealer.loadStatisTable(" + i + ")' href='javascript:void(0);'>" + i + "</a>";
    } else if (pageIndex < 3 || pageIndex > pageCount - 2) {
        var hadDraw = false;
        for (var i = 1; i < pageCount + 1; i++) {
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                if (pageIndex == i) {
                    if (pageIndex == 2) {
                        pageNumHtml += "<a class='current' onclick='homeCompass.zhwx.dealer.loadStatisTable(" + i + ")' href='javascript:void(0);'>" + i + "</a>";
                        pageNumHtml += "<a onclick='homeCompass.zhwx.dealer.loadStatisTable(" + (i + 1) + ")' href='javascript:void(0);'>" + (i + 1) + "</a>";
                    } else if (pageIndex == pageCount - 1) {
                        pageNumHtml += "<a onclick='homeCompass.zhwx.dealer.loadStatisTable(" + (i - 1) + ")' href='javascript:void(0);'>" + (i - 1) + "</a>";
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            } else if (!hadDraw) {
                pageNumHtml += "<span class='page-ellipsis'>...</span>";
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                } else {
                    pageNumHtml += "<a onclick='homeCompass.zhwx.dealer.loadStatisTable(" + i + ")' href='javascript:void(0);'>" + i + "</a>";
                hadDraw = false;
            } else if (!hadDraw) {
                pageNumHtml += "<span class='page-ellipsis'>...</span>";
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