Apollo 3 plus ADC配置

  • 以16腳和29腳ADC爲例 

static void *g_ADCHandle; 
const am_hal_gpio_pincfg_t g_AM_PIN_16_ADCSE0 =
    .uFuncSel       = AM_HAL_PIN_16_ADCSE0,
const am_hal_gpio_pincfg_t g_AM_PIN_29_ADCSE1 =
    .uFuncSel       = AM_HAL_PIN_29_ADCSE1,

void adc_config(void)
  am_hal_adc_config_t           ADCConfig;
  am_hal_adc_slot_config_t      ADCSlotConfig;

  // Initialize the ADC and get the handle.
  if ( AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_initialize(0, &g_ADCHandle) )
    am_util_stdio_printf("Error - reservation of the ADC instance failed.\n");

  // Power on the ADC.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_power_control(g_ADCHandle,
                                                        false) )
    am_util_stdio_printf("Error - ADC power on failed.\n");

  // Set up the ADC configuration parameters. These settings are reasonable
  // for accurate measurements at a low sample rate.
  ADCConfig.eClock             = AM_HAL_ADC_CLKSEL_HFRC;
  ADCConfig.ePolarity          = AM_HAL_ADC_TRIGPOL_RISING;
  ADCConfig.eTrigger           = AM_HAL_ADC_TRIGSEL_SOFTWARE;
  ADCConfig.eReference         = AM_HAL_ADC_REFSEL_INT_2P0;
  ADCConfig.eClockMode         = AM_HAL_ADC_CLKMODE_LOW_POWER;
  ADCConfig.ePowerMode         = AM_HAL_ADC_LPMODE0;
  ADCConfig.eRepeat            = AM_HAL_ADC_REPEATING_SCAN;
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_configure(g_ADCHandle, &ADCConfig))
    am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring ADC failed.\n");

  // Set up an ADC slot
  ADCSlotConfig.eMeasToAvg      = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_AVG_1;
  ADCSlotConfig.ePrecisionMode  = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_14BIT;
  ADCSlotConfig.eChannel        = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE0;
  ADCSlotConfig.bWindowCompare  = false;
  ADCSlotConfig.bEnabled        = true;
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_configure_slot(g_ADCHandle, 0, &ADCSlotConfig))
    am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring ADC Slot 0 failed.\n");

 ADCSlotConfig.eChannel        = AM_HAL_ADC_SLOT_CHSEL_SE1;
 if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_configure_slot(g_ADCHandle, 1, &ADCSlotConfig))
    am_util_stdio_printf("Error - configuring ADC Slot 0 failed.\n");
  // For this example, the samples will be coming in slowly. This means we
  // can afford to wake up for every conversion.
  am_hal_adc_interrupt_enable(g_ADCHandle, AM_HAL_ADC_INT_CNVCMP );

  // Enable the ADC.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_enable(g_ADCHandle))
    am_util_stdio_printf("Error - enabling ADC failed.\n");

// ADC反初時化.
void adc_deconfig(void)
  // Disable the ADC.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_disable(g_ADCHandle))
    am_util_stdio_printf("Error - disable ADC failed.\n");

  // Enable the ADC power domain.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_pwrctrl_periph_disable(AM_HAL_PWRCTRL_PERIPH_ADC))
    am_util_stdio_printf("Error - disabling the ADC power domain failed.\n");

  // Initialize the ADC and get the handle.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_deinitialize(g_ADCHandle))
    am_util_stdio_printf("Error - return of the ADC instance failed.\n");


// Interrupt handler for the ADC.
void am_adc_isr(void)
  uint32_t            ui32IntMask;
  am_hal_adc_sample_t Sample[2];

  // Read the interrupt status.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_interrupt_status(g_ADCHandle, &ui32IntMask, false))
    am_util_stdio_printf("Error reading ADC interrupt status\n");

  // Clear the ADC interrupt.
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_interrupt_clear(g_ADCHandle, ui32IntMask))
    am_util_stdio_printf("Error clearing ADC interrupt status\n");
  // If we got a conversion completion interrupt (which should be our only
  // ADC interrupt), go ahead and read the data.
  if (ui32IntMask & AM_HAL_ADC_INT_CNVCMP)
    uint32_t    ui32NumSamples = 2;
    if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_adc_samples_read(g_ADCHandle, false,
      am_util_stdio_printf("Error - ADC sample read from FIFO failed.\n");

    am_util_stdio_printf("ADC Slot 0=  %d\n", Sample[0].ui32Slot);
    am_util_stdio_printf("ADC Value 0= %8.8X\n", Sample[0].ui32Sample);
    am_util_stdio_printf("ADC Slot 1=  %d\n", Sample[1].ui32Slot);
    am_util_stdio_printf("ADC Value 1= %8.8X\n", Sample[1].ui32Sample);





 am_hal_gpio_pinconfig(16, g_AM_PIN_16_ADCSE0);




adc_config();  // Trigger the ADC  


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