
bar(List) ->


foo() ->

V1 = bar([]),

io:format("length: ~p~n", [length(V1)]).  %% 这里V1必须是list才行,但是编译时是没法知道的,只有运行时才会发现这个错误

同样的例子,exit/2函数的第一个参数必须是Pid,如果不是也能顺利通过编译,这样只能在运行时才会被发现此外,我自己写的函数,比如bar函数,可能业务逻辑决定了传入的参数必须是list,返回的参数也应该是list,如果不是,那调用者肯定错误的使用了此函数。在动态语言中很难做到对参数类型和返回类型的限制。也就是说,对库的接口的错误理解和错误使用是Erlang这样的动态语言常见问题。为此设计了一套合约语言(contract language),有了合约(contract),dialyzer能够很容易的检测到误用的接口有两种建立合约的方式,一种是在注释里使用@spec这样的annotation,另一种是spec声明
-type bar_thing() :: atom() | integer().  %% 类型声明:定义bar函数能接收的参数类型

-type ret_thing() :: [atom()].  %% 类型声明:定义bar函数的返回类型

-spec bar(bar_thing()) -> ret_thing(). %% 函数合约:bar函数的参数和返回值

-spec bar(Arg::atom()|integer()) -> [atom()].

%% @spec bar(Arg::atom()|integer()) -> [atom()].

dialyzer --src -c test1.erl 可以一次分析工程中的所有文件
dialyzer --src -I ./include -c *.erl
dialyzer --build_plt -r $OTP_HOME/lib/kernel-2.12.4/ebin/


$OTP_HOME/lib/mnesia-4.4.5/ebin (或者其它更多的模块)



以下是键入dialyzer --help之后的帮助文档

Usage: dialyzer [--help] [--version] [--shell] [--quiet] [--verbose]
        [-pa dir]* [--plt plt] [--plts plt*] [-Ddefine]*
                [-I include_dir]* [--output_plt file] [-Wwarn]*
                [--src] [--gui | --wx] [files_or_dirs] [-r dirs]
                [--apps applications] [-o outfile]
        [--build_plt] [--add_to_plt] [--remove_from_plt]
        [--check_plt] [--no_check_plt] [--plt_info] [--get_warnings]
                [--no_native] [--fullpath]
  files_or_dirs (for backwards compatibility also as: -c files_or_dirs)
      Use Dialyzer from the command line to detect defects in the
      specified files or directories containing .erl or .beam files,
      depending on the type of the analysis.
  -r dirs
      Same as the previous but the specified directories are searched
      recursively for subdirectories containing .erl or .beam files in
      them, depending on the type of analysis.
  --apps applications
      Option typically used when building or modifying a plt as in:
        dialyzer --build_plt --apps erts kernel stdlib mnesia ...
      to conveniently refer to library applications corresponding to the
      Erlang/OTP installation. However, the option is general and can also
      be used during analysis in order to refer to Erlang/OTP applications.
      In addition, file or directory names can also be included, as in:
        dialyzer --apps inets ssl ./ebin ../other_lib/ebin/my_module.beam
  -o outfile (or --output outfile)
      When using Dialyzer from the command line, send the analysis
      results to the specified outfile rather than to stdout.
      When using Dialyzer from the command line, output the raw analysis
      results (Erlang terms) instead of the formatted result.
      The raw format is easier to post-process (for instance, to filter
      warnings or to output HTML pages).
      Override the default, which is to analyze BEAM files, and
      analyze starting from Erlang source code instead.
  -Dname (or -Dname=value)
      When analyzing from source, pass the define to Dialyzer. (**)
  -I include_dir
      When analyzing from source, pass the include_dir to Dialyzer. (**)
  -pa dir
      Include dir in the path for Erlang (useful when analyzing files
      that have '-include_lib()' directives).
  --output_plt file
      Store the plt at the specified file after building it.
  --plt plt
      Use the specified plt as the initial plt (if the plt was built
      during setup the files will be checked for consistency).
  --plts plt*
      Merge the specified plts to create the initial plt -- requires
      that the plts are disjoint (i.e., do not have any module
      appearing in more than one plt).
      The plts are created in the usual way:
        dialyzer --build_plt --output_plt plt_1 files_to_include
        dialyzer --build_plt --output_plt plt_n files_to_include
      and then can be used in either of the following ways:
        dialyzer files_to_analyze --plts plt_1 ... plt_n
        dialyzer --plts plt_1 ... plt_n -- files_to_analyze
      (Note the -- delimiter in the second case)
      A family of options which selectively turn on/off warnings
      (for help on the names of warnings use dialyzer -Whelp).
      Do not disable the Erlang shell while running the GUI.
  --version (or -v)
      Print the Dialyzer version and some more information and exit.
  --help (or -h)
      Print this message and exit.
  --quiet (or -q)
      Make Dialyzer a bit more quiet.
      Make Dialyzer a bit more verbose.
      The analysis starts from an empty plt and creates a new one from the
      files specified with -c and -r. Only works for beam files.
      Use --plt(s) or --output_plt to override the default plt location.
      The plt is extended to also include the files specified with -c and -r.
      Use --plt(s) to specify which plt to start from, and --output_plt to
      specify where to put the plt. Note that the analysis might include
      files from the plt if they depend on the new files.
      This option only works with beam files.
      The information from the files specified with -c and -r is removed
      from the plt. Note that this may cause a re-analysis of the remaining
      dependent files.
      Check the plt for consistency and rebuild it if it is not up-to-date.
      Actually, this option is of rare use as it is on by default.
  --no_check_plt (or -n)
      Skip the plt check when running Dialyzer. Useful when working with
      installed plts that never change.
      Make Dialyzer print information about the plt and then quit. The plt
      can be specified with --plt(s).
      Make Dialyzer emit warnings even when manipulating the plt. Warnings
      are only emitted for files that are actually analyzed.
  --dump_callgraph file
      Dump the call graph into the specified file whose format is determined
      by the file name extension. Supported extensions are: raw, dot, and ps.
      If something else is used as file name extension, default format '.raw'
      will be used.
  --no_native (or -nn)
      Bypass the native code compilation of some key files that Dialyzer
      heuristically performs when dialyzing many files; this avoids the
      compilation time but it may result in (much) longer analysis time.
      Display the full path names of files for which warnings are emitted.
      Use the gs-based GUI.
      Use the wx-based GUI.

  * denotes that multiple occurrences of these options are possible.
 ** options -D and -I work both from command-line and in the Dialyzer GUI;
    the syntax of defines and includes is the same as that used by "erlc".

Warning options:
     Suppress warnings for functions that will never return a value.
     Suppress warnings for unused functions.
     Suppress warnings for construction of improper lists.
     Suppress warnings for using tuples instead of funs.
     Suppress warnings for fun applications that will fail.
     Suppress warnings for patterns that are unused or cannot match.
     Suppress warnings for violations of opaqueness of data types.
     Suppress warnings about behaviour callbacks which drift from the published
     recommended interfaces.
     Suppress warnings about behaviours that have no -callback attributes for
     their callbacks.
  -Wunmatched_returns ***
     Include warnings for function calls which ignore a structured return
     value or do not match against one of many possible return value(s).
  -Werror_handling ***
     Include warnings for functions that only return by means of an exception.
  -Wrace_conditions ***
     Include warnings for possible race conditions.
  -Wunderspecs ***
     Warn about underspecified functions
     (those whose -spec is strictly more allowing than the success typing).

The following options are also available but their use is not recommended:
(they are mostly for Dialyzer developers and internal debugging)
  -Woverspecs ***
     Warn about overspecified functions
     (those whose -spec is strictly less allowing than the success typing).
  -Wspecdiffs ***
     Warn when the -spec is different than the success typing.

*** Identifies options that turn on warnings rather than turning them off.

The exit status of the command line version is:
  0 - No problems were encountered during the analysis and no
      warnings were emitted.
  1 - Problems were encountered during the analysis.
  2 - No problems were encountered, but warnings were emitted.


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