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		<div id="app" class="app" v-cloak>
			<div v-if="!template_type" class="jiaz">加載中 ···</div>
			<di class="wrap" v-if="template_type">

				<img class="codePage" :src="myCard.qrCode">
				<div v-if="template_type==1">
					<div class="top">
						<img class="ms" :class="[rotate?'zuan ms':'ms']" :src="ms_url" @click="click_v">
						<img class="head" v-if="myCard.avatarOpen==1" :src="myCard.avatar || 'https://xxx/static/de_head.jpg'">
						<img class="head" v-else src="" />
						<div class="top_txt">
							<div class="position" v-if="myCard.positionOpen == 1 && myCard.position">{{ myCard.position }}</div>
							<div class="name">{{ }}</div>
					<div class="centent">
						<div class="centent_block" style="margin-left: 30px;">
							<div class="centent_txt" style="padding-top: 32px">{{myCard.corpName}}</div>
							<div class="centent_txt" v-if="myCard.mobileOpen == 1 &&">{{}}</div>
							<div class="centent_txt1" v-if="myCard.addressOpen == 1 && myCard.address">{{myCard.address}}</div>
							<img class="code code1" :src="myCard.qrCode">
							<div class="centent_txt erweima erweima1" style="">長按識別二維碼</div>
						<img class="rig_logo rig_logo1" src="">

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					<div class="top">
						<img class="ms" :class="[rotate?'zuan ms':'ms']" :src="ms_url" @click="click_v">
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						<img class="head " v-else src="" />
						<div class="top_txt">
							<div class="position" v-if="myCard.positionOpen == 1 && myCard.position">{{ myCard.position }}</div>
							<div class="name">{{ }}</div>
					<div class="centent2">
						<img src="https://xxx/file/card/weein_5g.png" class="wug">
						<div style="margin-left: 24px; position: relative; width: 90%;z-index: 2;">

							<div class="centent_txt" style="padding-top: 28px">{{myCard.corpName}}</div>
							<div class="centent_txt" v-if="myCard.mobileOpen == 1 &&">{{}}</div>
							<div class="centent_txt" v-if="myCard.addressOpen == 1 && myCard.address">{{myCard.address}}</div>
							<img class="code code2" :src="myCard.qrCode">
							<div class="centent_txt erweima" style="">長按識別二維碼</div>

						<img class="rig_logo" src="https://xxx/weixin/file/png18.png">

		<div v-if="template_type" class="bottom_txt">願您感受我的真心,請加我企業微信</div>
		<img v-if="template_type" class="img133" src="https://xxx/file/card/weein_logo.png">
			var audio = "";
			window.onload = function() {
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						template_type: false,
						myCard: {},
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						// myCard:{"address":"你你你你你破熱熱","addressOpen":1,"avatar":"https://xxx/2020-06-09_66875b24-3020-40f8-9334-08effc521777.png","avatarOpen":1,"backgroundMusic":"1254343664029798400","backgroundMusicFileUrl":"","backgroundMusicName":"請加我企業微信女聲版","backgroundMusicPicUrl":"","backgroundPic":"1254771577548050432","backgroundPicUrl":"","corpId":"wwe094a1deac86058c","corpName":"碼多多","createTime":"2020-06-05 11:41:11","email":"","emailOpen":0,"id":"1268387294411382784","mobile":"13977284413","mobileOpen":1,"name":"a_靖","position":"前端開發","positionOpen":1,"qrCode":"","templateId":"1252576158818635776","templateName":"模板2","templatePreviewUrl":"","updateTime":"2020-06-12 11:42:39","userId":"a_Jing","userid":"cdce4068a0f579517d73ec2106a0501bdaedf91ac6ab7d80"},
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					created() {
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						console.log('inviteId', inviteId)
						setTimeout(() => {
							console.log('------', this.template_type)
						}, 500)
						if (inviteId) {`${window.location.origin}/v1/businesscard/getH5MyCard/${inviteId}.do`).then(res => {
								res =;
								console.log('==========', res)
								if (res.success) {
									this.myCard = res.module.myCard;
									audio = new Audio(res.module.myCard.backgroundMusicFileUrl);
									if (res.module.myCard.templateId == "1252576158818635776") {
										this.template_type = 1;
									} else {
										this.template_type = 2;
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										that.error = null;
									}, 1000)
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					methods: {
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							} else {
								this.rotate = true;
								this.ms_url = "https://xxxfile/png26.png"
						voicePaly() {
							// 循環播放,播放結束繼續播放
							$(audio).unbind("ended").bind("ended", function() {;
							this.rotate = true;
							this.ms_url = "https://xxx/work/weixin/file/png26.png"
						voiceClose() {
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						getQueryVariable(variable) {
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								var pair = vars[i].split("=");
								if (pair[0] == variable) {
									return pair[1];
							return '';
						getConfig() {
							var that = this;
							axios.get(`${window.location.origin}/v1/invite/`, {
									params: {
										url: encodeURIComponent(window.location.href.split('#')[0])
								.then(function(response) {
									const {
									} = response;
									if (data.success) {
										let info = JSON.parse(data.module.config);
											debug: false, // 開啓調試模式
											appId: info.appId, // 必填,公衆號的唯一標識
											timestamp: info.timestamp, // 必填,生成簽名的時間戳
											nonceStr: info.nonceStr, // 必填,生成簽名的隨機串
											signature: info.signature, // 必填,簽名
											jsApiList: ['updateAppMessageShareData', 'updateTimelineShareData'] // 必填,需要使用的JS接口列表
										wx.ready((res) => {
											console.log(wx.updateAppMessageShareData, wx.updateTimelineShareData);
											var wx_title = "請加我企業微信";
											var wx_desc = "我是您的專屬服務顧問,我來自中國電信,請加我企業微信,hello 5G充滿誠信";

												title: wx_title, // 分享標題
												desc: wx_desc, // 分享描述
												link: window.location.href, // 分享鏈接
												imgUrl: 'https://xxx/work/weixin/file/card/5g.png', // 分享圖標
												type: 'link', // 分享類型,music、video或link,不填默認爲link
												dataUrl: '', // 如果type是music或video,則要提供數據鏈接,默認爲空
												success: function() {
													// 用戶確認分享後執行的回調函數
												cancel: function() {
													// 用戶取消分享後執行的回調函數
												title: wx_title, // 分享標題
												link: window.location.href, // 分享鏈接
												imgUrl: 'https://xxx/work/weixin/file/card/5g.png', // 分享圖標
												success: function() {
													// 用戶確認分享後執行的回調函數
												cancel: function() {
													// 用戶取消分享後執行的回調函數
										wx.error(function(res) {
								.catch(function(error) {
									// handle error
								.then(function() {
									// always executed

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