


; boot.asm
bits 16

	mov ax, 0x7c0
	mov ds, ax
	mov dx, 0x1f2
	mov al, 10
	out dx, al
	mov dx, 0x1f3
	mov al, 1
	out dx, al
	mov dx, 0x1f4
	mov al, 0
	out dx, al
	mov dx, 0x1f5
	mov al, 0
	out dx, al
	mov dx, 0x1f6
	mov al, 0xe0
	out dx, al
	mov dx, 0x1f7
	mov al, 0x20
	out dx, al
	mov dx, 0x1f7
	in al, dx
	and al, 0x88
	cmp al, 0x8
	jnz .1
	mov dx, 0x1f0
	mov cx, 10 * 256
	mov bx, 0x200
	in ax, dx
	mov [bx], ax
	inc bx
	inc bx
	loop .2
	lgdt [gdtr]
	in al, 0x92
	or al, 0x2
	out 0x92, al
	mov eax, cr0
	or eax, 0x1
	mov cr0, eax
	jmp dword 1 * 8 : 0
	dq 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 ; 0 * 8
	dq 0x00cf_9a00_7e00_ffff ; 1 * 8
	dq 0x00cf_9200_7e00_ffff ; 2 * 8
	dq 0x00c0_920b_8000_ffff ; 3 * 8
	dq 0x00cf_9a00_0000_ffff ; 4 * 8
	dq 0x00cf_9200_0000_ffff ; 5 * 8

	dw gdt_end - gdt_start - 1
	dd gdt_start + 0x7c00
times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0
db 0x55, 0xaa
; loader.asm
bits 32

	mov ax, 3 * 8
	mov gs, ax
	mov ax, 2 * 8
	mov ds, ax
	mov ss, ax
	mov esp, stack_top
	xor ebx, ebx
	mov byte [gs: ebx], 'P'
	inc ebx
	mov byte [gs: ebx], 0xc
	inc ebx

	mov dx, 0x1f2
	mov al, 220
	out dx, al
	mov dx, 0x1f3
	mov al, 11
	out dx, al
	mov dx, 0x1f4
	mov al, 0
	out dx, al
	mov dx, 0x1f5
	mov al, 0
	out dx, al
	mov dx, 0x1f6
	mov al, 0xe0
	out dx, al
	mov dx, 0x1f7
	mov al, 0x20
	out dx, al
	mov dx, 0x1f7
	in al, dx
	and al, 0x88
	cmp al, 0x8
	jnz .1
	mov dx, 0x1f0
	mov ecx, 220 * 256
	mov ebx, 0x100000 - 0x7e00
	in ax, dx
	mov [ebx], ax
	inc ebx
	inc ebx
	loop .2

	sub esp, 20 * 4
	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 0
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], 0
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0
	call create_descriptor	
	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 1
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0x100000
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], 0x000fffff
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x9a + 0xc000
	call create_descriptor

	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 2
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0x100000
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], 0x000fffff
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x92 + 0xc000
	call create_descriptor
	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 3
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0xb8000
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], 0x00000fff
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x92 + 0xc000
	call create_descriptor

	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 4
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], 0x000fffff
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x9a + 0xc000
	call create_descriptor

	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 5
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], 0x000fffff
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x92 + 0xc000
	call create_descriptor

	lgdt [gdtr]

	add esp, 20 * 4
	jmp dword 1 * 8 : 0

%include "syslib.asm"
	times 512 db 0

	dw 256 * 8 - 1
	dd 0x7c00
	dq 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 ; 0 * 8
	dq 0x00cf_9a10_0000_ffff ; 1 * 8
	dq 0x00cf_9210_0000_ffff ; 2 * 8
	dq 0x00c0_920b_8000_ffff ; 3 * 8
	dq 0x00cf_9a00_0000_ffff ; 4 * 8
	dq 0x00cf_9200_0000_ffff ; 5 * 8

	dw gdt_end - gdt_start - 1
	dd gdt_start + 0x7e00
; kernel.asm
bits 32

	mov ax, 3 * 8
	mov gs, ax
	mov ax, 2 * 8
	mov ds, ax
	mov es, ax
	mov fs, ax
	mov ss, ax
	mov esp, stack_top

	call cls

	mov ebx, 160 + 10
	mov byte [gs: ebx], 'P'
	inc ebx
	mov byte [gs: ebx], 0xe
	inc ebx
	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 6
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0x100000 + ldt_start
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], ldt_end - ldt_start - 1
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x82
	call create_descriptor
	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x100000 + ldt_start
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 1
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0x100000 + local_task_start
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], local_task_end - local_task_start - 1
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x9a + 0xc000
	call create_descriptor
	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x100000 + ldt_start
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 0
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0xb8000
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], 0xfff
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x92 + 0xc000
	call create_descriptor

	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 7
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0x100000 + call_gate_start
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], call_gate_end - call_gate_start - 1
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x9a + 0xc000
	call create_descriptor
	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00 ; 
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 8 ; 
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 7 * 8; 
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], 0x8c00 + 0x6000
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0 ; 
	call create_gate

	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 9
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0x100000 + func1_start
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], func1_end - func1_start - 1
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x9a + 0xc000 + 0x60
	call create_descriptor

	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 10
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0x100000 + func1_stack_top
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], func1_stack_bottom - func1_stack_top - 1
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x92 + 0xc000 + 0x60
	call create_descriptor
	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 11
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0xb8000
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], 0xfff
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x92 + 0xc000 + 0x60
	call create_descriptor

	mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00
	mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 12
	mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0x100000 + tss_start
	mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], tss_end - tss_start + 1
	mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x89
	call create_descriptor
;	call 8 * 8 : 0
;	call 7 * 8 : 0

	mov ax, 6 * 8
	lldt ax

	call 1 * 8 + 4 : 0
	mov ebx, 640 + 10
	mov byte [gs: ebx], 'p'
	inc ebx
	mov byte [gs: ebx], 0xf
	inc ebx

	mov ax, 12 * 8
	ltr ax

	push 10 * 8 + 3
	push func1_stack_top
	push 9 * 8 + 3
	push 0


	jmp .loop

%include "syslib.asm"
	times 1024 db 0

cls: ; void cls(void)
	xor ebx, ebx
	mov al, ' '
	mov ah, 0xf
	mov ecx, 2000
	mov [gs: ebx], ax
	inc ebx
	inc ebx
	loop .1

align 4096

	dq 0, 0

; align 4096

	mov ax, 0 * 8 + 4
	mov gs, ax

	mov ebx, 320 + 10
	mov byte [gs: ebx], 'L'
	inc ebx
	mov byte [gs: ebx], 0x9
	inc ebx

	mov ax, 3 * 8
	mov gs, ax
	mov ebx, 960 + 10
	mov byte [gs: ebx], 'c'
	inc ebx
	mov byte [gs: ebx], 0xf
	inc ebx

align 32
	times 128 db 0

align 32
	mov ax, 11 * 8 + 3
	mov gs, ax

	mov ebx, 800 + 10
	mov byte [gs: ebx], '3'
	inc ebx
	mov byte [gs: ebx], 0xb
	inc ebx
	call 8 * 8 + 3: 0

	jmp $

align 32

	dd 0
	dd stack_top
	dd 2 * 8
times 26 - 3 - 1 dd 0
	dw 0
	dw tss_end
	db 0xff

; sysmacro.asm
%macro enter 0
	push ebp
	mov ebp, esp

%macro push_some 0
	push ecx
	push edx
	push ebx
	push esi
	push edi

%macro pop_some 0
	pop edi
	pop esi
	pop ebx
	pop edx
	pop ecx
; syslib.asm
%include "sysmacro.asm"

; void create_descriptor(int table_start, int number, int base, int limit, int attrib)

; mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00
; mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 1
; mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 0x100000
; mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], 0x000fffff
; mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], 0x9a + 0xc000
; call create_descriptor


	push ds
	mov ax, 5 * 8
	mov ds, ax

	mov word [ebx + 5], 0 	
	mov ebx, [ebp + 2 * 4]
	mov ecx, [ebp + 3 * 4]
	shl ecx, 3
	add ebx, ecx
	mov eax, [ebp + 5 * 4]
	mov [ebx], ax
	shr eax, 16
	and al, 0x0f
	mov [ebx + 6], al
	mov eax, [ebp + 4 * 4]
	mov ecx, eax
	and eax, 0x00ffffff
	mov [ebx + 2], eax
	shr ecx, 24
	mov [ebx + 7], cl
	mov ax, [ebp + 6 * 4]
	or [ebx + 5], ax

	pop ds

; void create_gate(int table_start, int irq, int select, int attrib, int offset)

; mov dword [esp + 0 * 4], 0x7c00 + 256 * 8 ; interrupt descriptor table start
; mov dword [esp + 1 * 4], 0x20 ; clock interrupt
; mov dword [esp + 2 * 4], 4 * 8 ; code segment select
; mov dword [esp + 3 * 4], 0x8e00 ; interrupt gate
; mov dword [esp + 4 * 4], clock_int ; interrupt process program enter address
; call create_gate


	push ds
	mov ax, 5 * 8
	mov ds, ax
	mov ebx, [ebp + 2 * 4]
	mov ecx, [ebp + 3 * 4]
	shl ecx, 3
	add ebx, ecx
	mov ax, [ebp + 4 * 4]
	mov [ebx + 2], ax
	mov ax, [ebp + 5 * 4]
	mov [ebx + 4], ax
	mov eax, [ebp + 6 * 4]
	mov [ebx + 0], ax
	shr eax, 16
	mov [ebx + 6], ax
	pop ds



# bochsrc.txt file for DLX Linux disk image.

# how much memory the emulated machine will have
megs: 64

# filename of ROM images
romimage: file=../BIOS-bochs-latest
vgaromimage: file=../VGABIOS-lgpl-latest

# what disk images will be used 
floppya: 1_44=a.img, status=inserted
##floppyb: 1_44=b.img, status=inserted

# hard disk
ata0: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14
ata0-master: type=disk, path="c.img", cylinders=306, heads=4, spt=17

# choose the boot disk.
boot: c

# default config interface is textconfig.
#config_interface: textconfig
#config_interface: wx

#display_library: x
# other choices: win32 sdl wx carbon amigaos beos macintosh nogui rfb term svga

# where do we send log messages?
#log: bochsout.txt

# disable the mouse, since DLX is text only
mouse: enabled=0

# set up IPS value and clock sync
cpu: ips=15000000
clock: sync=both

# enable key mapping, using US layout as default.
# NOTE: In Bochs 1.4, keyboard mapping is only 100% implemented on X windows.
# However, the key mapping tables are used in the paste function, so 
# in the DLX Linux example I'm enabling keyboard_mapping so that paste 
# will work.  Cut&Paste is currently implemented on win32 and X windows only.

keyboard: keymap=../keymaps/x11-pc-us.map
#keyboard: keymap=../keymaps/x11-pc-fr.map
#keyboard: keymap=../keymaps/x11-pc-de.map
#keyboard: keymap=../keymaps/x11-pc-es.map


rem auto.cmd
@echo off

nasm -fbin -o boot.bin boot.asm
dd if=boot.bin of=c.img seek=0 count=1
nasm -fbin -o loader.bin loader.asm
dd if=loader.bin of=c.img seek=1 count=10
nasm -fbin -o kernel.bin kernel.asm
dd if=kernel.bin of=c.img seek=11 count=220

rem del *.bin
del c.img.lock



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