Python data type

1. unix ctrl+d,windows ctrl +z or import sys; sys.exit();

2. int, float, complex number(real,imag,abs),  _ represent last mentioned number, string(\",\n\, r" " \n doesn't work, quotation can cross-reference ,+, auto connected;

    word[:2]  first two number;  word[2:] all but the first two number;   word[2:4]; can not rewrite string,such word[2] = 'x' wrong; index can be nagative,then count from right

    Word[-1] last character; word[0] = word[-0]; word[-100:] work while word[-100] doesn't;);

    unicode string(eg. u"hello world", u"hello\u0020world",str(u"abc"), u"吃饭".encode('utf-8'), unicode('\xc3\xa4','utf-8'))

    linked table(a = ['abc','eft',123,222], a*3, a+['x'], can changed every element's value, remove: a[0:2] = [], replace: a[1:2] = [223,233], insert: a[1:1] = ['adfd','sdfdf'], insert a copy

    at begin: a[:0] = a, len(a), )

3. Fibonacci example:

    a,b = 0,1

    while b<10:

             print b

             a,b = b,a+b

4. if x < 0:


     elif x == 0:




5. a = ['one','two',three]

    for x in a:

          print x,len(x)

    for x in a[:]:

          if len(x) > 4: a.insert(0,x)

6. range(10) // ten linked number from 0 to 10

    range(5,10) // five number from 5 to 10

    range(0,10,3) // from 0 to 10 and increment is 3

    range(-10,-100,-30) // similar to above

7. for n in range(2,10):

         for x in range(2,n):

                if n%x == 0:

                     print n,'equals',x,'*',n/x



                print n,'is primer a number'

8. pass doesn't do anything

9. function def

    def flib(n): # first line must be retract

          a,b = 0,1

          while b<n:

                print b, #space

                a,b = b,a+b


    flib # show the address of this function

    f = fib # reference of this function


    print f(0) # print None

10. def fib2(n):

                  result = []

                  a,b = 0,1

                  while b<n:

                                result.append(b) # add element to linked table

                                a,b = b,a+b

                  return result

      f100 = fib2(100)


11. def ask_ok(prompt, series = 4, compaliant = 'Yes or no, please'):

               while True:

                        ok = raw_input(prompt) # input with reminder

                        if ok in ('y','ye','yes'): return 1

                        if ok in ('n','no','none'):return 0

                        series = series - 1

                        if series<0:raise IOError, 'refusenik user'

                        print compaliant


        def f(arg=i):

                  print arg


        f() will print 5 # a argument will be assigned only once in using

12. def f(a,L = None)

              if L is None:

                  L= []



13. call function by explicate parameters

      def f(a,b = 'hah',c='what')

               print a,b,c


       # required argument missing, non-key argument following key argument

       # duplicate value for argument, unknow keyword

14. argument like *name must present before **name

      we can consider **name as a dictionary

      def f(one,*two,**three):

               for x in two:print x

               keys = three.keys()

               keys.sort() # sort a list

               for kw in keys: print kw, ':', three[kw]

15. call a function with changeble count of argument

       def fprintf(file, format, *argv)

              file.write( format % argv)

16. lambda example

       def make_incremator(n)

                return lambda x:x+n

       f = make_incremator(10)

       f(10) # result is 20

17. print function

      def my_function()

              """ Do nothing, but document it


              Not, really, it doesn't do anything.



      print my_function.__doc__

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