The Codeless Code: Case 14-15 Hello-World(你好世界)、Immutable(不變性)

The Codeless Code: Case 14 Hello-World(你好世界)

On their first day in the temple, the Java master posed the following three questions to the novices:


“Oftimes, when we acquire a new language or library, the first program we write is Hello, World. Its purpose is to inscribe these words in some fashion that will demonstrate the expected behavior of the technology. After this is done, the program is never run again.


“Now: why does it say hello, and not also goodbye?


“And: why say hello to the world, when the audience is but a single soul who will discard it after its first cry is uttered?


“And: why should it utter a greeting, which will never be answered in kind?”



Speak me a word which means hello and goodbye—is it not the first cry of an infant?


Find me a pinnacle from which the world may be seen—in whose eye, then, is reflected every tiger, and the desert of endless sand?




The Codeless Code: Case 15 Immutable(不變性)

A novice was recently arrived from the Temple of Three Stones where only C was used. He was new to the ways of Java, and soon stumbled upon the immutability of Strings.


“I wish only to convert the contents of this field to mixed case!” he cried. “Yet this requires the construction of a StringBuffer and a new String subsequently, with many untouched characters copied twice between them! For what purpose were Strings designed thus?”



A learned sister heard, and advised him: “The brass coin passed from hand to hand may still be exchanged on the morrow; not so the egg.” The novice was enlightened.


Soon the novice was defining all his classes to be immutable. Not one property could be modified: a new instance had to be created with the necessary changes. His constructors were sometimes astonishingly large and complex.


The Java master was told of this, and said: “Let the form of an egg be cast in brass, and given to the nun to breakfast upon.”


In this manner was the nun charged with correcting the novice.


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