Flink任务提交源码阅读(三):Job提交 run()





  * 执行run操作
  * @param args 运行操作的命令行参数。
protected void run(String[] args) throws Exception {
    LOG.info("Running 'run' command.");
	// 获取配置信息
    final Options commandOptions = CliFrontendParser.getRunCommandOptions();

    final Options commandLineOptions = CliFrontendParser.mergeOptions(commandOptions, customCommandLineOptions);

    final CommandLine commandLine = CliFrontendParser.parse(commandLineOptions, args, true);

    final RunOptions runOptions = new RunOptions(commandLine);

    // 1.判断下是否是help操作
    if (runOptions.isPrintHelp()) {

	if (!runOptions.isPython()) {
      // Java program should be specified a JAR file
      // 2.检查用户指定jar包路径是否为空,如果为空,则打印异常信息,并抛出异常:CliArgsException,
      if (runOptions.getJarFilePath() == null) {
        throw new CliArgsException("Java program should be specified a JAR file.");
     * 3.创建PackagedProgram对象,org.apache.flink.client.program.PackagedProgram类用于在用户指定的jar包中
     * <p>(1).寻找程序入口
     * <p>(2).解析客户代码获取任务拓扑图
     * <p>(3).提取嵌套库
     * <p>在这里是去寻找用户的程序入口
    final PackagedProgram program;
    try {
        LOG.info("Building program from JAR file");
        program = buildProgram(runOptions);
    catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        throw new CliArgsException("Could not build the program from JAR file.", e);

    final CustomCommandLine<?> customCommandLine = getActiveCustomCommandLine(commandLine);

    try {
        // 4. 【重点】执行任务程序.调用runProgram方法,将之前准备好的用户程序入口,配置项传入方法中,运行程序
        runProgram(customCommandLine, commandLine, runOptions, program);
    } finally {
    //  删除为了打包所创建的临时文件

继续执行 runProgram(customCommandLine, commandLine, runOptions, program);

	 * 执行逻辑
	 * @param customCommandLine
	 * @param commandLine
	 * @param runOptions
	 * @param program
	 * @param <T>
	 * @throws ProgramInvocationException
	 * @throws FlinkException
private <T> void runProgram(
    CustomCommandLine<T> customCommandLine,
    CommandLine commandLine,
    RunOptions runOptions,
    PackagedProgram program) throws ProgramInvocationException, FlinkException {
	//      根据用户命令行参数,创建ClusterDescriptor,ClusterDescriptor是一个集群属性的描述对象,
    //  	用于部署集群(例如 Yarn、Mesos),并且返回一个与集群通信的客户端
    final ClusterDescriptor<T> clusterDescriptor = customCommandLine.createClusterDescriptor(commandLine);

    try {
        final T clusterId = customCommandLine.getClusterId(commandLine);
        // 集群客户端,ClusterClient封装了提交一个程序到远程集群的必要的功能
        final ClusterClient<T> client;

        // directly deploy the job if the cluster is started in job mode and detached
        //如果clusterId为空且运行模式为Detached(分离)模式,即命令行中添加 -d 参数
        if (clusterId == null && runOptions.getDetachedMode()) {
        	// --(1)获取默认并行度
            int parallelism = runOptions.getParallelism() == -1 ? defaultParallelism : runOptions.getParallelism();

            // -- (2)根据用户自定义程序,解析DAG拓扑图,构建JobGraph
            final JobGraph jobGraph = PackagedProgramUtils.createJobGraph(program, configuration, parallelism);
			// --(3)根据命令行获取集群配置
            final ClusterSpecification clusterSpecification = customCommandLine.getClusterSpecification(commandLine);
            // 装载任务
            // --(4)调用解析好的Job 图,获取的配置信息,运行模式等传入,调用clusterDescriptor.deployJobCluster方法,
        	// 获得ClusterClient,并运行程序client端将job部署到集群
            client = clusterDescriptor.deployJobCluster(

            logAndSysout("Job has been submitted with JobID " + jobGraph.getJobID());

            try {
             // -- (5)关闭client
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.info("Could not properly shut down the client.", e);
        } else {
        	// -- 使用正常方式进行提交
        	// --(1)创建shutdownHook,用于关闭cluster,在非分离模式下,需要使用shutdownHook在client退出后关闭cluster
            final Thread shutdownHook;
            // -- (2)  判断cluster id 是否为空,如果为空,获取ClusterClient,如果不为空,在client退出后,关闭cluster
            if (clusterId != null) {
                client = clusterDescriptor.retrieve(clusterId);
                shutdownHook = null;
            } else {
                // also in job mode we have to deploy a session cluster because the job
                // might consist of multiple parts (e.g. when using collect)
                final ClusterSpecification clusterSpecification = customCommandLine.getClusterSpecification(commandLine);
                client = clusterDescriptor.deploySessionCluster(clusterSpecification);
                // if not running in detached mode, add a shutdown hook to shut down cluster if client exits
                // there's a race-condition here if cli is killed before shutdown hook is installed
                if (!runOptions.getDetachedMode() && runOptions.isShutdownOnAttachedExit()) {
                    shutdownHook = ShutdownHookUtil.addShutdownHook(client::shutDownCluster, client.getClass().getSimpleName(), LOG);
                } else {
                    shutdownHook = null;

            try {
                LOG.debug("Client slots is set to {}", client.getMaxSlots());

                LOG.debug("{}", runOptions.getSavepointRestoreSettings());

                int userParallelism = runOptions.getParallelism();
                LOG.debug("User parallelism is set to {}", userParallelism);
                if (client.getMaxSlots() != MAX_SLOTS_UNKNOWN && userParallelism == -1) {
                    logAndSysout("Using the parallelism provided by the remote cluster ("
                                 + client.getMaxSlots() + "). "
                                 + "To use another parallelism, set it at the ./bin/flink client.");
                    userParallelism = client.getMaxSlots();
                } else if (ExecutionConfig.PARALLELISM_DEFAULT == userParallelism) {
                    userParallelism = defaultParallelism;

                // 执行程序核心逻辑--调用executeProgram方法去执行程序
                executeProgram(program, client, userParallelism);
            } finally {
                if (clusterId == null && !client.isDetached()) {
                    // terminate the cluster only if we have started it before and if it's not detached
                    try {
                    } catch (final Exception e) {
                        LOG.info("Could not properly terminate the Flink cluster.", e);
                    if (shutdownHook != null) {
                        // we do not need the hook anymore as we have just tried to shutdown the cluster.
                        ShutdownHookUtil.removeShutdownHook(shutdownHook, client.getClass().getSimpleName(), LOG);
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOG.info("Could not properly shut down the client.", e);
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.info("Could not properly close the cluster descriptor.", e);

接着分析executeProgram(program, client, userParallelism)的逻辑:

protected void executeProgram(PackagedProgram program, ClusterClient<?> client, int parallelism) throws ProgramMissingJobException, ProgramInvocationException {
		logAndSysout("Starting execution of program");
       // 执行任务
		final JobSubmissionResult result = client.run(program, parallelism);

		if (null == result) {
			throw new ProgramMissingJobException("No JobSubmissionResult returned, please make sure you called " +
       // 判断是否返回了任务程序执行的结果。即代表任务正常执行完了。
		if (result.isJobExecutionResult()) {
			logAndSysout("Program execution finished");
			JobExecutionResult execResult = result.getJobExecutionResult();
			System.out.println("Job with JobID " + execResult.getJobID() + " has finished.");
			System.out.println("Job Runtime: " + execResult.getNetRuntime() + " ms");
			Map<String, Object> accumulatorsResult = execResult.getAllAccumulatorResults();
			if (accumulatorsResult.size() > 0) {
				System.out.println("Accumulator Results: ");
		} else {
			logAndSysout("Job has been submitted with JobID " + result.getJobID());



	 * 从CliFronted中运行一个用户自定义的jar包来运行任务程序。运行模式有阻塞(blocking)模式和分离(detached)模式。
	 * 具体是什么模式,主要看{@code setDetached(true)} or {@code setDetached(false)}.
	 * @param prog 打包过的程序
	 * @param parallelism 执行Flink job的并行度
	 * @return 执行的结果
	 * @throws ProgramMissingJobException
	 * @throws ProgramInvocationException
public JobSubmissionResult run(PackagedProgram prog, int parallelism)
    throws ProgramInvocationException, ProgramMissingJobException {
    // 1. 如果程序指定了执行入口
    if (prog.isUsingProgramEntryPoint()) {
        final JobWithJars jobWithJars;
        if (hasUserJarsInClassPath(prog.getAllLibraries())) {
            jobWithJars = prog.getPlanWithoutJars();
        } else {
            jobWithJars = prog.getPlanWithJars();
        // 执行主逻辑
        return run(jobWithJars, parallelism, prog.getSavepointSettings());
   // 2. 如果没有指定执行入口,那么就利用交互模式执行程序
    else if (prog.isUsingInteractiveMode()) {
        log.info("Starting program in interactive mode (detached: {})", isDetached());

        final List<URL> libraries;
        if (hasUserJarsInClassPath(prog.getAllLibraries())) {
            libraries = Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            libraries = prog.getAllLibraries();

        ContextEnvironmentFactory factory = new ContextEnvironmentFactory(this, libraries,
                                                                          prog.getClasspaths(), prog.getUserCodeClassLoader(), parallelism, isDetached(),

        try {
            // invoke main method
            if (lastJobExecutionResult == null && factory.getLastEnvCreated() == null) {
                throw new ProgramMissingJobException("The program didn't contain a Flink job.");
            if (isDetached()) {
                // in detached mode, we execute the whole user code to extract the Flink job, afterwards we run it here
                return ((DetachedEnvironment) factory.getLastEnvCreated()).finalizeExecute();
            else {
                // in blocking mode, we execute all Flink jobs contained in the user code and then return here
                return this.lastJobExecutionResult;
        finally {
    else {
        throw new ProgramInvocationException("PackagedProgram does not have a valid invocation mode.");

我们这里不考虑交互模型,即只考虑任务程序的执行入口给定的情况。所以重点分析run(jobWithJars, parallelism, prog.getSavepointSettings())的逻辑。

	 * 通过客户端,在Flink集群中运行程序。调用将一直阻塞,知道执行结果返回。
	 * @param jobWithJars 任务jar包.
	 * @param parallelism  运行该任务的并行度
public JobSubmissionResult run(JobWithJars jobWithJars, int parallelism, SavepointRestoreSettings savepointSettings)
    throws CompilerException, ProgramInvocationException {
    // 获取类加载器
    ClassLoader classLoader = jobWithJars.getUserCodeClassLoader();
    if (classLoader == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given JobWithJars does not provide a usercode class loader.");
    // 得到优化执行计划
    OptimizedPlan optPlan = getOptimizedPlan(compiler, jobWithJars, parallelism);
    // 执行
    return run(optPlan, jobWithJars.getJarFiles(), jobWithJars.getClasspaths(), classLoader, savepointSettings);

进一步分析run(optPlan, jobWithJars.getJarFiles(), jobWithJars.getClasspaths(), classLoader, savepointSettings)流程。

public JobSubmissionResult run(FlinkPlan compiledPlan,
			List<URL> libraries, List<URL> classpaths, ClassLoader classLoader, SavepointRestoreSettings savepointSettings)
			throws ProgramInvocationException {
         // 得到JobGraph
		JobGraph job = getJobGraph(flinkConfig, compiledPlan, libraries, classpaths, savepointSettings);
         // 提交任务执行
		return submitJob(job, classLoader);

提交任务执行的逻辑submitJob(job, classLoader)。//TODO


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