
Automater is a URL/Domain, IP Address, and Md5 Hash OSINT tool aimed at making the analysis process easier for intrusion Analysts. Given a target (URL, IP, or HASH) or a file full of targets Automater will return relevant results from sources like the following: IPvoid.com, Robtex.com, Fortiguard.com, unshorten.me, Urlvoid.com, Labs.alienvault.com, ThreatExpert, VxVault, and VirusTotal.

嗯,貌似是一个给定一个域名或者IP ,会返回主机的信息

Tools included in the automater package

automater – A IP and URL analysis tool

root@kali:~# automater -h
usage: Automater.py [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-w WEB] [-c CSV] [-d DELAY] [-s SOURCE]
[–p] [–proxy PROXY] [-a USERAGENT]

IP, URL, and Hash Passive Analysis tool

positional arguments:
target List one IP Address (CIDR or dash notation accepted),
URL or Hash to query or pass the filename of a file
containing IP Address info, URL or Hash to query each
separated by a newline.

optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, –output OUTPUT
This option will output the results to a file.
-w WEB, –web WEB This option will output the results to an HTML file.
-c CSV, –csv CSV This option will output the results to a CSV file.
-d DELAY, –delay DELAY
This will change the delay to the inputted seconds.
Default is 2.
-s SOURCE, –source SOURCE
This option will only run the target against a
specific source engine to pull associated domains.
Options are defined in the name attribute of the site
element in the XML configuration file
–p, –post This option tells the program to post information to
sites that allow posting. By default the program will
NOT post to sites that require a post.
–proxy PROXY This option will set a proxy to use (eg.
This option allows the user to set the user-agent seen
by web servers being utilized. By default, the user-
agent is set to Automater/version
automater Usage Example

Use robtex as the source (-s) to scan for information on IP address

root@kali:~# automater -s robtex
[*] Checking http://api.tekdefense.com/robtex/rob.php?q=

__________ Results found for: __________
[+] A records from Robtex.com: www.kali.org

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