
Chromium是支持Video对象的,这个是HTML5的新特性,如今为了在JavaScript中能够调用到底层的一些特性,需要给其添加一个新的方法,即: 如何使JavaScript能够调用到Chromium底层的一些特性。

首先看一下Video Play方法的调用堆栈,



这样就更清晰了,通过调查可以得知,我们只有在HTMLMediaElement中定义相应的接口,然后一路调用下去,最后就可以调用到WebMediaPlayerImpl,这个类具体实现Player的相应功能,这个类中可以调用到PipeLine,这样我们就可以调用我们任意想调用的东西了,例如: demux,decoder,render等。要想把相应的接口Export到JavaScript层,在HTMLMediaElement.idl中定义是关键,其他的事情框架就给我做了。下面讲一个小例子。


We implement a specialcall interface on HTMLMediaElementand it call WebMediaPlayerImpl’s function finally.

First we prepare a sample.html to triggerthe call as below:






function playOrPause() {

  var video = document.getElementById('video');

  video.specialcall(); //this is my custom call






<!-- <video src="bear.ogv" width="320" height="240" controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay"> -->

<video id="video" src="car.ts" width="320" height="240">

   your browser dose not support the video tag.


<input type="button" value="Play" id="playpause" οnclick="playOrPause()" />




Second, we add implemented code in Chromiumproject as below:

1, Add specialcall function inHTMLMediaElement class

voidHTMLMediaElement::specialcall() {

 printf("Good , called my function in HTMLMediaElement! \n");




   printf("can't get m_player in HTMLMediaElement \n");



2, Export specialcall funciton inHTMLMediaElement.idl file

   void specialcall();

3, Add specialcall in MediaPlayer class

void MediaPlayer::specialcall(){

 printf("myspecialcall is called in MediaPlayer class \n");



4, Add a virtual function in WebMediaPlayerclass in WebMediaPlayer.h

   virtual void myspecialcall() { }

5, Add a virtual function in MediaPlayerPrivateclass in WebMediaPlayer.h

   virtual void specialcall() { }

6, Add a virtual function in WebMediaPlayerClientImplclass

void WebMediaPlayerClientImpl::specialcall(){

 printf("specialcall is called in WebMediaPlayerClientImpl class\n");

 if (m_webMediaPlayer.get())



    printf("can't get web media player at this moment \n");


7, Add a virtual function in WebMediaPlayerImpl class


 printf("myspecialcall is called in WebMediaPlayerImpl class\n");

 printf("Here,i think it's enough,you can get what you want becauseyou can get pipeline here \n");


 Third, build theChromium project and run Chrome and load sample.html, click pay button afterload. The result is as below:

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