7.3 Honeypots and Honeynets
People who like to watch monkeys go to the zoo, because there might be monkeys there.
People who like to watch birds put out bird feeders, and the birds come to them. People who
like to watch fish build aquariums, and bring the fish to themselves. But what do you do if you
want to watch hackers?
You put out a honeypot.
Think about it this way – you're a bear. You may not know much (being a bear) but you do
know that honey is tasty, and there is nothing better on a warm summer day than a big
handful of honey. So you see a big pot full of honey sitting out in the center of a clearing, and
you're thinking, 'Yum!” But once you stick your paw in the honey pot, you risk getting stuck. If
nothing else, you're going to leave big, sticky paw prints everywhere, and everyone is going
to know that someone has been in the honey, and there's a good chance that anyone who
follows the big, sticky paw prints is going to discover that it's you. More than one bear has
been trapped because of his affection for tasty honey.
A honeypot is a computer system, network, or virtual machine that serves no other purpose
than to lure in hackers. In a honeypot, there are no authorized users – no real data is stored in
the system, no real work is performed on it – so, every access, every attempt to use it, can be
identified as unauthorized. Instead of sifting through logs to identify intrusions, the system
administrator knows that every access is an intrusion, so a large part of the work is already

7.3 誘捕系統






7.3.1 Types of Honeypots
There are two types of honeypots: production and research.
Production honeypots are used primarily as warning systems. A production honeypot identifies
an intrusion and generates an alarm. They can show you that an intruder has identified the
system or network as an object of interest, but not much else. For example, if you wanted to
know if bears lived near your clearing, you might set out ten tiny pots of honey. If you
checked them in the morning and found one or more of them empty, then you would know
that bears had been in the vicinity, but you wouldn't know anything else about the bears.
Research honeypots are used to collect information about hacker's activities. A research
honeypot lures in hackers, then keeps them occupied while it quietly records their actions. For
example, if – instead of simply documenting their presence – you wanted to study the bears,
then you might set out one big, tasty, sticky pot of honey in the middle of your clearing, but
then you would surround that pot with movie cameras, still cameras, tape recorders and
research assistants with clipboards and pith helmets.
The two types of honeypots differ primarily in their complexity. You can more easily set up and
maintain a production honeypot because of its simplicity and the limited amount of
information that you hope to collect. In a production honeypot, you just want to know that
you've been hit; you don't care so much whether the hackers stay around, However, in a
research honeypot, you want the hackers to stay, so that you can see what they are doing.
This makes setting up and maintaining a research honeypot more difficult, because you must
make the system look like a real, working system that offers files or services that the hackers
find interesting. A bear who knows what a honeypot looks like, might spend a minute looking
at an empty pot, but only a full pot full of tasty honey is going to keep the bear hanging
around long enough for you to study it.

7.3.1 誘捕系統的種類







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