

if exists (select name from sysobjects where name='test' and type='u')
drop table test
if exists (select name from sysobjects where name='test1' and type='u')
drop table test1
create  table test
(id int,name varchar(20))
insert into test values (1,'Who am i,test?')


create  table test1
(id int,name varchar(20))
insert into test values (1,'Who am i,test1?')

update  test set id=2 from test bsh where test.id=bsh.id

update  test set id=2 from test bsh where id=bsh.id

update  test set id=2 from test bsh,test sh where id=bsh.id and id=sh.id

update  test1 set id=2 from test bsh,test sh where test1.id=bsh.id and

test1.id=sh.iddrop table test1
drop table test 


update  bsh set id=2 from test bsh,test sh where bsh.id=sh.id

但爲什麼UPDATE test SET id=2 FROM test bsh,test sh爲報錯?這還是個疑問.



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