LibRec 學習筆記(九):如何利用已有輪子 LibRec 庫實現自己的推薦算法?

在我看來,東北大學郭貴兵老師的 LibRec 推薦算法開源庫真的是幫了我這種學術小菜鳥很多忙,它幫助我們復現了很多學術論文的方法,同時給予我們很大的方便去自主復現頂會論文。那作爲學術小菜鳥的我如果想要寫自己的推薦算法,怎麼辦呢?答案是我們完全也可以直接利用這個開源庫!

那下面以我自己粗淺的理解配合官方文檔給出指引,如何利用已有輪子 LibRec 去實現自己的推薦算法。

一、LibRec 中推薦的流程

在講如何去實現自己的推薦算法之前,我想要介紹一下 LibRec 中整個推薦的流程:

  • 首先我們需要得到算法所需要的數據,比如用戶行爲數據(如最常用的用戶-物品-評分數據,用戶的隱性反饋數據)、附加數據(如社交網絡數據、地理位置數據、物品內容數據)等等
  • 其次我們需要對數據進行相應的處理,這裏的處理包括轉化數據格式(比如text、arff數據格式)、根據要求去劃分數據集(比如按比例劃分、留一劃分、k折劃分、指定測試集和數據集)、處理附加數據等。
  • 然後我們才能使用推薦算法利用訓練集進行訓練,把得到的結果利用測試集去進行評估推薦算法的好壞,其中如果需要計算相似度的算法,需要考慮相似度計算模塊(比如歐式距離等10餘種)
  • 最後如果不需要進行過濾數據的話,把結果保存下來



二、LibRec 中的 6 個抽象類

在 LibRec 中總共設計了 6 個抽象的基類方便我們去繼承,從而實現不同類型的推薦算法,分別是:

  • Abstract Recommender 抽象推薦算法
  • Matrix Recommender 基於矩陣抽象推薦算法
  • Matrix Probabilistic Graphical Recommender 基於矩陣概率圖模型的抽象推薦算法
  • Matrix Factorization Recommender 矩陣分解抽象推薦算法
  • Factorization Machine Recommender 因子分解抽象推薦算法
  • Social Recommender 社交抽象推薦算法
  • Tensor Recommender張量抽象推薦算法

目前在 LibRec 中已有70+ 的推薦算法都是在這些基類的基礎上去進行設計的,它們包括以下7個類別,分別是基準算法、協調過濾算法、基於內容的推薦算法、情景感知算法、深度學習算法、混合算法以及其他擴展算法

所以如果你需要在 LibRec 中實現自己的算法,首先需要按照自己算法所屬的類別去繼承相應的抽象類,並按要求去實現相應的抽象方法,也可以按自己的需要去重寫抽象類中的方法。


以繼承 Abstract Recommender 抽象方法爲例,下面是該方法的代碼(可以先略看):

package net.librec.recommender;
import net.librec.common.LibrecException;
import net.librec.conf.Configuration;
import net.librec.job.progress.ProgressBar;
import net.librec.recommender.item.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

 * Abstract Recommender Methods
 * @author WangYuFeng and Wang Keqiang
public abstract class AbstractRecommender implements Recommender {
     * LOG
    protected final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());

     * is ranking or rating
    protected boolean isRanking;

     * topN
    protected int topN;

     * conf
    protected Configuration conf;

     * RecommenderContext
    protected RecommenderContext context;

     * early-stop criteria
    protected boolean earlyStop;

     * verbose
    protected static boolean verbose = true;

     * objective loss
    protected double loss, lastLoss = 0.0d;

     * whether to adjust learning rate automatically
    protected boolean isBoldDriver;

     * decay of learning rate
    protected float decay;

     * report the training progress
    protected ProgressBar progressBar;

     * user Mapping Data
    public BiMap<String, Integer> userMappingData;

     * item Mapping Data
    public BiMap<String, Integer> itemMappingData;

     * setup
     * @throws LibrecException if error occurs during setup
    protected void setup() throws LibrecException {
        conf = context.getConf();//通過 RecommenderContext類獲取所有的配置項到 conf 變量中,而這些變量就是 
        isRanking = conf.getBoolean("rec.recommender.isranking");//獲取是否進行排序配置項,比如topN任務這一項都有
        if (isRanking) {
            topN = conf.getInt("rec.recommender.ranking.topn", 10);//TopN值,默認是10
            if (this.topN <= 0) {
                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("rec.recommender.ranking.topn should be more than 0!");
        earlyStop = conf.getBoolean("rec.recommender.earlystop", false);//是否進行早停策略,默認值是false
        verbose = conf.getBoolean("rec.recommender.verbose", true);//是否輸出打印信息,就是控制檯輸出的那些信息,默認值是true

        userMappingData = getDataModel().getUserMappingData();//得到用戶隱射數據(具體用途,暫時不詳)
        itemMappingData = getDataModel().getItemMappingData();//得到物品隱射數據(具體用途,暫時不詳)

        if (verbose) {//如果可以輸出打印消息,則設置進度條的大小
            progressBar = new ProgressBar(100, 100);

     * train Model
     * @throws LibrecException if error occurs during training model
    protected abstract void trainModel() throws LibrecException;

     * recommend
     * @param context recommender context
     * @throws LibrecException if error occurs during recommending
    public void train(RecommenderContext context) throws LibrecException {
        this.context = context;
        setup();//基本就是配置項的讀取等操作"Job Setup completed.");
        trainModel();//調用具體推薦算法的訓練方法"Job Train completed.");

     * cleanup
     * @throws LibrecException if error occurs during cleanup
    protected void cleanup() throws LibrecException {


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see net.librec.recommender.Recommender#loadModel(String)
    public void loadModel(String filePath) {


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see net.librec.recommender.Recommender#saveModel(String)
    public void saveModel(String filePath) {


     * get Context
     * @return recommender context
    protected RecommenderContext getContext() {
        return context;

     * set Context
     * @param context recommender context
    public void setContext(RecommenderContext context) {
        this.context = context;

     * get Data Model
     * @return data model
    public DataModel getDataModel() {
        return context.getDataModel();

     * get Recommended List
     * @return Recommended List
    public List<RecommendedItem> getRecommendedList(RecommendedList recommendedList) {

        if (recommendedList != null && recommendedList.size() > 0) {
            List<RecommendedItem> userItemList = new ArrayList<>();
            Iterator<ContextKeyValueEntry> recommendedEntryIter = recommendedList.iterator();
            if (userMappingData != null && userMappingData.size() > 0 && itemMappingData != null && itemMappingData.size() > 0) {
                BiMap<Integer, String> userMappingInverse = userMappingData.inverse();
                BiMap<Integer, String> itemMappingInverse = itemMappingData.inverse();
                while (recommendedEntryIter.hasNext()) {
                    ContextKeyValueEntry contextKeyValueEntry =;
                    if (contextKeyValueEntry != null) {
                        String userId = userMappingInverse.get(contextKeyValueEntry.getContextIdx());
                        String itemId = itemMappingInverse.get(contextKeyValueEntry.getKey());
                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userId) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(itemId)) {
                            userItemList.add(new GenericRecommendedItem(userId, itemId, contextKeyValueEntry.getValue()));
                return userItemList;
        return null;

     * Post each iteration, we do things:
     * <ol>
     * <li>print debug information</li>
     * <li>check if converged</li>
     * <li>if not, adjust learning rate</li>
     * </ol>
     * @param iter current iteration
     * @return boolean: true if it is converged; false otherwise
     * @throws LibrecException if error occurs
    protected boolean isConverged(int iter) throws LibrecException {
        float delta_loss = (float) (lastLoss - loss);
        // 如果verbose爲真,輸出信息
        if (verbose) {
            String recName = getClass().getSimpleName();
            String info = recName + " iter " + iter + ": loss = " + loss + ", delta_loss = " + delta_loss;
        if (Double.isNaN(loss) || Double.isInfinite(loss)) {
        	//LOG.error("Loss = NaN or Infinity: current settings does not fit the recommender! Change the settings and try again!");
            throw new LibrecException("Loss = NaN or Infinity: current settings does not fit the recommender! Change the settings and try again!");
        return Math.abs(delta_loss) < 1e-5;

    public void updateProgress(int currentPoint) {
        if (verbose) {
            conf.setInt("train.current.progress", currentPoint);

如果我們的推薦算法繼承的是這個 Abstract Recommender 抽象類的話,我們實現一個自己的推薦算法的大致流程如下:

  1. Override 並且重新寫 setup 方法
    setup 方法完成的任務主要是對算法成員變量的初始化,例如從配置文件中讀取參數的操作可以寫在這裏,具體細節可以參考這篇博客中講到的setup方法。 當然,這個步驟是可選步驟,但如果要重新寫setup方法的時候,需要調用原抽象類中的setup方法,第一行用super.setup() ,保證算法的基本參數得到初始化。

  2. 實現 trainModel 方法
    trainModel 方法完成的任務是算法模型的訓練,例如模型的損失函數利用梯度下降進行訓練的過程,也就是需要我們寫模型的地方!!!在基類 Abstract Recommender 中這個方法是爲空的,方便後面繼承的類進行改寫、覆蓋。

  3. 實現 predict 方法
    predict 方法完成的任務是,使用訓練好的模型進行預測。例如對於評分預測算法,在 predict 方法中需要對測試集中的每個評分值進行預測,即對於給定的 user index 和 item index,使用模型預測它們之間的評分。

是的,正如你看到的那麼簡單,只要把以上三個方法寫了就可以了。下面給出一個直接繼承 Abstract Recommender 的推薦算法,比如 USG 算法(好吧,代碼有點長,而且沒有註釋,大家不用細看,不過本意就是讓大家看看以上三個方法在 USG 算法中是怎樣寫的,有沒有發現除了這三個方法外,還有其他的方法,有些部分直接覆蓋了基類的其他方法,有些部分是爲了輔助以上三個方法的部分操作寫的~)


package net.librec.recommender.poi;

import net.librec.common.LibrecException;
import net.librec.math.algorithm.Randoms;
import net.librec.math.structure.DataSet;
import net.librec.math.structure.SequentialAccessSparseMatrix;
import net.librec.math.structure.SequentialSparseVector;
import net.librec.math.structure.Vector;
import net.librec.recommender.AbstractRecommender;
import net.librec.recommender.item.KeyValue;
import net.librec.recommender.item.RecommendedList;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.*;

 * Ye M, Yin P, Lee W C, et al. Exploiting geographical influence for collaborative point-of-interest recommendation[C]//
 * International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. ACM, 2011:325-334.
 * @author Yuanyuan Jin
 * ###special notes###
 * 1. prediction for all user, please set:
 * data.testset.path = poi/Gowalla/checkin/Gowalla_test.txt
 * and delete the para setting for "rec.limit.userNum" in
 * 2. prediction for small user set like userids in [0, 100],
 * in, please set:
 * data.testset.path = poi/Gowalla/checkin/testDataFor101users.txt
 * rec.limit.userNum = 101
 * In EntropyEvaluator and NoveltyEvaluator, you also need to reset the variable "numUsers" = your limited userNum
public class USGRecommender extends AbstractRecommender {
    private SequentialAccessSparseMatrix socialSimilarityMatrix;
    private SequentialAccessSparseMatrix userSimilarityMatrix;
    private SequentialAccessSparseMatrix socialMatrix;
    private SequentialAccessSparseMatrix trainMatrix;
    private SequentialAccessSparseMatrix testMatrix;
     * weight of the social score part
    private double alpha;

     * weight of the geographical score part
    private double beta;

     * tuning parameter in social similarity
    private double eta;

     * linear coefficients for modeling the "log-log scale" power-law distribution
    private double w0;
    private double w1;

     * number of pois
    private int numPois;

     * number of users
    private int numUsers;

     * for limiting test user cardinality
    private int limitUserNum;

    private static final int BSIZE = 1024 * 1024;
    private String socialPath;
    private KeyValue<Double, Double>[] locationCoordinates;

    protected void setup() throws LibrecException {

        BiMap<Integer, String> userIds = this.userMappingData.inverse();
        BiMap<Integer, String> itemIds = this.itemMappingData.inverse();

        numPois = itemMappingData.size();
        numUsers = userMappingData.size();

        trainMatrix = (SequentialAccessSparseMatrix) getDataModel().getTrainDataSet();
        testMatrix = (SequentialAccessSparseMatrix) getDataModel().getTestDataSet();

        alpha = conf.getDouble("rec.alpha", 0.1d);
        beta = conf.getDouble("rec.beta", 0.1d);
        eta = conf.getDouble("rec.eta", 0.05d);
        //default value is numUsers
        limitUserNum = conf.getInt("rec.limit.userNum", numUsers);
        locationCoordinates = ((LocationDataAppender) getDataModel().getDataAppender()).getLocationAppender();
        userSimilarityMatrix = context.getSimilarity().getSimilarityMatrix().toSparseMatrix();
        socialPath = conf.get("") + "/" + conf.get("");

        // for AUCEvaluator and nDCGEvaluator
        int[] numDroppedItemsArray = new int[numUsers];
        int maxNumTestItemsByUser = 0;
        for (int userIdx = 0; userIdx < numUsers; ++userIdx) {
            numDroppedItemsArray[userIdx] = numPois - trainMatrix.row(userIdx).getNumEntries();
            int numTestItemsByUser = testMatrix.row(userIdx).getNumEntries();
            maxNumTestItemsByUser = maxNumTestItemsByUser < numTestItemsByUser ? numTestItemsByUser : maxNumTestItemsByUser;
        conf.setInts("rec.eval.auc.dropped.num", numDroppedItemsArray);
        conf.setInt("rec.eval.key.test.max.num", maxNumTestItemsByUser);

        // for EntropyEvaluator
        conf.setInt("rec.eval.item.num", testMatrix.columnSize());

        // for NoveltyEvaluator
        int[] itemPurchasedCount = new int[numPois];
        for (int itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < numPois; ++itemIdx) {
            int userNum = 0;
            int[] userArray = trainMatrix.column(itemIdx).getIndices();
            for (int userIdx : userArray) {
                if (userIdx >= 0 && userIdx < limitUserNum) {
            userArray = testMatrix.column(itemIdx).getIndices();
            for (int userIdx : userArray) {
                if (userIdx >= 0 && userIdx < limitUserNum) {
            itemPurchasedCount[itemIdx] = userNum;
        conf.setInts("rec.eval.item.purchase.num", itemPurchasedCount);

    protected void trainModel() throws LibrecException {"start buliding socialmatrix" + new Date());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        }"start buliding socialSimilarityMatrix" + new Date());
        buildSocialSimilarity();"start fitting the powerlaw distribution" + new Date());

    public double[] predictScore(int userIdx, int itemIdx) {
        //score array for three aspects: user preference, social influence and  geographical influence
        double[] predictScore = new double[]{0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d};

        int[] userArray = trainMatrix.column(itemIdx).getIndices();
        List<Integer> userList = Ints.asList(userArray);

        /*---------start user preference socre calculation--------*/
        //iterator to iterate other similar users for each user
        Iterator<Vector.VectorEntry> userSimIter = userSimilarityMatrix.row(userIdx).iterator();

        //similarities between userIdx and its neighbors
        List<Double> neighborSimis = new ArrayList<>();
        while (userSimIter.hasNext()) {
            Vector.VectorEntry userRatingEntry =;
            int similarUserIdx = userRatingEntry.index();
            if (!userList.contains(similarUserIdx)) {
        if (neighborSimis.size() == 0) {
            predictScore[0] = 0.0d;
        } else {
            double sum = 0.0d;
            for (int i = 0; i < neighborSimis.size(); i++) {
                sum += neighborSimis.get(i);
            predictScore[0] = sum;
        /*---------end user preference socre calculation--------*/

        /*---------start social influence socre calculation--------*/
        //social similarities between userIdx and its social neighbors
        List<Double> socialNeighborSimis = new ArrayList<>();
        Iterator<Vector.VectorEntry> friendIter = socialSimilarityMatrix.row(userIdx).iterator();
        while (friendIter.hasNext()) {
            Vector.VectorEntry userRatingEntry =;
            int similarUserIdx = userRatingEntry.index();
            if (!userList.contains(similarUserIdx)) {
        if (socialNeighborSimis.size() == 0) {
            predictScore[1] = 0.0d;
        } else {
            double sum = 0.0d;
            for (int i = 0; i < socialNeighborSimis.size(); i++) {
                sum += socialNeighborSimis.get(i);
            predictScore[1] = sum;
        /*---------end social influence socre calculation--------*/

        /*---------start geo influence socre calculation--------*/
        double geoScore = 1.0d;
        int[] itemList = trainMatrix.row(userIdx).getIndices();
        if (itemList.length == 0) {
            geoScore = 0.0d;
        } else {
            for (int visitedPOI : itemList) {
                double distance = getDistance(locationCoordinates[visitedPOI].getKey(), locationCoordinates[visitedPOI].getValue(),
                        locationCoordinates[itemIdx].getKey(), locationCoordinates[itemIdx].getValue());
                if (distance < 0.01) {
                    distance = 0.01;
                geoScore *= w0 * Math.pow(distance, w1);
        predictScore[2] = geoScore;
        /*---------end geo influence socre calculation--------*/

        return predictScore;

    public void buildSocialSimilarity() {
        Table<Integer, Integer, Double> socialSimilarityTable = HashBasedTable.create();
        for (int userIdx = 0; userIdx < numUsers; userIdx++) {
            SequentialSparseVector userVector = trainMatrix.row(userIdx);
            if (userVector.getNumEntries() == 0) {
            int[] socialNeighborList = socialMatrix.column(userIdx).getIndices();
            for (int socialNeighborIdx : socialNeighborList) {
                if (userIdx < socialNeighborIdx) {
                    SequentialSparseVector socialVector = trainMatrix.row(socialNeighborIdx);
                    int[] friendList = socialMatrix.column(socialNeighborIdx).getIndices();
                    if (socialVector.getNumEntries() == 0 || friendList.length == 0) {
                    if (getCorrelation(userVector, socialVector) > 0.0 && getCorrelation(socialNeighborList, friendList) > 0.0) {
                        double sim = (1 - eta) * getCorrelation(userVector, socialVector) + eta * getCorrelation(socialNeighborList, friendList);
                        if (!Double.isNaN(sim) && sim != 0.0) {
                            socialSimilarityTable.put(userIdx, socialNeighborIdx, sim);
        socialSimilarityMatrix = new SequentialAccessSparseMatrix(numUsers, numUsers, socialSimilarityTable);

     * fit the "log-log" scale power law distribution
    public void fitPowerLaw() {
        Map<Integer, Double> distanceMap = new HashMap<>();
        Map<Double, Double> logdistanceMap = new HashMap<>();
        int pairNum = 0;

        for (int userIdx = 0; userIdx < numUsers; userIdx++) {
            int[] itemList = trainMatrix.row(userIdx).getIndices();
            if (itemList.length == 0) {

            for (int i = 0; i < itemList.length - 1; i++) {
                for (int j = i + 1; j < itemList.length; j++) {
                    double distance = getDistance(locationCoordinates[itemList[i]].getKey(), locationCoordinates[itemList[i]].getValue(),
                            locationCoordinates[itemList[j]].getKey(), locationCoordinates[itemList[j]].getValue());
                    if ((int) distance > 0) {
                        int intDistance = (int) distance;
                        if (!distanceMap.containsKey(intDistance)) {
                            distanceMap.put(intDistance, 0.0d);
                        distanceMap.put(intDistance, distanceMap.get(intDistance) + 1.0d);

        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> distanceEntry : distanceMap.entrySet()) {
            logdistanceMap.put(Math.log10(distanceEntry.getKey()), Math.log10(distanceEntry.getValue() * 1.0 / pairNum));

        /*-------start gradient descent--------*/
        w0 = Randoms.random();
        w1 = Randoms.random();
        //regularization coefficient
        double reg = 0.1;
        //learn rate
        double lrate = 0.00001;
        //max number of iterations
        int maxIterations = 2000;

        for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++) {
            //gradients of w0 and w1
            double w0Gradient = 0.0d;
            double w1Gradient = 0.0d;

            for (Map.Entry<Double, Double> distanceEntry : logdistanceMap.entrySet()) {
                double distance = distanceEntry.getKey();
                double probability = distanceEntry.getValue();
                w0Gradient += (w0 + w1 * distance - probability);
                w1Gradient += (w0 + w1 * distance - probability) * distance;
            w0 -= lrate * (w0Gradient + reg * w0);
            w1 -= lrate * (w1Gradient + reg * w1);
        /*-------end gradient descent--------*/

        w0 = Math.pow(10, w0);

     * calculate the spherical distance between location(lat1, long1) and location (lat2, long2)
     * @param lat1
     * @param long1
     * @param lat2
     * @param long2
     * @return
    protected double getDistance(Double lat1, Double long1, Double lat2, Double long2) {
        if (Math.abs(lat1 - lat2) < 1e-6 && Math.abs(long1 - long2) < 1e-6) {
            return 0.0d;
        double degreesToRadius = Math.PI / 180.0;
        double phi1 = (90.0 - lat1) * degreesToRadius;
        double phi2 = (90.0 - lat2) * degreesToRadius;
        double theta1 = long1 * degreesToRadius;
        double theta2 = long2 * degreesToRadius;
        double cos = (Math.sin(phi1) * Math.sin(phi2) * Math.cos(theta1 - theta2) +
                Math.cos(phi1) * Math.cos(phi2));
        double arc = Math.acos(cos);
        double earthRadius = 6371;
        return arc * earthRadius;

    public double getCorrelation(SequentialSparseVector thisVector, SequentialSparseVector thatVector) {
        // compute jaccard similarity
        Set<Integer> elements = unionArrays(thisVector.getIndices(), thatVector.getIndices());
        int numAllElements = elements.size();
        int numCommonElements = thisVector.getIndices().length + thatVector.getIndices().length - numAllElements;
        return (numCommonElements + 0.0) / numAllElements;

    public Set<Integer> unionArrays(int[] arr1, int[] arr2) {
        Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
        for (int num : arr1) {
        for (int num : arr2) {
        return set;

    public double getCorrelation(int[] thisList, int[] thatList) {
        // compute jaccard similarity
        Set<Integer> elements = new HashSet<Integer>();
        for (int num : thisList) {
        for (int num : thatList) {
        int numAllElements = elements.size();
        int numCommonElements = thisList.length + thatList.length
                - numAllElements;
        return (numCommonElements + 0.0) / numAllElements;

    public RecommendedList recommendRating(DataSet predictDataSet) throws LibrecException {
        return null;

    public RecommendedList recommendRating(LibrecDataList<AbstractBaseDataEntry> dataList) throws LibrecException {
        return null;

    public RecommendedList recommendRank() throws LibrecException {"Eveluate for users from id 0 to id\t" + (limitUserNum-1));
        RecommendedList recommendedList = new RecommendedList(numUsers);
        for (int userIdx = 0; userIdx < numUsers; ++userIdx) {
            recommendedList.addList(new ArrayList<>());

        List<Integer> userList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int userIdx = 0; userIdx < limitUserNum; ++userIdx) {

        userList.parallelStream().forEach((Integer userIdx) -> {
            List<Integer> itemList = Ints.asList(trainMatrix.row(userIdx).getIndices());
            List<KeyValue<Integer, double[]>> tempItemValueList = new ArrayList<>();
            double[] maxScore = new double[]{0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d};
            for (int itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < numPois; ++itemIdx) {
                if (!itemList.contains(itemIdx)) {
                    double[] predictRating = predictScore(userIdx, itemIdx);
                    if (predictRating[0] >= maxScore[0]) {
                        maxScore[0] = predictRating[0];
                    if (predictRating[1] >= maxScore[1]) {
                        maxScore[1] = predictRating[1];
                    if (predictRating[2] >= maxScore[2]) {
                        maxScore[2] = predictRating[2];
                    tempItemValueList.add(new KeyValue<>(itemIdx, new double[]{predictRating[0], predictRating[1], predictRating[2]}));

            List<KeyValue<Integer, Double>> itemValueList = new ArrayList<>();

            //normalize scores
            for (KeyValue<Integer, double[]> entry : tempItemValueList) {
                double[] scores = entry.getValue();
                if (maxScore[0] != 0.0d) {
                    scores[0] = scores[0] / maxScore[0];
                if (maxScore[1] != 0.0d) {
                    scores[1] = scores[1] / maxScore[1];
                if (maxScore[2] != 0.0d) {
                    scores[2] = scores[2] / maxScore[2];
                double predictRating = (1 - alpha - beta) * scores[0] + alpha * scores[1]
                        + beta * scores[2];
                itemValueList.add(new KeyValue<>(entry.getKey(), predictRating));

            recommendedList.setList(userIdx, itemValueList);
            recommendedList.topNRankByIndex(userIdx, topN);
        if (recommendedList.size() == 0) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No item is recommended, there is something error in the recommendation algorithm! Please check it!");
        }"end recommendation");
        return recommendedList;

    public RecommendedList recommendRank(LibrecDataList<AbstractBaseDataEntry> dataList) throws LibrecException {
        return null;

     * load social relation data
     * @param inputDataPath
     * @throws IOException
    private void buildSocialMatrix(String inputDataPath) throws IOException {"Now loading users' social relation data success! " + socialPath);
        Table<Integer, Integer, Double> dataTable = HashBasedTable.create();
        final List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
        final ArrayList<Long> fileSizeList = new ArrayList<Long>();
        SimpleFileVisitor<Path> finder = new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
            public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
                return super.visitFile(file, attrs);
        Files.walkFileTree(Paths.get(inputDataPath), finder);
        long allFileSize = 0;
        for (Long everyFileSize : fileSizeList) {
            allFileSize = allFileSize + everyFileSize.longValue();
        for (File dataFile : files) {
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(dataFile);
            FileChannel fileRead = fis.getChannel();
            ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(BSIZE);
            int len;
            String bufferLine = new String();
            byte[] bytes = new byte[BSIZE];
            while ((len = != -1) {
                buffer.get(bytes, 0, len);
                bufferLine = bufferLine.concat(new String(bytes, 0, len)).replaceAll("\r", "\n");
                String[] bufferData = bufferLine.split("(\n)+");
                boolean isComplete = bufferLine.endsWith("\n");
                int loopLength = isComplete ? bufferData.length : bufferData.length - 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < loopLength; i++) {
                    String line = new String(bufferData[i]);
                    String[] data = line.trim().split("[ \t,]+");
                    String userA = data[0];
                    String userB = data[1];
                    Double rate = (data.length >= 3) ? Double.valueOf(data[2]) : 1.0;
                    if (this.userMappingData.containsKey(userA) && this.userMappingData.containsKey(userB)) {
                        int row = this.userMappingData.get(userA);
                        int col = this.userMappingData.get(userB);
                        dataTable.put(row, col, rate);
                        dataTable.put(col, row, rate);
                if (!isComplete) {
                    bufferLine = bufferData[bufferData.length - 1];
        int numRows = this.userMappingData.size(), numCols = this.userMappingData.size();
        socialMatrix = new SequentialAccessSparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, dataTable);
        dataTable = null;"Load users' social relation data success! " + socialPath);


以上面 usg 方法爲例,直接利用 RecommenderJob 函數配合 usg 算法的配置項進行運行,即可看最後的實驗效果:
另外,對於 RecommenderJob 類,它是一個封裝以上整個推薦流程的類,包括數據集處理、劃分、訓練、預測、評估等,只要傳入相應的配置項(如上面的rec/poi/,不瞭解的可以看我往期寫的內容),指定運行的推薦算法(比如這個 usg),它就會幫你跑整個實驗。




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