

                **转载自  https://blog.csdn.net/zichen_ziqi/article/details/80408465**                 


  • 模型评价的方法指标有很多,如:PR-curve,MAE,ROC,Precision,Recall,AUC,AP,mAP,DSI,VOE,RVD等等;
  • 本文旨在介绍机器学习&图像分割的模型评价指标,包括完整代码,持续更新中......
  • 码字不易,若有帮助,恳请点赞,?????????



(2)mask图像 (ground truth,真值图)




文件夹内容如下图,链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Wg_necXBCYsCk7pf2s7gog 或PR-curve绘制,密码:lka7



  1. clear all;clc;close all;
  2. addpath('Functions\');%加载文件夹Functions中的函数
  3. %% 三种方法得到的结果路径,以及真值图路径
  4. result1 = 'resultsDSR\';
  5. result2 = 'resultsMCA\';
  6. result3 = 'resultsGMR\';
  7. mask = 'mask\';
  8. %% 创建文件夹evaluation index,目的是保存PR曲线图
  9. newFolder = 'evaluation index';
  10. if ~exist(newFolder)
  11. mkdir(newFolder);
  12. end
  13. %% Evaluation index 1: evaluating MAE
  14. resultSuffixDSR = '_DSR.png';
  15. resultSuffixMCA = '_MCA.png';
  16. resultSuffixGMR = '_stage1.png';
  17. gtSuffix = '.png';
  18. maeDSR = CalMeanMAE(result1, resultSuffixDSR, mask, gtSuffix);
  19. maeMCA = CalMeanMAE(result2, resultSuffixMCA, mask, gtSuffix);
  20. maeGMR = CalMeanMAE(result3, resultSuffixGMR, mask, gtSuffix);
  21. %% Evaluation index 2: ploting PR curve
  22. [rec1, prec1] = DrawPRCurve(result1, resultSuffixDSR, mask, gtSuffix, true, true, 'r');
  23. hold on
  24. [rec2, prec2] = DrawPRCurve(result2, resultSuffixMCA, mask, gtSuffix, true, true, 'g');
  25. hold on
  26. [rec3, prec3] = DrawPRCurve(result3, resultSuffixGMR, mask, gtSuffix, true, true, 'b');
  27. hold off;
  28. grid on;
  29. box on;
  30. xlabel('Recall');
  31. ylabel('Precision');
  32. % title(strcat('PR-curve',' ( ',sprintf(' MAE = %1.6f ',maeDSR),' )'));
  33. title('PR-curve');
  34. lg = legend({'DSR method','CA method','GMR method'});
  35. set(lg, 'location', 'southwest');
  36. k=1.2;
  37. set(gcf,'units',get(gcf,'paperunits'));
  38. set(gcf,'paperposition',get(gcf,'position')*k);
  39. saveas(gcf,strcat(newFolder,'\PR-curve','.bmp'));




Performance measure characterization for evaluating neuroimage segmentation algorithms

Metrics for evaluating 3D medical imagesegmentation: analysis, selection, and tool




         :  代表 ground truth的分割结果


(1)DICE(值域为[0,1]): 使用频率最高。数学定义如下,具体表示两个物体相交的面积占总面积的比值,完美分割该值为1。 

(2)VOE(volumetric overlap error): 与DICE类似,数学定义如下,它将and操作换成了减法操作,以此来代表错误率。


(3)RVD(relative volume difference:表示两者体积之间的差异,数学定义如下。

(4)ASD(average symmetric surface distance: 先定义 代表的是预测的中的边界的像素,同样地可以得到的定义。然后对的定义,同理可得的定义。那么ASD的数学定义为: 

(5)MSD(maximum symmetric surface distance:与ASD定义比较类似,只不过把计算平均的操作替换成了计算最大值的操作。其数学定义为:


(一)Matlab 具体的代码实现如下:


  1. clc;clear all;close all;
  2. %% step 1:读入图像
  3. SEG = imread('0009_CHS.png'); % 读入分割图像
  4. GT = imread('0009.png'); % 读入真值图像
  5. %% step 2:灰度化
  6. if (length(size(SEG))>2 && length(size(GT))>2)
  7. SEG = im2gray(SEG); % 灰度化分割图像
  8. GT = im2gray(GT); % 灰度化真值图像
  9. end
  10. %% step 3:二值化
  11. SEG = imbinarize(SEG); % 二值化分割图像
  12. GT = imbinarize(GT); % 二值化真值图像
  13. %% step 4:画图预览
  14. figure(1),
  15. subplot(121),imshow(SEG);
  16. title('二值化后的分割图像');
  17. subplot(122),imshow(GT);
  18. title('二值化后的真值图像');
  19. %% step 5:计算各个评价指标
  20. % (1)计算DICE系数
  21. DSI = calDSI(SEG, GT);
  22. fprintf('(1) DICE系数: DSI = %.4f\n',DSI);
  23. % (2)计算VOE系数
  24. VOE = calVOE(SEG, GT);
  25. fprintf('(2) VOE系数: VOE = %.4f\n',VOE);
  26. % (3)计算RVD系数
  27. RVD = calRVD(SEG, GT);
  28. fprintf('(3) RVD系数: RVD = %.4f\n',RVD);
  29. % (4)计算Precision系数
  30. Precision = calPrecision(SEG, GT);
  31. fprintf('(4) Precision系数: Precision = %.4f\n',Precision);
  32. %(5)计算Recall系数
  33. Recall = calRecall(SEG, GT);
  34. fprintf('(5) Recall系数: Recall = %.4f\n\n\n',Recall);
  35. disp('其他评价指标的计算');
  36. % (6)其他评价指标的计算
  37. jaccard = Jaccard_Index(SEG, GT)
  38. sensitivity = getSensitivity(SEG, GT)
  39. hd = Hausdorff_Dist(SEG, GT)
  40. apd = Avg_PerpenDist(SEG, GT)
  41. confm_index = ConformityCoefficient(SEG, GT)





  1. function DSI = calDSI(SEG, GT)
  2. % SEG, GT are the binary segmentation and ground truth areas, respectively.
  3. % 计算DICE系数,即DSI
  4. DSI = 2*double(sum(uint8(SEG(:) & GT(:)))) / double(sum(uint8(SEG(:))) + sum(uint8(GT(:))));
  5. end

(b) calVOE函数文件:

  1. function VOE = calVOE(SEG, GT)
  2. % SEG, GT are the binary segmentation and ground truth areas, respectively.
  3. % 计算VOE系数,即VOE
  4. VOE = 2*double(sum(uint8(SEG(:))) - sum(uint8(GT(:)))) / double(sum(uint8(SEG(:))) + sum(uint8(GT(:))));
  5. end

(c) calRVD函数文件:

  1. function RVD = calRVD(SEG, GT)
  2. % SEG, GT are the binary segmentation and ground truth areas, respectively.
  3. % 计算RVD系数,即RVD
  4. RVD = double(sum(uint8(SEG(:))) ) / double(sum(uint8(GT(:)))) - 1;
  5. end

(d) calPrecision函数文件:

  1. function precision = calPrecision(SEG, GT)
  2. % SEG, GT are the binary segmentation and ground truth areas, respectively.
  3. % precision
  4. precision = double(sum(uint8(SEG(:) & GT(:)))) / double(sum(uint8(SEG(:))));
  5. end

(e) calRecall函数文件:

  1. function recall = calRecall(SEG, GT)
  2. % SEG, GT are the binary segmentation and ground truth areas, respectively.
  3. % recall
  4. recall = double(sum(uint8(SEG(:) & GT(:)))) / double(sum(uint8(GT(:))));
  5. end

 (f) 其他指标的函数文件见以上链接。


  1. import cv2
  2. from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  3. # 计算DICE系数,即DSI
  4. def calDSI(binary_GT,binary_R):
  5. row, col = binary_GT.shape # 矩阵的行与列
  6. DSI_s,DSI_t = 0,0
  7. for i in range(row):
  8. for j in range(col):
  9. if binary_GT[i][j] == 255 and binary_R[i][j] == 255:
  10. DSI_s += 1
  11. if binary_GT[i][j] == 255:
  12. DSI_t += 1
  13. if binary_R[i][j] == 255:
  14. DSI_t += 1
  15. DSI = 2*DSI_s/DSI_t
  16. # print(DSI)
  17. return DSI
  18. # 计算VOE系数,即VOE
  19. def calVOE(binary_GT,binary_R):
  20. row, col = binary_GT.shape # 矩阵的行与列
  21. VOE_s,VOE_t = 0,0
  22. for i in range(row):
  23. for j in range(col):
  24. if binary_GT[i][j] == 255:
  25. VOE_s += 1
  26. if binary_R[i][j] == 255:
  27. VOE_t += 1
  28. VOE = 2*(VOE_t - VOE_s)/(VOE_t + VOE_s)
  29. return VOE
  30. # 计算RVD系数,即RVD
  31. def calRVD(binary_GT,binary_R):
  32. row, col = binary_GT.shape # 矩阵的行与列
  33. RVD_s,RVD_t = 0,0
  34. for i in range(row):
  35. for j in range(col):
  36. if binary_GT[i][j] == 255:
  37. RVD_s += 1
  38. if binary_R[i][j] == 255:
  39. RVD_t += 1
  40. RVD = RVD_t/RVD_s - 1
  41. return RVD
  42. # 计算Prevision系数,即Precison
  43. def calPrecision(binary_GT,binary_R):
  44. row, col = binary_GT.shape # 矩阵的行与列
  45. P_s,P_t = 0,0
  46. for i in range(row):
  47. for j in range(col):
  48. if binary_GT[i][j] == 255 and binary_R[i][j] == 255:
  49. P_s += 1
  50. if binary_R[i][j] == 255:
  51. P_t += 1
  52. Precision = P_s/P_t
  53. return Precision
  54. # 计算Recall系数,即Recall
  55. def calRecall(binary_GT,binary_R):
  56. row, col = binary_GT.shape # 矩阵的行与列
  57. R_s,R_t = 0,0
  58. for i in range(row):
  59. for j in range(col):
  60. if binary_GT[i][j] == 255 and binary_R[i][j] == 255:
  61. R_s += 1
  62. if binary_GT[i][j] == 255:
  63. R_t += 1
  64. Recall = R_s/R_t
  65. return Recall
  66. if __name__ == '__main__':
  67. # step 1:读入图像,并灰度化
  68. img_GT = cv2.imread('0009.png',0)
  69. img_R = cv2.imread('0009_CHS.png',0)
  70. # imgray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 灰度化
  71. # img_GT = img_GT[:,:,[2, 1, 0]]
  72. # img_R = img_R[:,: [2, 1, 0]]
  73. # step2:二值化
  74. # 利用大律法,全局自适应阈值 参数0可改为任意数字但不起作用
  75. ret_GT, binary_GT = cv2.threshold(img_GT, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
  76. ret_R, binary_R = cv2.threshold(img_R, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
  77. # step 3: 显示二值化后的分割图像与真值图像
  78. plt.figure()
  79. plt.subplot(121),plt.imshow(binary_GT),plt.title('真值图')
  80. plt.axis('off')
  81. plt.subplot(122),plt.imshow(binary_R),plt.title('分割图')
  82. plt.axis('off')
  83. plt.show()
  84. # step 4:计算DSI
  85. print('(1)DICE计算结果, DSI = {0:.4}'.format(calDSI(binary_GT,binary_R))) # 保留四位有效数字
  86. # step 5:计算VOE
  87. print('(2)VOE计算结果, VOE = {0:.4}'.format(calVOE(binary_GT,binary_R)))
  88. # step 6:计算RVD
  89. print('(3)RVD计算结果, RVD = {0:.4}'.format(calRVD(binary_GT,binary_R)))
  90. # step 7:计算Precision
  91. print('(4)Precision计算结果, Precision = {0:.4}'.format(calPrecision(binary_GT,binary_R)))
  92. # step 8:计算Recall
  93. print('(5)Recall计算结果, Recall = {0:.4}'.format(calRecall(binary_GT,binary_R)))
















  1. function sen = getSensitivity(SEG, GT)
  2. % SEG, GT are the binary segmentation and ground truth areas, respectively.
  3. % sensitivity
  4. sen = double(sum(uint8(SEG(:) & GT(:)))) / double(sum(uint8(SEG(:))));
  5. end






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