
On Error Resume Next
Dim r
Set r = New Rar

r.Add Server.MapPath("a.gIf")
r.Add Server.MapPath("a.txt")
r.Add Server.MapPath("test")
r.Add Server.MapPath("file.asp")
r.packname = Server.MapPath("xxx.dat")
r.rootpath = Server.MapPath("xxx")
r.packname = Server.MapPath("xxx.dat")

Set r = Nothing
<script Language="Vbscript" Runat="server">
' 描述: Asp打包类
' 作者: 小灰([email protected])
' 链接:
' 版本: 1.0 Beta
' 版权: 本作品可免费使用,但是请勿移除版权信息
Class Rar
 Dim files,packname,s,s1,s2,rootpath,fso,f,buf
 Private Sub Class_Initialize
  Dim ranNum
  ranNum = Int(90000 * Rnd) + 10000
  packname = Year(Now)&Month(Now)&Day(Now)&Hour(Now)&Minute(Now)&Second(Now)&ranNum&".asp2004"

  rootpath = Server.MapPath("./")

  Set files = server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  Set s = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"):s.Open:s.Type = 1
  Set s1 = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"):s1.Open:s1.Type = 1
  Set s2 = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"):s2.Open:s2.Type = 2
 End Sub

 Private Sub Class_Terminate
  s.Close:Set s = Nothing
  s1.Close:Set s1 = Nothing
  s2.Close:Set s2 = Nothing

  Set fso = Nothing
 End Sub

 Public Sub Add(obj)
  If fso.FileExists(obj) Then
   Set f = fso.GetFile(obj)
   files.Add obj,f.Size
  ElseIf fso.FolderExists(obj) Then
   files.Add obj,-1
   Set f = fso.GetFolder(obj)
   Set fc = f.Files
   For Each f1 in fc
  End If
 End Sub

 Public Sub Pack
  Dim str
  a = files.Keys
  b = files.Items
  for i=0 to files.count-1
   If b(i)>=0 Then
    buf = s.Read
    If Not IsNull(buf) Then s1.Write(buf)
   End If
   str = str & b(i)&">"&Replace(a(i),rootpath,"")&vbCrLf
  str = CStr(Right("000000000"&len(str),10)) & str
  buf = TextToStream(str)
  s.Position = 0
  s.Write buf
  s1.Position = 0
  s.Write s1.Read
 End Sub

 Public Sub UnPack

  If Not fso.FolderExists(rootpath) Then
  End If
  Dim size
  size = CInt(StreamToText(s.Read(10)))
  str = StreamToText(s.Read(size))
  arr = Split(str,vbCrLf)

  for i=0 to Ubound(arr)-1
   arrFile = Split(arr(i),">")
   If arrFile(0) < 0 Then
    If Not fso.FolderExists(rootpath&arrFile(1)) Then
    End If
   ElseIf arrFile(0) >= 0 Then
    If fso.FileExists(rootpath&arrFile(1)) Then
    End If
    s1.Position = 0
    buf = s.Read(arrFile(0))
    If Not IsNull(buf) Then s1.Write(buf)
   End If
 End Sub

 Public Function StreamToText(stream)
  If IsNull(stream) Then
   StreamToText = ""
   Set sm = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"):sm.Open:sm.Type = 1
   sm.Position = 0
   sm.Type = 2
   sm.charset = "gb2312"
   sm.Position = 0
   StreamToText = sm.ReadText()
   sm.Close:Set sm = Nothing
  End If
 End Function

 Public Function TextToStream(text)
  If text="" Then
   TextToStream = "" '这里该如何写?空流?
   Set sm = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"):sm.Open:sm.Type = 2:sm.charset = "gb2312"
   sm.Position = 0
   sm.Type = 1
   sm.Position = 0
   TextToStream = sm.Read
   sm.Close:Set sm = Nothing
  End If
 End Function
End Class

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