
本文翻译自:How do I use reflection to invoke a private method?

There are a group of private methods in my class, and I need to call one dynamically based on an input value. 我的类中有一组私有方法,我需要根据输入值动态调用一个。 Both the invoking code and the target methods are in the same instance. 调用代码和目标方法都在同一个实例中。 The code looks like this: 代码如下所示:

MethodInfo dynMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("Draw_" + itemType);
dynMethod.Invoke(this, new object[] { methodParams });

In this case, GetMethod() will not return private methods. 在这种情况下, GetMethod()不会返回私有方法。 What BindingFlags do I need to supply to GetMethod() so that it can locate private methods? 我需要为GetMethod()提供哪些BindingFlags才能找到私有方法?








Are you absolutely sure this can't be done through inheritance? 你绝对相信这不能通过继承吗? Reflection is the very last thing you should look at when solving a problem, it makes refactoring, understanding your code, and any automated analysis more difficult. 反思是解决问题时应该注意的最后一件事,它会使重构,理解代码以及任何自动分析变得更加困难。

It looks like you should just have a DrawItem1, DrawItem2, etc class that override your dynMethod. 看起来你应该只有一个DrawItem1,DrawItem2等类来覆盖你的dynMethod。


Simply change your code to use the overloaded version of GetMethod that accepts BindingFlags: 只需更改代码即可使用接受BindingFlags的重载GetMethod

MethodInfo dynMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("Draw_" + itemType, 
    BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
dynMethod.Invoke(this, new object[] { methodParams });

Here's the BindingFlags enumeration documentation . 这是BindingFlags枚举文档


BindingFlags.NonPublic will not return any results by itself. BindingFlags.NonPublic不会自行返回任何结果。 As it turns out, combining it with BindingFlags.Instance does the trick. 事实证明,将它与BindingFlags.Instance结合起来可以解决问题。

MethodInfo dynMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("Draw_" + itemType, 
    BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
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