
本文翻译自:Is there a better alternative than this to 'switch on type'?

Seeing as C# can't switch on a Type (which I gather wasn't added as a special case because is-a relationships mean that more than one distinct case might apply), is there a better way to simulate switching on type than this? 看作C#无法打开一个Type(我收集的并不是作为特殊情况添加的,因为is-a关系意味着可能有多个不同的情况可能适用),是否有更好的方法来模拟切换类型?

void Foo(object o)
    if (o is A)
    else if (o is B)
        throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type: " + o.GetType());




With JaredPar's answer in the back of my head, I wrote a variant of his TypeSwitch class that uses type inference for a nicer syntax: 有了JaredPar的回答我写了一个他的TypeSwitch类的变体,它使用类型推断来获得更好的语法:

class A { string Name { get; } }
class B : A { string LongName { get; } }
class C : A { string FullName { get; } }
class X { public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider); }
class Y { public string GetIdentifier(); }

public string GetName(object value)
    string name = null;
        .Case((C x) => name = x.FullName)
        .Case((B x) => name = x.LongName)
        .Case((A x) => name = x.Name)
        .Case((X x) => name = x.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
        .Case((Y x) => name = x.GetIdentifier())
        .Default((x) => name = x.ToString());
    return name;

Note that the order of the Case() methods is important. 请注意, Case()方法的顺序很重要。

Get the full and commented code for my TypeSwitch class . 获取我的TypeSwitch类的完整和注释代码 This is a working abbreviated version: 这是一个工作缩写版本:

public static class TypeSwitch
    public static Switch<TSource> On<TSource>(TSource value)
        return new Switch<TSource>(value);

    public sealed class Switch<TSource>
        private readonly TSource value;
        private bool handled = false;

        internal Switch(TSource value)
            this.value = value;

        public Switch<TSource> Case<TTarget>(Action<TTarget> action)
            where TTarget : TSource
            if (!this.handled && this.value is TTarget)
                action((TTarget) this.value);
                this.handled = true;
            return this;

        public void Default(Action<TSource> action)
            if (!this.handled)


As Pablo suggests, interface approach is almost always the right thing to do to handle this. 正如Pablo所说,接口方法几乎总是正确的做法来处理这个问题。 To really utilize switch, another alternative is to have a custom enum denoting your type in your classes. 要真正利用switch,另一种方法是在类中使用自定义枚举来表示类型。

enum ObjectType { A, B, Default }

interface IIdentifiable
    ObjectType Type { get; };
class A : IIdentifiable
    public ObjectType Type { get { return ObjectType.A; } }

class B : IIdentifiable
    public ObjectType Type { get { return ObjectType.B; } }

void Foo(IIdentifiable o)
    switch (o.Type)
        case ObjectType.A:
        case ObjectType.B:

This is kind of implemented in BCL too. 这也是在BCL中实现的。 One example is MemberInfo.MemberTypes , another is GetTypeCode for primitive types, like: 一个例子是MemberInfo.MemberTypes ,另一个例子是原始类型的GetTypeCode ,例如:

void Foo(object o)
    switch (Type.GetTypeCode(o.GetType())) // for IConvertible, just o.GetTypeCode()
        case TypeCode.Int16:
        case TypeCode.Int32:
        //etc ......


You can create overloaded methods: 您可以创建重载方法:

void Foo(A a) 

void Foo(B b) 

void Foo(object o) 
    throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type: " + o.GetType()); 

And cast the argument to dynamic type in order to bypass static type checking: 并将参数转换为dynamic类型以绕过静态类型检查:



I liked Virtlink's use of implicit typing to make the switch much more readable, but I didn't like that an early-out isn't possible, and that we're doing allocations. 我喜欢Virtlink 使用隐式类型来使交换机更具可读性,但我不喜欢早期不可能,而且我们正在进行分配。 Let's turn up the perf a little. 让我们稍微调整一下。

public static class TypeSwitch
    public static void On<TV, T1>(TV value, Action<T1> action1)
        where T1 : TV
        if (value is T1) action1((T1)value);

    public static void On<TV, T1, T2>(TV value, Action<T1> action1, Action<T2> action2)
        where T1 : TV where T2 : TV
        if (value is T1) action1((T1)value);
        else if (value is T2) action2((T2)value);

    public static void On<TV, T1, T2, T3>(TV value, Action<T1> action1, Action<T2> action2, Action<T3> action3)
        where T1 : TV where T2 : TV where T3 : TV
        if (value is T1) action1((T1)value);
        else if (value is T2) action2((T2)value);
        else if (value is T3) action3((T3)value);

    // ... etc.

Well, that makes my fingers hurt. 好吧,这让我的手指受伤。 Let's do it in T4: 我们在T4中做到这一点:

<#@ template debug="false" hostSpecific="true" language="C#" #>
<#@ output extension=".cs" #>
<#@ Assembly Name="System.Core.dll" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #> 
<#@ import namespace="System.IO" #> 
    string GenWarning = "// THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM " + Path.GetFileName(Host.TemplateFile) + " - ANY HAND EDITS WILL BE LOST!";
    const int MaxCases = 15;

using System;

public static class TypeSwitch
<# for(int icase = 1; icase <= MaxCases; ++icase) {
    var types = string.Join(", ", Enumerable.Range(1, icase).Select(i => "T" + i));
    var actions = string.Join(", ", Enumerable.Range(1, icase).Select(i => string.Format("Action<T{0}> action{0}", i)));
    var wheres = string.Join(" ", Enumerable.Range(1, icase).Select(i => string.Format("where T{0} : TV", i)));

    public static void On<TV, <#=types#>>(TV value, <#=actions#>)
        if (value is T1) action1((T1)value);
<# for(int i = 2; i <= icase; ++i) { #>
        else if (value is T<#=i#>) action<#=i#>((T<#=i#>)value);


Adjusting Virtlink's example a little: 稍微调整Virtlink的示例:

    (C x) => name = x.FullName,
    (B x) => name = x.LongName,
    (A x) => name = x.Name,
    (X x) => name = x.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture),
    (Y x) => name = x.GetIdentifier(),
    (object x) => name = x.ToString());

Readable and fast. 可读且快速。 Now, as everybody keeps pointing out in their answers, and given the nature of this question, order is important in the type matching. 现在,由于每个人都在指出他们的答案,并且考虑到这个问题的性质,顺序在类型匹配中很重要。 Therefore: 因此:

  • Put leaf types first, base types later. 首先放置叶子类型,稍后放置基本类型。
  • For peer types, put more likely matches first to maximize perf. 对于对等类型,首先放置更多可能的匹配以最大化perf。
  • This implies that there is no need for a special default case. 这意味着不需要特殊的默认情况。 Instead, just use the base-most type in the lambda, and put it last. 相反,只需使用lambda中最基本的类型,并将其放在最后。


For built-in types, you can use the TypeCode enumeration. 对于内置类型,您可以使用TypeCode枚举。 Please note that GetType() is kind of slow, but probably not relevant in most situations. 请注意,GetType()有点慢,但在大多数情况下可能不相关。

switch (Type.GetTypeCode(someObject.GetType()))
    case TypeCode.Boolean:
    case TypeCode.Byte:
    case TypeCode.Char:

For custom types, you can create your own enumeration, and either an interface or a base class with abstract property or method... 对于自定义类型,您可以创建自己的枚举,以及具有抽象属性或方法的接口或基类...

Abstract class implementation of property 属性的抽象类实现

public enum FooTypes { FooFighter, AbbreviatedFool, Fubar, Fugu };
public abstract class Foo
    public abstract FooTypes FooType { get; }
public class FooFighter : Foo
    public override FooTypes FooType { get { return FooTypes.FooFighter; } }

Abstract class implementation of method 抽象类的实现方法

public enum FooTypes { FooFighter, AbbreviatedFool, Fubar, Fugu };
public abstract class Foo
    public abstract FooTypes GetFooType();
public class FooFighter : Foo
    public override FooTypes GetFooType() { return FooTypes.FooFighter; }

Interface implementation of property 属性的接口实现

public enum FooTypes { FooFighter, AbbreviatedFool, Fubar, Fugu };
public interface IFooType
    FooTypes FooType { get; }
public class FooFighter : IFooType
    public FooTypes FooType { get { return FooTypes.FooFighter; } }

Interface implementation of method 接口实现方法

public enum FooTypes { FooFighter, AbbreviatedFool, Fubar, Fugu };
public interface IFooType
    FooTypes GetFooType();
public class FooFighter : IFooType
    public FooTypes GetFooType() { return FooTypes.FooFighter; }

One of my coworkers just told me about this too: This has the advantage that you can use it for literally any type of object, not just ones that you define. 我的一位同事刚刚告诉我这件事:这样做的好处是你可以将它用于任何类型的对象,而不仅仅是你定义的对象。 It has the disadvantage of being a bit larger and slower. 它的缺点是更大更慢。

First define a static class like this: 首先定义一个这样的静态类:

public static class TypeEnumerator
    public class TypeEnumeratorException : Exception
        public Type unknownType { get; private set; }
        public TypeEnumeratorException(Type unknownType) : base()
            this.unknownType = unknownType;
    public enum TypeEnumeratorTypes { _int, _string, _Foo, _TcpClient, };
    private static Dictionary<Type, TypeEnumeratorTypes> typeDict;
    static TypeEnumerator()
        typeDict = new Dictionary<Type, TypeEnumeratorTypes>();
        typeDict[typeof(int)] = TypeEnumeratorTypes._int;
        typeDict[typeof(string)] = TypeEnumeratorTypes._string;
        typeDict[typeof(Foo)] = TypeEnumeratorTypes._Foo;
        typeDict[typeof(System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient)] = TypeEnumeratorTypes._TcpClient;
    /// <summary>
    /// Throws NullReferenceException and TypeEnumeratorException</summary>
    /// <exception cref="System.NullReferenceException">NullReferenceException</exception>
    /// <exception cref="MyProject.TypeEnumerator.TypeEnumeratorException">TypeEnumeratorException</exception>
    public static TypeEnumeratorTypes EnumerateType(object theObject)
            return typeDict[theObject.GetType()];
        catch (KeyNotFoundException)
            throw new TypeEnumeratorException(theObject.GetType());

And then you can use it like this: 然后你可以像这样使用它:

switch (TypeEnumerator.EnumerateType(someObject))
    case TypeEnumerator.TypeEnumeratorTypes._int:
    case TypeEnumerator.TypeEnumeratorTypes._string:
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