2020-6-21 吳恩達-NN&DL-w4 深層NN(課後作業)

參考 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/31272216

1、What is the “cache” used for in our implementation of forward propagation and backward propagation?

  • It is used to cache the intermediate values of the cost function during training.

  • We use it to pass variables computed during forward propagation to the corresponding backward propagation step. It contains useful values for backward propagation to compute derivatives.

  • It is used to keep track of the hyperparameters that we are searching over, to speed up computation.

  • We use it to pass variables computed during backward propagation to the corresponding forward propagation step. It contains useful values for forward propagation to compute activations.


2、Among the following, which ones are “hyperparameters”? (Check all that apply.)

  • number of iterations 迭代次數,是
  • bias vectors b[l]b^{[l]}偏移向量b
  • size of the hidden layers n[l] 隱藏層的大小,是
  • weight matrices W[l]W^{[l]}權重矩陣
  • learning rate α 學習率,是
  • number of layers L in the neural network NN中的層數,是


3、Which of the following statements is true? 下面哪句是正確的?

  • The deeper layers of a neural network are typically computing more complex features of the input than the earlier layers.
  • The earlier layers of a neural network are typically computing more complex features of the input than the deeper layers.



4、Vectorization allows you to compute forward propagation in an L-layer neural network without an explicit for-loop (or any other explicit iterative loop) over the layers l=1, 2, …,L. True/False?
向量化允許您在L層NN中計算前向傳播,而不需要在層(l = 1,2,…,L)上顯式的使用for-loop(或任何其他顯式迭代循環),正確嗎?




5、Assume we store the values for n[l]n^{[l]} in an array called layers, as follows: layer_dims = [n_x, 4,3,2,1]. So layer 1 has four hidden units, layer 2 has 3 hidden units and so on. Which of the following for-loops will allow you to initialize the parameters for the model?
假設我們將n[l]n^{[l]}的值存儲在名爲layers的數組中,如下所示:layer_dims = [n_x,4,3,2,1]。 因此,第1層有四個隱藏單元,第2層有三個隱藏單元,依此類推。 您可以使用以下哪個for循環初始化模型參數?

  • A
for(i in range(1, len(layer_dims)/2)):
    parameter[‘W’ + str(i)] = np.random.randn(layers[i], layers[i - 1])) *0.01
    parameter[‘b’ + str(i)] = np.random.randn(layers[i], 1) * 0.01
  • B
for(i in range(1, len(layer_dims)/2)):
    parameter[‘W’ + str(i)] = np.random.randn(layers[i], layers[i - 1])) *0.01
    parameter[‘b’ + str(i)] = np.random.randn(layers[i-1], 1) * 0.01
  • C
for(i in range(1, len(layer_dims))):
    parameter[‘W’ + str(i)] = np.random.randn(layers[i-1], layers[i])) *0.01
    parameter[‘b’ + str(i)] = np.random.randn(layers[i], 1) * 0.01
  • D 正確
for(i in range(1, len(layer_dims))):
    parameter[‘W’ + str(i)] = np.random.randn(layers[i], layers[i - 1])) *0.01
    parameter[‘b’ + str(i)] = np.random.randn(layers[i], 1) * 0.01



6 、Consider the following neural network.

  • 總層數L是4,隱藏層3層。正確
  • 總層數L是3,隱藏層3層
  • 總層數L是4,隱藏層4層
  • 總層數L是5,隱藏層3層

As seen in lecture, the number of layers is counted as the number of hidden layers + 1. The input and output layers are not counted as hidden layers.



7、During forward propagation, in the forward function for a layer l you need to know what is the activation function in a layer (Sigmoid, tanh, ReLU, etc.). During backpropagation, the corresponding backward function also needs to know what is the activation function for layer l, since the gradient depends on it. True/False?

在前向傳播期間,在層l的前向傳播函數中,您需要知道層ll中的激活函數(Sigmoid,tanh,ReLU等)是什麼, 在反向傳播期間,相應的反向傳播函數也需要知道第ll層的激活函數是什麼,因爲梯度是根據它來計算的,正確嗎?


During backpropagation you need to know which activation was used in the forward propagation to be able to compute the correct derivative.


8、There are certain functions with the following properties:

(i) To compute the function using a shallow network circuit, you will need a large network (where we measure size by the number of logic gates in the network), but (ii) To compute it using a deep network circuit, you need only an exponentially smaller network. True/False?

(i) 使用淺層網絡電路計算函數時,需要一個大網絡(我們通過網絡中的邏輯門數量來度量大小),但是(ii)使用深網絡電路來計算它,只需要一個指數較小的網絡。真/假?



9、Consider the following 2 hidden layer neural network: 考慮2個隱藏層的網絡

Which of the following statements are True? (Check all that apply). 下面哪個正確


  • W[1] will have shape (4, 4)
  • b[1] will have shape (4, 1)
  • W[2] will have shape (3, 4)
  • b[2] will have shape (3, 1)
  • b[3] will have shape (1, 1)
  • W[3] will have shape (1, 3)


10、Whereas the previous question used a specific network, in the general case what is the dimension of W[l], the weight matrix associated with layer l?


  • W[l]的維度是 (n[l],n[l−1])。正確
  • W[l]的維度是 (n[l-1],n[l])
  • W[l]的維度是 (n[l+1],n[l])
  • W[l]的維度是 (n[l],n[l+1])
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