
PatientOrientation Q2DViewer::getCurrentDisplayedImagePatientOrientation() const
    if (!getMainInput())
        return PatientOrientation();
    // Si no estem a la vista axial (adquisició original) obtindrem 
    // la orientació a través de la primera imatge
    int index = (getCurrentViewPlane() == OrthogonalPlane::XYPlane) ? getCurrentSlice() : 0;

    PatientOrientation originalOrientation;
    Image *image = getMainInput()->getImage(index);
    if (image)
        originalOrientation = image->getPatientOrientation();
        if (originalOrientation.getDICOMFormattedPatientOrientation().isEmpty())
            return PatientOrientation();
        DEBUG_LOG("L'índex d'imatge actual és incorrecte o no hi ha imatges al volum. Això no hauria de passar en aquest mètode.");
        return PatientOrientation();
    // Escollim les etiquetes que hem agafar com a referència segons la vista actual
    QString baseRowLabel;
    QString baseColumnLabel;
    switch (getCurrentViewPlane())
        case OrthogonalPlane::XYPlane:
            baseRowLabel = originalOrientation.getRowDirectionLabel();
            baseColumnLabel = originalOrientation.getColumnDirectionLabel();

        case OrthogonalPlane::YZPlane:
            baseRowLabel = originalOrientation.getColumnDirectionLabel();
             // TODO Tenim la normal "al revés", en realitat hauria de ser el contrari
            baseColumnLabel = PatientOrientation::getOppositeOrientationLabel(originalOrientation.getNormalDirectionLabel());

        case OrthogonalPlane::XZPlane:
            baseRowLabel = originalOrientation.getRowDirectionLabel();
            // TODO Tenim la normal "al revés", en realitat hauria de ser el contrari
            baseColumnLabel = PatientOrientation::getOppositeOrientationLabel(originalOrientation.getNormalDirectionLabel());

    // Ara caldrà escollir les etiquetes corresponents en funció de les rotacions i flips
    QString rowLabel;
    QString columnLabel;
    int absoluteRotateFactor = (4 + m_rotateFactor) % 4;
    if (getCurrentViewPlane() == OrthogonalPlane::YZPlane || getCurrentViewPlane() == OrthogonalPlane::XZPlane)
        // HACK FLIP De moment necessitem fer aquest truc. Durant el refactoring caldria
        // veure si es pot fer d'una manera millor
        if (m_isImageFlipped)
            absoluteRotateFactor = (absoluteRotateFactor + 2) % 4;
    switch (absoluteRotateFactor)
        case 0:
            rowLabel = baseRowLabel;
            columnLabel = baseColumnLabel;

        case 1:
            rowLabel = PatientOrientation::getOppositeOrientationLabel(baseColumnLabel);
            columnLabel = baseRowLabel;

        case 2:
            rowLabel = PatientOrientation::getOppositeOrientationLabel(baseRowLabel);
            columnLabel = PatientOrientation::getOppositeOrientationLabel(baseColumnLabel);

        case 3:
            rowLabel = baseColumnLabel;
            columnLabel = PatientOrientation::getOppositeOrientationLabel(baseRowLabel);

    if (m_isImageFlipped)
        rowLabel = PatientOrientation::getOppositeOrientationLabel(rowLabel);
    PatientOrientation patientOrientation;
    patientOrientation.setLabels(rowLabel, columnLabel);

    return patientOrientation;
  Copyright (C) 2014 Laboratori de Gràfics i Imatge, Universitat de Girona &
  Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge.
  Girona 2014. All rights reserved.

  This file is part of the Starviewer (Medical Imaging Software) open source project.
  It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level
  directory of this distribution and at http://starviewer.udg.edu/license. No part of
  the Starviewer (Medical Imaging Software) open source project, including this file,
  may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the
  terms contained in the LICENSE file.

#include "patientorientation.h"

#include <QRegExp>
#include <QStringList>
#include <cmath>

#include "dicomvaluerepresentationconverter.h"
#include "imageorientation.h"
#include "logging.h"

namespace udg {

const QString PatientOrientation::LeftLabel("L");
const QString PatientOrientation::RightLabel("R");
const QString PatientOrientation::PosteriorLabel("P");
const QString PatientOrientation::AnteriorLabel("A");
const QString PatientOrientation::HeadLabel("H");
const QString PatientOrientation::FeetLabel("F");

bool PatientOrientation::setLabels(const QString &rowDirectionLabel, const QString &columnDirectionLabel, const QString &normalDirectionLabel)
    QString dicomFormattedString = rowDirectionLabel + DICOMValueRepresentationConverter::ValuesSeparator + columnDirectionLabel;

    if (!normalDirectionLabel.isEmpty())
        dicomFormattedString += DICOMValueRepresentationConverter::ValuesSeparator + normalDirectionLabel;
    return setDICOMFormattedPatientOrientation(dicomFormattedString);

bool PatientOrientation::setDICOMFormattedPatientOrientation(const QString &patientOrientation)
    if (validateDICOMFormattedPatientOrientationString(patientOrientation))
        m_patientOrientationString = patientOrientation;
        return true;
        m_patientOrientationString = "";
        return false;

QString PatientOrientation::getDICOMFormattedPatientOrientation() const
    return m_patientOrientationString;

void PatientOrientation::setPatientOrientationFromImageOrientation(const ImageOrientation &imageOrientation)
    QString rowLabel = this->getOrientationLabelFromDirectionVector(imageOrientation.getRowVector());
    QString columnLabel = this->getOrientationLabelFromDirectionVector(imageOrientation.getColumnVector());
    QString normalLabel = this->getOrientationLabelFromDirectionVector(imageOrientation.getNormalVector());

    if (!setLabels(rowLabel, columnLabel, normalLabel))
        DEBUG_LOG("makePatientOrientationFromImageOrientationPatient() ha generat una cadena d'orientació de pacient invàlida");

QString PatientOrientation::getRowDirectionLabel() const
    return getNthDirectionLabel(0);

QString PatientOrientation::getColumnDirectionLabel() const
    return getNthDirectionLabel(1);

QString PatientOrientation::getNormalDirectionLabel() const
    return getNthDirectionLabel(2);

QString PatientOrientation::getNthDirectionLabel(int i) const
    QString label;
    if (!m_patientOrientationString.isEmpty())
        QStringList labelList = m_patientOrientationString.split(DICOMValueRepresentationConverter::ValuesSeparator);
        if (labelList.size() >= i + 1 && i >= 0)
            label = labelList.at(i);

    return label;

QString PatientOrientation::getOppositeOrientationLabel(const QString &label)
    int i = 0;
    QString oppositeLabel;
    while (i < label.size())
        if (QString(label.at(i)) == PatientOrientation::LeftLabel)
            oppositeLabel += PatientOrientation::RightLabel;
        else if (QString(label.at(i)) == PatientOrientation::RightLabel)
            oppositeLabel += PatientOrientation::LeftLabel;
        else if (QString(label.at(i)) == PatientOrientation::AnteriorLabel)
            oppositeLabel += PatientOrientation::PosteriorLabel;
        else if (QString(label.at(i)) == PatientOrientation::PosteriorLabel)
            oppositeLabel += PatientOrientation::AnteriorLabel;
        else if (QString(label.at(i)) == PatientOrientation::HeadLabel)
            oppositeLabel += PatientOrientation::FeetLabel;
        else if (QString(label.at(i)) == PatientOrientation::FeetLabel)
            oppositeLabel += PatientOrientation::HeadLabel;
            oppositeLabel += "?";
    return oppositeLabel;

bool PatientOrientation::operator==(const PatientOrientation &orientation) const
    return m_patientOrientationString == orientation.m_patientOrientationString;

bool PatientOrientation::validateDICOMFormattedPatientOrientationString(const QString &string)
    // Construim l'expressió regular que ens comprova que la cadena està en el format correcte: Cadena buida, o amb 2 o 3 elements.
    // Etiquetes vàlides: RLAPHF
    QString validOrientationLabels = RightLabel + LeftLabel + AnteriorLabel + PosteriorLabel + HeadLabel + FeetLabel;
    // Expressió per les etiquetes [RLAPHF]+
    QString validLabelsExpression = "[" + validOrientationLabels + "]+";
    // Expressió pels separadors 
    // Hem de posar dos cops seguits DICOMValueRepresentationConverter::ValuesSeparator, ja que tal com diu la documentació de QRegExp:
    // Note: The C++ compiler transforms backslashes in strings. To include a \ in a regexp, enter it twice, i.e. \\. 
    // To match the backslash character itself, enter it four times, i.e. \\\\.
    // Llavors cal posar \\\\ perquè l'expressió sigui correcta
    QString separatorExpression = DICOMValueRepresentationConverter::ValuesSeparator + DICOMValueRepresentationConverter::ValuesSeparator;
    // L'expressió final: ([RLAPHF]+\\\\[RLAPHF]+(\\\\[RLAPHF]+)?)*
    // És a dir, 2 o 3 ítems amb etiquetes vàlides separats per \\.
    QString regExpString = "(" + validLabelsExpression + separatorExpression + validLabelsExpression +
        "(" + separatorExpression + validLabelsExpression + ")?)*";

    QRegExp validStringExpression(regExpString);
    return validStringExpression.exactMatch(string);

QString PatientOrientation::getOrientationLabelFromDirectionVector(const QVector3D &vector)
    QString orientation;

    QString orientationX = vector.x() < 0 ? RightLabel : LeftLabel;
    QString orientationY = vector.y() < 0 ? AnteriorLabel : PosteriorLabel;
    QString orientationZ = vector.z() < 0 ? FeetLabel : HeadLabel;

    double absX = fabs(vector.x());
    double absY = fabs(vector.y());
    double absZ = fabs(vector.z());

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        if (absX > .0001 && absX > absY && absX > absZ)
            orientation += orientationX;
            absX = 0;
        else if (absY > .0001 && absY > absX && absY > absZ)
            orientation += orientationY;
            absY = 0;
        else if (absZ > .0001 && absZ > absX && absZ > absY)
            orientation += orientationZ;
            absZ = 0;
    return orientation;

} // End namespace udg



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