英語簡單學第69課A pleasant dream

June: Are you doing the football pools(賭注), Brian? Brian: Yes, I’ve nearly finished, June. I’m sure we will win something this week. June: You always say that, but we never win anything! What will you do if you win a lot of money? Brian: If I win a lot of money , I shall buy you a mink coat. June: I don’t want a mink coat! I want to see the world. Brian: All right. If we win a lot of money, we shall travel around the world and we shall stay at the best hotels. Then we shall return home and buy a big house in the country. We shall have a beautiful garden and… June: But if we spend all that money we shall be poor again. What shall we do then? Brian: If we spend all the money, we shall try and win the football pools again. June: It’s a pleasant dream, but everything depends on “if”!

1.do the football pools,下足球賽的賭注。 football pools 是英國流行的一種賭博方式,靠在足球比賽結果上的賭注來決定輸贏。 2.What will you do if you win a lot of money?如果你贏了許多錢,你打算做什麼呢? if you win a lot of money是一個表示條件的狀語從句。在英文中,條件是指某一事情(狀語從句中的動作)實現之後其他事情(主句中的動作)才能發生,通常譯爲“假如”。如果條件狀語從句用於詢問或談論十分可能發生的事情,那麼條件狀語從句中常用一般現在時,而主句中則用一般將來時。 a lot of既可與可數名詞也可與不可數名詞連用。(請參見本課語法部分。) 3.buy sb. sth.= buy sth.sb.。 4.see the world,看世界。 travel round the world,周遊世界。 二者有異曲同工之處。 5. What'll we do then?那時我們怎麼辦呢? 句中then意爲“到那時”(指將來)。 6.a pleasant dream,一個美好的夢。 7.depend on,取決於,依靠。

語法 Grammar in use 第1類條件句 如果我們認爲將來的事件是可能發生的,就可用第1類條件句去描述將會發生什麼事或不會發生什麼事。其基本結構是:If +一般現在時+將來時(或情態助動詞),如: If it rains tomorrow, we won't go to the seaside. 如果明天下雨,我們就不去海邊。 if從句中的現在時表示需具備的條件,主句中的shall/will將來時表示可能的結果。具備的條件是真實的,可能真的下雨。 如果是這樣,它就會有真實的結果。這就是爲什麼這樣的陳述句常被稱爲“開放”條件句或“真實”條件句的原因。事實上,在第1類條件句中,一切現在時態都能用在if之後,而不僅僅是一般現在時。請看例句: If he falls ,he'll hurt himself. 如果他摔倒了,他會傷着自己的。 If you don't hurry ,we'll miss the train. 你要是不趕緊點兒,我們就會誤了火車。 If you feel better, you can get up. 你要是感覺好些了的話,你就能起牀了。 If I am better tomorrow, I will get up. 如果我明天感覺好些了,我就起牀下地。 If I have a headache, I will take an aspirin. 我要是頭疼的話就會服用一片阿司匹林。 If I can afford it, I will buy it. 要是我買得起的話我就會買它。

詞彙學習 Word study 1.depend v.(on) (1)視……而定;取決於: It depends on whether they win or not. 這取決於他們是否能贏。 (2)依靠;依賴: The country depends heavily on its export of farming3 products. 這個國家在很大程度上依賴於其農產品的出口。 They depended on us for help. 他們依靠的是我們的幫助。 (3)信賴;相信: We can depend on the accuracy of the test. 我們可以相信測試的準確性。 You can depend on John----he is an honest man. 你可以信賴約翰——他是一個誠實的人。 2.win v. (1)贏(如比賽或獎項);獲勝: Which team won? 哪一隊獲勝了? He felt very excited to have won the gold medal. 贏得了金牌,他感到非常興奮。 (2)(經過努力等)贏得;取得;成功: Do you think he will win the election5? 你認爲他競選會成功嗎? He had been applying for a scholarship6 and he won at last. 他一直在申請獎學金並終於獲得了。


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