英語簡單學第71課Sally’s first train ride

Last week, my four year old daughter, Sally, was invited to a children’s party. I decided to take her by train. Sally was very excited because she had never travelled on a train before. She sat near the window and asked questions about everything she saw. Suddenly, a middle-aged lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally. “Hello, little girl.” She said. Sally did not answer, but looked at her curiously. The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat. After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took out her powder compact(粉盒). She then began to make up her face. “Why are you doing that?” Sally asked. “To make myself beautiful,” the lady answered. She put away her compact and smiled kindly. “But you are still ugly.” Sally said. Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed!

1.my four-year-old daughter,我那4歲的女兒。 four-year-old 是名詞 daughter的定語。各詞用連字符連在一起,構成一個複合形容詞。注意在這個複合詞中僅用 year,而不用複數: a thirteen-year-old girl 一個13歲的姑娘 2.… Sally was invited to a children's party. ……薩莉被邀請去參加一個兒童聚會。 這是一個被動語態的例子。在英文中,如果想避免用含混不清的詞(如 someone等)作主語,常常可使用被動詞態。(具體請參見本課語法部分。)被動語態由相應的be動詞加上過去分詞構成: It is repaired regularly. 它定期修理。 They are corrected regularly. 它們得到了定期校正。 He was met at the station this morning. 今早有人在車站接他。 3.a middle-aged lady,一位中年女士。 middle-aged是一個複合形容詞,由名詞+過去分詞構成。又如: hand-made手工製作的 4.opposite Sally,在薩莉的對面。 這是介詞短語,作狀語,表示sat的具體情況。 5.take out,拿出。 6.make up her face,往她的臉上施脂粉。 make up意爲“化妝”、“打扮”(指擦胭脂、抹粉)。 7.To make myself beautiful … 把自己打扮漂亮…… 這是一個省略句,句首省略了I am doing that,而只留下這個作目的狀語的動詞不定式短語。 8.put away,收拾好,儲存備用。

語法 Grammar in use 被動語態(1) 英語動詞有主動語態和被動語態之分。在主動句中,動詞的主語是執行動作的人或物。在被動句中,主語是動作的承受者。 在英語中被動詞態用得很普遍,這樣做可以避免用不明確的詞作主語,或是將說話的重點放在事件而不是造成該事件的人或物上。 被動語態的構成: be +過去分詞。 過去分詞不一定指過去。請看例句: (1)一般現在時形式: am/are/is +過去分詞: The room is aired regularly. 這個房間定期通風。 The knives are sharpened regularly. 刀定期磨。 (2)一般過去時形式: was/were +過去分詞: She was dressed in red. 她身穿紅色衣服。 The windows were opened this morning. 窗戶今早是開着的/被打開了。 (3)英語中表達感情的動詞通常可用於被動式,這些動詞如 amuse, embarrass, worry, surprise, interest, upset等: She is embarrassed. 她感到尷尬。 They were worried. 他們感到擔憂。

詞彙學習 Word study 1.embarrassed adj. (1)尷尬的;侷促不安的: He felt so embarrassed at that moment. 在那一刻,他感到如此尷尬。 The girl was very embarrassed to speak in front of so many strangers. 在如此之多的陌生人面前講話,那個女孩子很是侷促不安。 (2)陷入困境的;拮据的: He was financially embarrassed. 他經濟上陷入了困境。 He says that he is embarrassed at the moment, but he will be able to pay you next month. 他說他目前手頭緊,但下個月就可以付錢給你。 2.curiously adv. (1)好奇地: The little boy watched curiously as his mum opened the box. 那個小男孩好奇地看着他媽媽打開盒子。 (2)過於好奇地: She curiously opened the letter addressed to her husband. 她抑制不住好奇心,拆開了別人寫給她丈夫的信。 3.kindly adv. (1)和藹地;親切地: He treats the children kindly. 他待孩子們和藹而仁慈。 The old man greeted us kindly. 那位老人親切地招呼我們。 (2)請(=please,有時表示客氣,有時表示不滿等): Will you kindly leave the room? 請你離開這房間好嗎? Kindly acknowledge6 this letter. 此信收到後請告知。 (3)樂意地;感謝地: He never takes criticism kindly. 他從不樂於接受批評。


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