英語簡單學第72課A walk through the woods

I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods. It is a famous beauty spot. On Sundays, hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods. Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy. Litter baskets have been placed under the trees, but people still throw their rubbish everywhere. Last Wednesday, I went for a walk in the woods. What I saw made me very sad. I counted seven old cars and three old refrigerators. The little baskets were empty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, empty bottles and rusty tins. Among the rubbish, I found a sign which said, 'Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted!'

1.is surrounded by,由……環繞着。 2.hundreds of people,數以百計的(遊)人。 3.Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy.遊客已被告知要保持樹林的整潔。 句中 have been asked是被動語態的完成時結構。(詳見本課語法部分。)to keep the woods clean and tidy是動詞不定式短語,作主語visitors的補足語。clean and tidy 是賓語 the woods 的賓語補足語。 4.go for a walk,去散步。 5.What I saw made me very sad.我所見到的一切使我非常難過。 句中的主語What I saw 是 what 引導的名詞性從句。

語法 Grammar in use 被動語態(2) 上一次介紹了被動語態的一般現在時和一般過去時形式,這裏介紹其現在完成時和一般將來時形式: (1)現在完成時形式: has/have + been + 過去分詞: The basket has already been emptied. 籃子已經被騰空了。 They have already been invited. 他們已被邀請。 (2)一般將來時形式: will/shall +be +過去分詞: The floor will be swept soon. 地不久就會掃的。 The knives will be sharpened soon. 刀不久就會磨的。

詞彙學習 Word study 1.place v. (1)(小心地)放;放置: He placed the record back to the shelf. 他把唱片放回到架子上。 Their request placed me in a difficult position. 他們的要求將我置於困境。 (2)任命;安置: The company has placed him with a branch office in Tokyo. 公司任命他在東京的一家分支機構工作。 There is no better way to place the homeless children. 沒有更好的辦法來安置這些無家可歸的孩子們。 2.prosecute v. (1)起訴,檢舉;依法處置: Trespassers will be prosecuted. 閒人莫入,違者法辦。 They prosecuted him for shoplifting. 他們起訴他扒竊商店貨物。 (2)〈書面語〉徹底進行;執行: We are going to prosecute the investigation7 further. 我們將進一步徹底進行調查。 3.surround v. 包圍;圍繞: The beautiful white house is surrounded by green trees. 那所漂亮的白房子被綠樹環繞着。 That old professor loved to surround himself with young people. 那位老教授非常喜歡年輕人圍在他左右。 When I went into the room, I saw Tim sitting on the floor surrounded by boxes. 當我走進房間時,我看到蒂姆正坐在地板上,他的周圍到處都是盒子。


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