A cultural exchange company口語作業


My partner Jessica and I,we want to run a cultural exchange company to make people learn how to develop and expand our culture through different forms.In the center of our logo is a slightly open mouth surrounded by English letters,Chinese characters and other symbols. Our slogan is travel farther,all around. Firstly,in our company,we release video works to develop our culture.For example,we would distribute many films and variety shows related to culture heritage.About the video works,we humbly study and research works of past that have caused great repercussions.In addition,we would publish the classics of domestic history and literature to refocus people's attention on culture.Finally,the inheritance of culture should be started from children.So we would create a classical knowledge remedial department for teenagers.

In addition ,exhibitions and recreational activities on Traditional Chinese culture will be held on a regular basis. What's more,we also deal in tourism projects and cultural projects that contain local distinctive cultures.

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