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Why do bikes for men have that top tube in the frame?


【單詞】bikes 原型:bike [bahyk][baɪk] n. 自行車;腳踏車

【單詞】tube [toob, tyoob][tjuːb] n. 管子;管狀物

【單詞】frame [freym][freɪm] n. 結構;框;框架;幀

I understand why it would be easier for women not to have that high bar in the bike frame as it would not work with long skirts and dresses.


【單詞】bar [bahr][bɑː] n. 條;橫木;柵

【單詞】skirts 原型:skirt [skurt][skɜːt] n. 裙子

【單詞】dresses 原型:dress [dres][dres] n. 服裝;女裝;裙子

But as the... area, so to say, is quite sensitive for men, why does their bike frame have a top tube?


【單詞】sensitive ['sen-si-tiv]['sensətɪv] adj. 靈敏的;敏感的;感光的;易受傷害的

A well fit men's bike should never really get in the way of their balls when standing over it.


【短語】in the way表示“擋道;妨礙某人”。如:Her social life got in the way of her studies. 她的社交生活妨礙了學業。

【短語】take over 表示“接管;接收”。如:I intend you to take over. 我打算讓你來接管。

【單詞】fit [fit][fɪt] adj. 適宜的;合適的;健康的

【單詞】balls 原型:ball [bawl][bɔːl] n. 球;球狀物;(復)睾丸

Stunt bikes tend to be very short, and mountain bikes need to be as strong as possible, which a top bar is.


【用法】as...as 意爲"和……一樣",表示同級的比較。 其基本結構爲:as adj./adv. as sth.;例如:This film is as interesting as that one. 這部電影和那部電影一樣有趣。

【用法】tend to表示“朝某方向;趨向;偏重”,後面接動詞原形。如:We tend to make mistakes when we do things in a hurry.忙中不免出錯。

【單詞】Stunt 原型:stunt 動詞原形 [stuhnt][stʌnt] n. 特技

【單詞】tend [tend][tend] v. 趨向;易於;朝向 v. 照料;照管

【單詞】mountain ['moun-tn]['maʊntən] n. 山;山脈;高山

BMX bikes actually are made with a slanted top bar, specifically to avoid "racking" your nuts.


【專有名詞】BMX  [ˌbiːem'eks] n. 自行車越野賽

【單詞】slanted 原型:slant [slant, slahnt][slɑːnt] vt. 使傾斜;歪曲 vi. 傾斜

【單詞】specifically [spi-'sif-ik-lee][spə'sɪfɪkli] adv. 特別地;明確地;具體地

【單詞】avoid [uh-'void][ə'vɔɪd] vt. 避免;逃避

【單詞】racking 原型:rack [rak][ræk] vt. 使痛苦;把...放在架子上

【單詞】nuts 原型:nut [nuht][nʌt] n. 堅果;果仁

The lower top bar (or missing top bar) was put in place mostly for women's fashion.


【短語】in place 表示“在合適的位置”。如:Have you got all the lights in place yet?

【單詞】mostly ['mohst-lee]['məʊstli] adv. 主要地;通常

【單詞】fashion ['fash-uhn]['fæʃn] n. 時尚;風格;樣子

Originally it allowed biking while wearing a dress.


【單詞】Originally 原型:originally 副詞 [uh-'rij-uh-nl-ee][ə'rɪdʒənəli] adv. 原本;起初;獨創地

【單詞】wearing 原型:wear [wair][weə] v. 穿戴;穿着

Later, tight pants.


【單詞】tight [tahyt][taɪt] adj. 緊的;緊身的;密集的

【單詞】pants 原型:pant [pant][pænt] (複數形式)內褲; 短褲; 褲子

The low bar allows mounting without having to lift your leg really high.


【單詞】mounting 原型:mount [mount][maʊnt] v. 登上;爬上;裝上;上升

【單詞】lift [lift][lɪft] vt. 舉起;運送;升高 vi. 提升

【單詞】leg [leg][leɡ] n. 腿

This actually makes women's bikes really popular with older women, who are (at a younger age than men) more likely to have hip mobility issues.


【單詞】hip [hip][hɪp] n. 臀部;髖

【單詞】mobility [moh-'bil-i-tee][məʊ'bɪləti] n. 流動性;機動性;情感不定

The downside of a lower (or missing) top bar is that you lose a lot of the strength a traditional top bar adds to the bike.


【單詞】downside ['doun-sahyd]['daʊnsaɪd] n. 下降趨勢(價格方面);消極面;負面

【單詞】lose [looz][luːz] vt. 丟失;失敗;削減;虧損

【單詞】strength [strengkth, strength, strenth][streŋθ] n. 力氣;強度;力量;長處

【單詞】adds 原型:add [ad][æd] v. 加;增加;補充

You're left with either a less resilient bike, a heavier bike, or a much more expensive build.


【單詞】resilient [ri-'zil-yuhnt, -'zil-ee-uhnt][rɪ'zɪliənt] adj. 適應力強的;有彈力的

【單詞】heavier 原型:heavy 形容詞比較級 ['hev-ee]['hevi] adj. 大(量)的;重的;沉重的;猛烈的

【單詞】expensive [ik-'spen-siv][ɪk'spensɪv] adj. 昂貴的;高價的

【單詞】build [bild][bɪld] n. 體格;身材

When women still had to wear dresses, they were also expected to ride in a much more reserved manner, so the weaker frame wouldn't have been as much of an issue.


【單詞】ride [rahyd][raɪd] v. 騎;乘 n. 交通工具;騎;乘車

【單詞】reserved 原型:reserve [ri-'zurv][rɪ'zɜːv] vt. 保留;保守

【單詞】manner ['man-er]['mænə] n. 舉止;禮貌;方式;習俗

【單詞】weaker 原型:weak 形容詞比較級 [week][wiːk] adj. 弱的;虛弱的;無力的

You can still find modern bikes made with this lower or missing top bar, but if you look at top of the line women's road or mountain bikes, you'll find they look very much like a men's bikes.


Giant's women's road bikes actually have a slight nod to the dropped top bar, with a slightly downward slanting top bar - which is more aesthetic than functional.


【單詞】slight [slahyt][slaɪt] adj. 輕微的;纖弱的;微小的

【單詞】nod [nod][nɒd] v. 點頭;打盹;(使)擺動 n. 點頭;同意

【單詞】slightly [slahyt]['slaɪtli] adv. 些微地;稍微;瘦小地

【單詞】downward ['doun-werd]['daʊnwəd] adv. 向下 adj. 向下的;下降的

【單詞】slanting 原型:slant [slant, slahnt][slɑːnt] n. 傾斜;斜面

【單詞】aesthetic [es-'thet-ik][iːs'θetɪk] adj. 美學的;審美的;有美感的

【單詞】functional ['fuhngk-shuh-nl]['fʌŋkʃənl] adj. 功能的;實用的;起作用的

【專有名詞】Giant ['jahy-uhnt]['dʒaɪənt] 這裏指捷安特自行車公司,是全球自行車生產及行銷最具規模的公司之一。

Most of the changes have to do with the parts on the bike (special saddles, smaller gap between handle and brake or handle and shifters, and the frame usually accounts for a shorter torso).


【短語】most of ... 大部分,大多數的;絕大多數;例句:I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我認爲這些障礙大多數都是可以克服的。

【單詞】saddles 原型:saddle ['sad-l]['sædl] n. 鞍;車座

【單詞】gap [gap][ɡæp] n. 缺口;裂縫;差距;空白

【單詞】handle ['han-dl]['hændl] v. 處理;對待;操作;觸;買賣 n. 把手;柄

【單詞】brake [breyk][breɪk] n. 制動器;閘;剎車 v. 剎車

【單詞】shifters 原型:shifter ['shif-ter]['ʃɪftə] n. 移動裝置;移相器;變速撥叉

【單詞】torso ['tawr-soh]['tɔːsəʊ] n. 軀幹

Generally, more ergonomic choices (though some cosmentic) and less... well sexist.


【單詞】ergonomic [ˌɜːɡə'nɒmɪk] adj. 人類工程學的;人體工學的

【單詞】sexist ['sek-sist]['seksɪst] n. 性別歧視者 adj. 性別歧視的

For a casual bike to ride around town, where weight doesn't matter, a dropped or non existent top tube is going to be easier to get on and off, and more easily set to a variety of riders.


【短語】do not matter 不礙事,不要緊;例句:It does not matter to me which side wins. 誰勝誰負對我來說都無關緊要。

【短語】a variety of ... 各種各樣的…,種種;例句:The department store carries a variety of leather shoes. 這家百貨商店經銷各種皮鞋。

【單詞】casual ['kazh-oo-uhl]['kæʒuəl] adj. 非正式的;漫不經心的;偶然的;臨時的;休閒的

【單詞】weight [weyt][weɪt] n. 重量;體重

【單詞】non [nɒn] adv. [拉]非;不是

【單詞】existent [ig-'zis-tuhnt][ɪɡ'zɪstənt] adj. 存在的;目前的;現行的

【單詞】variety [vuh-'rahy-i-tee][və'raɪəti] n. 多樣;種類;多樣化

【單詞】riders 原型:rider ['rahy-der]['raɪdə] n. 騎士;附件

In fact, many bike share companies choose this set up for that reason.


【短語】in fact 事實上,實際上

【單詞】choose [chooz][tʃuːz] v. 選擇;決定

However, once something is labeled as "women's" it is really hard to convince men to get over that trend en masse.


【短語】get over 表示“克服;恢復;熬過;原諒”。如:When you break up with somebody you love, that's awful; and it takes time to get over.當你和所愛的人分手了,那是件糟糕極了的事,而且需要很長時間來恢復。

【單詞】labeled ['ley-buhl]['leɪbld] adj. 有標籤的

【單詞】convince [kuhn-'vins][kən'vɪns] vt. 使確信;使信服;說服

【單詞】trend [trend][trend] n. 趨勢;傾向;方位 vi. 傾向;轉向

【短語】en masse [ˌɑ̃ː ˈmæs] adv.一起; 全體;

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