What is raising revenue and reducing expenditure? 開源節流

I agree with the famous saying.  Today I cannot agree more  when I back when I come back home seeing  something.

  Just as  the benefits issued by the government and I love this very much.  What's happier is that I am always so lucky to get some coupons.


I keep  getting coupons every day, which makes me thrilled and excited.  Every day I cannot help sharing it with oo.

However, today I feel disappointed when I see some food    thrown away at home.  What's even worse, I feel a little sad about my hard work to get the coupons.

My hard work  is not attached great importance. OUOU doesn't value good things that come easily.






淫佚又生貧賤 :淫亂之人又會變得貧賤。

How can we achieve fortune through hard work?  The most important way is to make use of what we have earned at present.  If you don't waste what we have  at hand,  it is useful to human beings.  It will be a good virtue.

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