
During a discussion, a woman colleague  declared that it's nice to be friends with a teacher, but not a wise choice to get married to a teacher. Due to the profession, male teachers can be very fussy.

At first, I disagreed with what she said . my husband is a teacher and I think it's nice to be with him. I  have enjoyed being looked after by him.

Soon I was slapped in the face.

Ideal is very plump, while the reality is very skinny.

He is used to wasting food.  He is used to buying many foods  such as vegetables, meat, milk, bread, candies on the weekend and then keep them in the refrigerator until they go bad.  Finally, the foods will be thrown away and his excuse is that the foods have gone bad.  We shouldn't eat such foods  , otherwise we will    fall ill or get sick.

I  am disappointed  at him about this.


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