2020-12-02 already on the way

Right Now

Sent out 21 CVs, then I truly felt the things I really need to prepare quickly.

12-1 went to the hair salon, made the hair firstly
12-2 prepare to see the dentist, then wash and whiten the teeth
12-2 list the things I should prepare

  1. Sql
  2. Python leetcode
  3. 概率論
  4. 算法: xgboost,random forest 手寫。差異。等等算法。。
  5. 思維:算法解決問題的能力
  6. hive
  7. 思維導圖(複習東西的思路)
  8. 能帶的出手的作品

I should rank the importance order, so that I can utilize time wisely.

Now, I feel deep anxious about the algorithms part.
Don't say so much!
Do it .

Then, from where ?
-- right now Udacity courses rises up in my mind.

To do next:

  • whitening teeth
  • change the color of my brow
  • the right dress to be arranged
  • eyebag?
  • right shoes
  • lose weight- big belly
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