A nice and meaningful trip.



What matters in traveling is not where to travel, but with whom you travel.

Zhao Hua and his family had a trip to  Rizhao during  the summer vacation,  which Zhao Hua looked forward to for a long time.

They  came across two sisters from Shannxi on the  bus.  It was the first time the two sisters went on a trip alone and thus they were afraid to come across some dishonest people and were cheated.  So they asked  to travel along with Zhao Hua and his family.

They had a nice trip together.  Zhao hua tried three times to give half of the money to the sisters, but they refused.

They not only had a great time together but also  made  good friends as well as help others.  No doubt Zhao hua and his family had a nice and meaningful trip this time.

It is  friendly people who make traveling more fun and more meaningful.

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