Machine Learning and AI, what the future is going to be?

Companies rely on and totally trust in data. By 2021, one in four forward-thinking enterprises will push machine learning to new a whole new level, such as holographic meetings for remote work which will be really beneficial in tough times like this pandemic ones and on-demand personalised manufacturing, as per new prognostications by Forrester Research. Even today, most of us are subconsciously using Machine Learning in our daily lives, but we are not completely aware of the same. Google Maps, Facebook, your travel booking apps, cab booking apps, etc all use machine learning in some or the other way. A nascent domain that's roughly 60 years old, has changed the way how humans and machines do perform and interact with each other, that's for sure.


How does this impact the jobs of the future and what will be the scenario?

Machine learning, together with artificial intelligence is going to create more than 2.3 million jobs in 2030 By 2030, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning will create more jobs than it eliminates, says a report from Gartner. Today’s tech-ready industries already use ML with AI for automated jobs that are highly repeatable, where large quantities of observations and decisions can be analysed for patterns. Manual works will be shifted to the automated ones, which will be done by computers. To stay related and secure an irreplaceable position in your industry, it is important to upskill and be in the know of the latest trends and technologies. The first step to get going will be to start learning cutting edge technologies like these as mentioned. It is extremely crucial to keep in mind that only listening to professors half-mindedly while bingeing in a parallel tab will not cut it. The program that you choose to pursue needs to be as rigorous and engaging as any offline university that you go to. There are plenty of courses available online as well offline to choose from. You can just google machine learning certification and you will find plenty of them. But it is really important to pursue courses which are guided by instructors and also contains guided projects. 


Hope this small yet really informative article helped you in understanding the scenario of the current market. All the best for your career! :)

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