The more communication, the better you both understand each other.

Communication is very important in teaching.

In the past I was very shy and was afraid of facing all contacting parents. Although it should be part of my work, my job, I feel very very frightened. Probably it is because I lack confidence. Probably it is because I lack skills in communicating.

For ages I was reluctant to join in the parents wechat group. For ages, I refused the the invitation to join in the parents wechat group.  Of course, by doing this, I protected myself very very well. However, meanwhile, I  definitely missed many chances to get to know my students .  At the same time, I definitely missed many opportunities to get to know the parents.

Of course I missed many opportunities to make  myself understood by the students and parents.  As a result, unfortunately, I missed many, many chances and opportunities to know myself.

Thanks to the COVID- 19 and online teaching at the beginning of 2020,  although I was forced to facing the students and parents on the Internet  at that time,  I learned a lot .

It's valuable.

Now I'm free and brave to contact and communicate with the parents.

The more communication I made was the parents, the more I understand myself, the more I know what I should be.

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