“ Don't disturb me !don't talk to me!”

“Remember, don't disturb me. Don't try to talk to me.  better don't let somebody know you are my mother !” “ I don't care about any food. I just want to finish my homework.” "…"

What ?! 

Do you know who said it?!

That hurts me very much.

That discourages me very much.

Why did I sign up for the  parent committee?

Why did not sacrifice my spare time to  deliver the food to the school?

It's all because of you, my son, my deer son.

What I'm trying to do is to let you know that I'm concerned about you.

What I'm trying to do is to show  your classmates that  parents love you so much.

What I'm trying to do is to make sure you don't feel lonely. We are beside you, we are with you.

Luckily the moment I saw you, the moment we met each other in your classroom, you didn't appear to be indifferent.  I went wild with joy and thus took photos  of you secretly……

Probably teenagers are eager to grow up,  eager to learn to be independent.

Probably teenagers are concerned above parents too, don't want to cause parents too much trouble.

However guys, my dear son, I want to remind all of you that we ,as parents ,  are willing do everything for you. Remember next time don't keep a distance from us.

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