2. [mmc subsystem] mmc core數據結構和宏定義說明【轉】





1、struct mmc_host

struct mmc_host是mmc core由host controller抽象出來的結構體,用於代表一個mmc host控制器。

  • 數據結構如下:
struct mmc_host {
    struct device       *parent;   // 對應的host controller的device
    struct device       class_dev;   // mmc_host的device結構體,會掛在class/mmc_host下
    int         index;   // 該host的索引號
    const struct mmc_host_ops *ops; // 該host的操作集,由host controller設置,後面說明
    unsigned int        f_min;   // 該host支持的最低頻率
    unsigned int        f_max;   // 該host支持的最大頻率
    unsigned int        f_init;   // 該host使用的初始化頻率
    u32         ocr_avail;   // 該host可用的ocr值(電壓相關)
    u32         ocr_avail_sdio; /* SDIO-specific OCR */
    u32         ocr_avail_sd;   /* SD-specific OCR */
    u32         ocr_avail_mmc;  /* MMC-specific OCR */
    struct notifier_block   pm_notify;
    u32         max_current_330;   // 3.3V時的最大電流
    u32         max_current_300;   // 3.0V時的最大電流
    u32         max_current_180;   // 1.8V時的最大電流
    u32         caps;       /* Host capabilities */   // host屬性
    u32         caps2;      /* More host capabilities */   // host屬性2
    mmc_pm_flag_t       pm_caps;    /* supported pm features */   // 電源管理屬性

        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 以下是和clock相關的成員
    int         clk_requests;   /* internal reference counter */
    unsigned int        clk_delay;  /* number of MCI clk hold cycles */
    bool            clk_gated;  /* clock gated */
    struct delayed_work clk_gate_work; /* delayed clock gate */
    unsigned int        clk_old;    /* old clock value cache */
    spinlock_t      clk_lock;   /* lock for clk fields */
    struct mutex        clk_gate_mutex; /* mutex for clock gating */
    struct device_attribute clkgate_delay_attr;
    unsigned long           clkgate_delay;

    /* host specific block data */   
        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 和塊相關的成員
    unsigned int        max_seg_size;   /* see blk_queue_max_segment_size */
    unsigned short      max_segs;   /* see blk_queue_max_segments */
    unsigned short      unused;
    unsigned int        max_req_size;   /* maximum number of bytes in one req */
    unsigned int        max_blk_size;   /* maximum size of one mmc block */
    unsigned int        max_blk_count;  /* maximum number of blocks in one req */
    unsigned int        max_discard_to; /* max. discard timeout in ms */

    /* private data */
    spinlock_t      lock;       /* lock for claim and bus ops */   // host的bus使用的鎖
    struct mmc_ios      ios;        /* current io bus settings */   // io setting,後續說明
    u32         ocr;        /* the current OCR setting */   // 當前使用的ocr的值

    /* group bitfields together to minimize padding */
    unsigned int        use_spi_crc:1;
    unsigned int        claimed:1;  /* host exclusively claimed */   // host是否已經被佔用
    unsigned int        bus_dead:1; /* bus has been released */   // host的bus是否處於激活狀態

    int         rescan_disable; /* disable card detection */   // 禁止rescan的標識,禁止搜索card
    int         rescan_entered; /* used with nonremovable devices */   // 是否已經rescan過的標識,對應不可移除的設備只能rescan一次

    struct mmc_card     *card;      /* device attached to this host */   // 和該host綁定在一起的card

    wait_queue_head_t   wq;
    struct task_struct  *claimer;   /* task that has host claimed */   // 該host的佔有者進程
    struct task_struct  *suspend_task;
    int         claim_cnt;  /* "claim" nesting count */   // 佔有者進程對該host的佔用計數

    struct delayed_work detect;   // 檢測卡槽變化的工作
    struct wake_lock    detect_wake_lock;   // 檢測卡槽變化的工作使用的鎖
    const char      *wlock_name;   // 鎖名稱
    int         detect_change;  /* card detect flag */ // 需要檢測卡槽變化的標識
    struct mmc_slot     slot;   // 卡槽的結構體

    const struct mmc_bus_ops *bus_ops;  /* current bus driver */   // host的mmc總線的操作集,後面說明
    unsigned int        bus_refs;   /* reference counter */   // host的mmc總線的使用計數
    unsigned int        bus_resume_flags;   // host的mmc總線的resume標識

    mmc_pm_flag_t       pm_flags;   /* requested pm features */

    bool            regulator_enabled; /* regulator state */   // 代表regulator(LDO)的狀態
    struct mmc_supply   supply;

    struct dentry       *debugfs_root;   // 對應的debug目錄結構體

    struct mmc_async_req    *areq;      /* active async req */   // 當前正在處理的異步請求
    struct mmc_context_info context_info;   /* async synchronization info */ // 異步請求的信息

    unsigned int        actual_clock;   /* Actual HC clock rate */ // 實際的時鐘頻率


#define MMC_VDD_165_195     0x00000080  /* VDD voltage 1.65 - 1.95 */
#define MMC_VDD_20_21       0x00000100  /* VDD voltage 2.0 ~ 2.1 */
#define MMC_VDD_21_22       0x00000200  /* VDD voltage 2.1 ~ 2.2 */
#define MMC_VDD_22_23       0x00000400  /* VDD voltage 2.2 ~ 2.3 */
#define MMC_VDD_23_24       0x00000800  /* VDD voltage 2.3 ~ 2.4 */
#define MMC_VDD_24_25       0x00001000  /* VDD voltage 2.4 ~ 2.5 */
#define MMC_VDD_25_26       0x00002000  /* VDD voltage 2.5 ~ 2.6 */
#define MMC_VDD_26_27       0x00004000  /* VDD voltage 2.6 ~ 2.7 */
#define MMC_VDD_27_28       0x00008000  /* VDD voltage 2.7 ~ 2.8 */
#define MMC_VDD_28_29       0x00010000  /* VDD voltage 2.8 ~ 2.9 */
#define MMC_VDD_29_30       0x00020000  /* VDD voltage 2.9 ~ 3.0 */
#define MMC_VDD_30_31       0x00040000  /* VDD voltage 3.0 ~ 3.1 */
#define MMC_VDD_31_32       0x00080000  /* VDD voltage 3.1 ~ 3.2 */
#define MMC_VDD_32_33       0x00100000  /* VDD voltage 3.2 ~ 3.3 */
#define MMC_VDD_33_34       0x00200000  /* VDD voltage 3.3 ~ 3.4 */
#define MMC_VDD_34_35       0x00400000  /* VDD voltage 3.4 ~ 3.5 */
#define MMC_VDD_35_36       0x00800000  /* VDD voltage 3.5 ~ 3.6 */


#define MMC_CAP2_BOOTPART_NOACC (1 << 0)    /* Boot partition no access */
#define MMC_CAP2_CACHE_CTRL (1 << 1)    /* Allow cache control */
#define MMC_CAP2_POWEROFF_NOTIFY (1 << 2)   /* Notify poweroff supported */
#define MMC_CAP2_NO_MULTI_READ  (1 << 3)    /* Multiblock reads don't work */
#define MMC_CAP2_NO_SLEEP_CMD   (1 << 4)    /* Don't allow sleep command */
#define MMC_CAP2_HS200_1_8V_SDR (1 << 5)        /* can support */
#define MMC_CAP2_HS200_1_2V_SDR (1 << 6)        /* can support */
#define MMC_CAP2_HS200      (MMC_CAP2_HS200_1_8V_SDR | \
#define MMC_CAP2_BROKEN_VOLTAGE (1 << 7)    /* Use the broken voltage */
#define MMC_CAP2_DETECT_ON_ERR  (1 << 8)    /* On I/O err check card removal */
#define MMC_CAP2_HC_ERASE_SZ    (1 << 9)    /* High-capacity erase size */
#define MMC_CAP2_CD_ACTIVE_HIGH (1 << 10)   /* Card-detect signal active high */
#define MMC_CAP2_RO_ACTIVE_HIGH (1 << 11)   /* Write-protect signal active high */
#define MMC_CAP2_PACKED_RD  (1 << 12)   /* Allow packed read */
#define MMC_CAP2_PACKED_WR  (1 << 13)   /* Allow packed write */
#define MMC_CAP2_NO_PRESCAN_POWERUP (1 << 14)   /* Don't power up before scan */
#define MMC_CAP2_INIT_BKOPS     (1 << 15)   /* Need to set BKOPS_EN */
#define MMC_CAP2_PACKED_WR_CONTROL (1 << 16) /* Allow write packing control */
#define MMC_CAP2_CLK_SCALE  (1 << 17)   /* Allow dynamic clk scaling */
#define MMC_CAP2_STOP_REQUEST   (1 << 18)   /* Allow stop ongoing request */
/* Use runtime PM framework provided by MMC core */
#define MMC_CAP2_CORE_RUNTIME_PM (1 << 19)
#define MMC_CAP2_SANITIZE   (1 << 20)       /* Support Sanitize */
/* Allows Asynchronous SDIO irq while card is in 4-bit mode */
#define MMC_CAP2_ASYNC_SDIO_IRQ_4BIT_MODE (1 << 21)

#define MMC_CAP2_HS400_1_8V (1 << 22)        /* can support */
#define MMC_CAP2_HS400_1_2V (1 << 23)        /* can support */
#define MMC_CAP2_CORE_PM       (1 << 24)       /* use PM framework */
#define MMC_CAP2_HS400      (MMC_CAP2_HS400_1_8V | \
#define MMC_CAP2_NONHOTPLUG (1 << 25)   /*Don't support hotplug*/

2、struct mmc_host_ops

mmc core將host需要提供的一些操作方法封裝成struct mmc_host_ops。

mmc core主模塊的很多接口都是基於這裏面的操作方法來實現的,通過這些方法來操作host硬件達到對應的目的。

所以struct mmc_host_ops也是host controller driver需要實現的核心部分。

struct mmc_host_ops {
     * 'enable' is called when the host is claimed and 'disable' is called
     * when the host is released. 'enable' and 'disable' are deprecated.
    int (*enable)(struct mmc_host *host);   // 使能host,當host被佔用時(第一次調用mmc_claim_host)調用
    int (*disable)(struct mmc_host *host);   // 禁用host,當host被釋放時(第一次調用mmc_release_host)調用
     * It is optional for the host to implement pre_req and post_req in
     * order to support double buffering of requests (prepare one
     * request while another request is active).
     * pre_req() must always be followed by a post_req().
     * To undo a call made to pre_req(), call post_req() with
     * a nonzero err condition.
        // post_req和pre_req是爲了實現異步請求處理而設置的
        // 異步請求處理就是指,當另外一個異步請求還沒有處理完成的時候,可以先準備另外一個異步請求而不必等待
        // 具體參考《mmc core主模塊》
    void    (*post_req)(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_request *req,
                int err);
    void    (*pre_req)(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_request *req,
               bool is_first_req);
    void    (*request)(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_request *req); // host處理mmc請求的方法,在mmc_start_request中會調用

    void    (*set_ios)(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_ios *ios);   // 設置host的總線的io setting
    int (*get_ro)(struct mmc_host *host);   // 獲取host上的card的讀寫屬性
    int (*get_cd)(struct mmc_host *host);   // 檢測host的卡槽中card的插入狀態

    /* optional callback for HC quirks */
    void    (*init_card)(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_card *card);   // 初始化card的方法

    int (*start_signal_voltage_switch)(struct mmc_host *host, struct mmc_ios *ios);   // 切換信號電壓的方法

    /* Check if the card is pulling dat[0:3] low */
    int (*card_busy)(struct mmc_host *host);   // 用於檢測card是否處於busy狀態

    /* The tuning command opcode value is different for SD and eMMC cards */
    int (*execute_tuning)(struct mmc_host *host, u32 opcode);   // 執行tuning操作,爲card選擇一個合適的採樣點
    int (*select_drive_strength)(unsigned int max_dtr, int host_drv, int card_drv);   // 選擇信號的驅動強度
    void    (*hw_reset)(struct mmc_host *host);   // 硬件復位
    void    (*card_event)(struct mmc_host *host);   // 
    unsigned long (*get_max_frequency)(struct mmc_host *host); // 獲取host支持的最大頻率的方法
    unsigned long (*get_min_frequency)(struct mmc_host *host);   // 獲取host支持的最小頻率的方法
    int (*notify_load)(struct mmc_host *, enum mmc_load);
    int (*stop_request)(struct mmc_host *host);   // 停止請求處理的方法
    unsigned int    (*get_xfer_remain)(struct mmc_host *host);


1、struct mmc_card

struct mmc_card是mmc core由mmc設備抽象出來的card設備的結構體,用於代表一個mmc設備。


struct mmc_card {
    struct mmc_host     *host;      /* the host this device belongs to */    // 該mmc_card所屬host
    struct device       dev;        /* the device */    // 對應的device
    unsigned int        rca;        /* relative card address of device */    // 該card的RCA地址
    unsigned int        type;       /* card type */    // card類型,後面說明

    unsigned int        state;      /* (our) card state */    // card的當前狀態,後面說明

    unsigned int        quirks;     /* card quirks */    // 該card的一些特點
    unsigned int        erase_size; /* erase size in sectors */   
    unsigned int        erase_shift;    /* if erase unit is power 2 */
    unsigned int        pref_erase; /* in sectors */
    u8          erased_byte;    /* value of erased bytes */

    u32         raw_cid[4]; /* raw card CID */    // 原始的cid寄存器的值
    u32         raw_csd[4]; /* raw card CSD */    // 原始的csd寄存器的值
    u32         raw_scr[2]; /* raw card SCR */    // 原始的scr寄存器的值
    struct mmc_cid      cid;        /* card identification */    // 從cid寄存器的值解析出來的信息
    struct mmc_csd      csd;        /* card specific */    // 從csd寄存器的值解析出來的信息
    struct mmc_ext_csd  ext_csd;    /* mmc v4 extended card specific */    // 從ext_csd寄存器的值解析出來的信息
    struct sd_scr       scr;        /* extra SD information */    // 外部sdcard的信息
    struct sd_ssr       ssr;        /* yet more SD information */    // 更多關於sd card的信息
    struct sd_switch_caps   sw_caps;    /* switch (CMD6) caps */    // sd的切換屬性
    unsigned int        sd_bus_speed;   /* Bus Speed Mode set for the card */

    struct dentry       *debugfs_root;    // 對應debug目錄的結構體
    struct mmc_part part[MMC_NUM_PHY_PARTITION]; /* physical partitions */    // 物理分區
    unsigned int    nr_parts;    // 分區數量
    unsigned int    part_curr;    // 當前分區

    struct mmc_wr_pack_stats wr_pack_stats; /* packed commands stats*/

    struct mmc_bkops_info   bkops_info;

    struct device_attribute rpm_attrib;    // rpm屬性
    unsigned int        idle_timeout; 
    struct notifier_block        reboot_notify;
    bool issue_long_pon;
    u8 *cached_ext_csd;
  • mmc card類型(mmc_card->type)如下:
#define MMC_TYPE_MMC        0       /* MMC card */
#define MMC_TYPE_SD     1       /* SD card */
#define MMC_TYPE_SDIO       2       /* SDIO card */
#define MMC_TYPE_SD_COMBO   3       /* SD combo (IO+mem) card */
  • mmc card狀態(mmc_card->state)如下:
#define MMC_STATE_PRESENT   (1<<0)      /* present in sysfs */
#define MMC_STATE_READONLY  (1<<1)      /* card is read-only */
#define MMC_STATE_HIGHSPEED (1<<2)      /* card is in high speed mode */
#define MMC_STATE_BLOCKADDR (1<<3)      /* card uses block-addressing */
#define MMC_STATE_HIGHSPEED_DDR (1<<4)      /* card is in high speed mode */
#define MMC_STATE_ULTRAHIGHSPEED (1<<5)     /* card is in ultra high speed mode */
#define MMC_CARD_SDXC       (1<<6)      /* card is SDXC */
#define MMC_CARD_REMOVED    (1<<7)      /* card has been removed */
#define MMC_STATE_HIGHSPEED_200 (1<<8)      /* card is in HS200 mode */
#define MMC_STATE_HIGHSPEED_400 (1<<9)      /* card is in HS400 mode */
#define MMC_STATE_DOING_BKOPS   (1<<10)     /* card is doing BKOPS */
#define MMC_STATE_NEED_BKOPS    (1<<11)     /* card needs to do BKOPS */
  • mmc card的一些特寫標識(mmc_card->quirks)如下:
#define MMC_QUIRK_LENIENT_FN0   (1<<0)      /* allow SDIO FN0 writes outside of the VS CCCR range */
#define MMC_QUIRK_BLKSZ_FOR_BYTE_MODE (1<<1)    /* use func->cur_blksize */
                        /* for byte mode */
#define MMC_QUIRK_NONSTD_SDIO   (1<<2)      /* non-standard SDIO card attached */
                        /* (missing CIA registers) */
#define MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_CLK_GATING (1<<3)  /* clock gating the sdio bus will make card fail */
#define MMC_QUIRK_NONSTD_FUNC_IF (1<<4)     /* SDIO card has nonstd function interfaces */
#define MMC_QUIRK_DISABLE_CD    (1<<5)      /* disconnect CD/DAT[3] resistor */
#define MMC_QUIRK_INAND_CMD38   (1<<6)      /* iNAND devices have broken CMD38 */
#define MMC_QUIRK_BLK_NO_CMD23  (1<<7)      /* Avoid CMD23 for regular multiblock */
#define MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_BYTE_MODE_512 (1<<8)   /* Avoid sending 512 bytes in */
#define MMC_QUIRK_LONG_READ_TIME (1<<9)     /* Data read time > CSD says */
#define MMC_QUIRK_SEC_ERASE_TRIM_BROKEN (1<<10) /* Skip secure for erase/trim */
                        /* byte mode */
#define MMC_QUIRK_INAND_DATA_TIMEOUT  (1<<11)   /* For incorrect data timeout */
/* To avoid eMMC device getting broken permanently due to HPI feature */
#define MMC_QUIRK_BROKEN_HPI (1 << 12)
 /* Skip data-timeout advertised by card */
#define MMC_QUIRK_CACHE_DISABLE (1 << 14)       /* prevent cache enable */


1、struct mmc_bus_ops




struct mmc_bus_ops {
    int (*awake)(struct mmc_host *);   // 喚醒mmc總線上的card
    int (*sleep)(struct mmc_host *);   // 休眠mmc總線上的card
    void (*remove)(struct mmc_host *);   // 從軟件上註銷mmc總線上的card
    void (*detect)(struct mmc_host *);   // 檢測mmc總線上的card是否被移除
    int (*suspend)(struct mmc_host *);   // 對應mmc總線的suspend操作
    int (*resume)(struct mmc_host *);   // 對應mmc總線的resume操作
    int (*power_save)(struct mmc_host *);   // 存儲電源狀態
    int (*power_restore)(struct mmc_host *);   // 恢復電源狀態
    int (*alive)(struct mmc_host *);   // 檢測mmc總線上的card的激活狀態
    int (*change_bus_speed)(struct mmc_host *, unsigned long *);   // 修改mmc總線的工作時鐘

2、struct mmc_ios

struct mmc_ios 由mmc core定義的規範的結構,用來維護mmc總線相關的一些io setting。如下:

struct mmc_ios {
    unsigned int    clock;          /* clock rate */ // 當前工作頻率
    unsigned int    old_rate;       /* saved clock rate */    // 上一次的工作頻率
    unsigned long   clk_ts;         /* time stamp of last updated clock */    // 上一次更新工作頻率的時間戳
    unsigned short  vdd;/* vdd stores the bit number of the selected voltage range from below. */   // 支持的電壓表
    unsigned char   bus_mode;       /* command output mode */    // 總線輸出模式,包括開漏模式和上拉模式
    unsigned char   chip_select;        /* SPI chip select */    // spi片選
    unsigned char   power_mode;     /* power supply mode */    // 電源狀態模式
    unsigned char   bus_width;      /* data bus width */    // 總線寬度
    unsigned char   timing;         /* timing specification used */    // 時序類型
    unsigned char   signal_voltage;     /* signalling voltage (1.8V or 3.3V) */    // 信號的工作電壓
    unsigned char   drv_type;       /* driver type (A, B, C, D) */    // 驅動類型


1、struct mmc_command


struct mmc_command {
    u32            opcode;    // 命令的操作碼,如MMC_GO_IDLE_STATE、MMC_SEND_OP_COND等等
    u32            arg;    // 命令的參數
    u32            resp[4];    // response值
    unsigned int        flags;        /* expected response type */    // 期待的response的類型,具體參考後面的命令類型和response類型
#define mmc_resp_type(cmd)    ((cmd)->flags & (MMC_RSP_PRESENT|MMC_RSP_136|MMC_RSP_CRC|MMC_RSP_BUSY|MMC_RSP_OPCODE))
#define mmc_cmd_type(cmd)    ((cmd)->flags & MMC_CMD_MASK)

    unsigned int        retries;    /* max number of retries */    // 失敗時的重複嘗試次數
    unsigned int        error;        /* command error */    // 命令的錯誤碼
    unsigned int        cmd_timeout_ms;    /* in milliseconds */    // 命令執行的等待超時事件

    struct mmc_data        *data;        /* data segment associated with cmd */    // 和該命令關聯在一起的數據段
    struct mmc_request    *mrq;        /* associated request */    // 該命令關聯到哪個request


#define MMC_CMD_MASK    (3 << 5)        /* non-SPI command type */
#define MMC_CMD_AC    (0 << 5)
#define MMC_CMD_ADTC    (1 << 5)
#define MMC_CMD_BC    (2 << 5)
#define MMC_CMD_BCR    (3 << 5)


#define MMC_RSP_PRESENT (1 << 0)
#define MMC_RSP_136 (1 << 1)        /* 136 bit response */
#define MMC_RSP_CRC (1 << 2)        /* expect valid crc */
#define MMC_RSP_BUSY    (1 << 3)        /* card may send busy */
#define MMC_RSP_OPCODE  (1 << 4)        /* response contains opcode */

#define MMC_RSP_NONE    (0)

2、struct mmc_data

mmc core用struct mmc_data來表示一個命令包

struct mmc_data {
    unsigned int        timeout_ns; /* data timeout (in ns, max 80ms) */   // 超時時間,以ns爲單位
    unsigned int        timeout_clks;   /* data timeout (in clocks) */   // 超時時間,以clock爲單位
    unsigned int        blksz;      /* data block size */   // 塊大小
    unsigned int        blocks;     /* number of blocks */   // 塊數量
    unsigned int        error;      /* data error */   // 傳輸的錯誤碼
    unsigned int        flags;   // 傳輸標識
    unsigned int        bytes_xfered;

    struct mmc_command  *stop;      /* stop command */   // 結束傳輸的命令
    struct mmc_request  *mrq;       /* associated request */   // 該命令關聯到哪個request

    unsigned int        sg_len;     /* size of scatter list */
    struct scatterlist  *sg;        /* I/O scatter list */
    s32         host_cookie;    /* host private data */
    bool            fault_injected; /* fault injected */

3、struct mmc_request

struct mmc_request是mmc core向host controller發起命令請求的處理單位。


struct mmc_request {
    struct mmc_command    *sbc;        /* SET_BLOCK_COUNT for multiblock */    // 設置塊數量的命令,怎麼用的後續再補充
    struct mmc_command    *cmd;    // 要傳輸的命令
    struct mmc_data        *data;    // 要傳輸的數據
    struct mmc_command    *stop;    // 結束命令,怎麼用的後續再補充

    struct completion    completion; // 完成量
    void            (*done)(struct mmc_request *);/* completion function */ // 傳輸結束後的回調函數
    struct mmc_host        *host;    // 所屬host

4、struct mmc_async_req

異步請求的結構體。封裝了struct mmc_request請求結構體。具體參考《mmc core主模塊說明》

struct mmc_async_req {
    /* active mmc request */
    struct mmc_request  *mrq;    // mmc請求
    unsigned int cmd_flags; /* copied from struct request */    // 命令標識

     * Check error status of completed mmc request.
     * Returns 0 if success otherwise non zero.
    int (*err_check) (struct mmc_card *, struct mmc_async_req *);
    /* Reinserts request back to the block layer */
    void (*reinsert_req) (struct mmc_async_req *);
    /* update what part of request is not done (packed_fail_idx) */
    int (*update_interrupted_req) (struct mmc_card *,
            struct mmc_async_req *);


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