外刊閱讀:The emerging mind-reading technology


The emerging mind-reading technology

by Julia Boorstin

It's not the self-driving cars, flying cars or even the dish-washing robots that stick out as the most transformative innovation at this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES): It's the wearable gadgets that can read your mind.

stick out 突出、顯眼
transformative /trænsˈfɔːmətɪv/ adj. 使徹底改觀的(由transform加後綴-ative變成形容詞)
innovation /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 創新
wearable /ˈweərəb(ə)l/ adj. 可穿戴的(由wear加後綴-able變成形容詞)
gadget /ˈɡædʒɪt/ n. 小裝置、小玩意兒

There's a growing category of companies focused on the "Brain-Computer Interface." These devices can record brain signals from sensors on the scalp(頭皮) and translate them into digital signals. This industry is expected to reach $1.5 billion this year, with the technology used for everything from education and prosthetics(假肢學), to gaming and smart home control.

category /ˈkætəɡri/ n. 種類、類別
focus /ˈfəʊkəs/ v. 聚焦(focus on就是“聚焦在、專注於”)
interface /ˈɪntəfeɪs/ n. 界面、接口
device /dɪˈvaɪs/ n. 設備
record /rɪˈkɔːd/ v. 記錄
signal /ˈsɪɡn(ə)l/ n. 信號
sensor /ˈsensə(r)/ n. 傳感器
translate /trænsˈleɪt/ v. 轉變、轉化
billion /ˈbɪljən/ n. 十億
gaming /ˈɡeɪmɪŋ/ n. 電腦遊戲
control /kənˈtrəʊl/ n./v. 控制

I tried a couple of wearables that track brain activity at CES last week, and was surprised to find they really work. NextMind has a headset that measures activity in your visual cortex(大腦皮層) with a sensor on the back of your head. It translates the user's decision of where to focus his or her eyes into digital commands.

wearable /ˈweərəb(ə)l/ n. 可穿戴設備
track /træk/ v. 跟蹤、追蹤
activity /ækˈtɪvəti/ n. 活動
headset /ˈhedset/ n. 戴在頭上的裝置
measure /ˈmeʒə(r)/ v. 測量
visual /ˈvɪʒuəl/ adj. 視覺的
command /kəˈmɑːnd/ n. 命令

"You don't see with your eyes. Your eyes are just a medium," NextMind CEO Sid Kouider said. "Your vision is in your brain, and we analyze your vision in your brain and we can know what you want to act upon and then we can modify that to basically create a command."

medium /ˈmiːdiəm/ n. 媒介
vision /ˈvɪʒ(ə)n/ n. 視覺
analyze /ˈæn(ə)laɪz/ v. 分析
modify /ˈmɒdɪfaɪ/ v. 修改、改變
basically /ˈbeɪsɪk(ə)li/ adv. 基本上、實質上(由basic加後綴-ally變成副詞)

Wearing a NextMind headset, I could change the color of a lamp – red, blue and green – by focusing on boxes lit up with those colors. The headset also replaced a remote control. Staring at a TV screen, I could activate a menu by focusing on a triangle in a corner of the screen. From there, focusing my eyes, I could change the channel, mute(靜音) or pause video, just by focusing on a triangle next to each command.

light /laɪt/ v. 點亮、照亮(lit是過去分詞)
remote /rɪˈməʊt/ adj. 遙遠的(remote control就是遙控器)
stare /steə(r)/ v. 盯着看、凝視
activate /ˈæktɪveɪt/ v. 激活(由active加後綴-ate變成動詞)
triangle /ˈtraɪæŋɡ(ə)l/ n. 三角形(由angle加上表示三的前綴tri-)
channel /ˈtʃæn(ə)l/ n. 頻道

Another company focused on the brain-computer interface, BrainCo, has the FocusOne headband, with sensors on the forehead measuring the activity in your frontal cortex. The "wearable brainwave visualizer(觀測儀)" is designed to measure focus, and its creators want it to be used in schools.

headband /ˈhedbænd/ n. 綁在頭上的帶子
frontal /ˈfrʌnt(ə)l/ adj. 前部的(由front加後綴-al變成形容詞)
brainwave /ˈbreɪnweɪv/ n. 腦電波
focus /ˈfəʊkəs/ n. 焦點、關注點(這裏指注意力是否集中)
creator /kriːˈeɪtə(r)/ n. 創造者(由create加上表示人的後綴-or)

"FocusOne is detecting the subtle electrical signals that your brain is producing," BrainCo President Max Newlon said. "When those electrical signals make their way to your scalp, our sensor picks them up, takes a look at them and determines, 'Does it look like your brain is in a state of engagement? Or does it look like your brain is in a state of relaxation?'"

detect /dɪˈtekt/ v. 監測
subtle /ˈsʌt(ə)l/ adj. 細微的
president /ˈprezɪd(ə)nt/ n. 總裁
determine /dɪˈtɜːmɪn/ v. 確定、決定
state /steɪt/ n. 狀態
engagement /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt/ n. 參與(由engage加後綴-ment變成名詞)
relaxation /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 放鬆(由relax加後綴-ation變成名詞)

BrainCo also has a prosthetic(假肢的) arm coming to market later this year. It detects muscle signals and feeds them into an algorithm that can help it operate better over time, Newlon said.

muscle /ˈmʌs(ə)l/ n. 肌肉
feed /fiːd/ v. 把…放入機器、把…輸入系統
algorithm /ˈælɡ(ə)rɪð(ə)m/ n. 算法
operate /ˈɒp(ə)reɪt/ v. 運作
over time 隨着時間的推移

"The thing that sets this prosthetic(假肢) apart is, after enough training, a user can control individual fingers and it doesn't only rely on predetermined gestures. It's actually like a free-play mode where the algorithm can learn from him, and he can control his hands just like we do," Newlon said.

set something apart 使某事物與衆不同
individual /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/ adj. 個體的、單個的
rely /rɪˈlaɪ/ on 依靠、依賴
predetermined /ˌpriːdɪˈtɜːmɪnd/ adj. 預先確定的(由determine的過去分詞加上表示“之前”的前綴pre-)
gesture /ˈdʒestʃə(r)/ n. 手勢、動作
mode /məʊd/ n. 模式



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