Are you looking forward to the winter vacation?

Are you looking forward to the winter vacation. I don't care if you want a vacation or not, I'm just dying for a vacation.In front of my students I made no secret of my excitement for the holidays. It's because of this that I got a  shock this morning in class six.

“  Irene, you please go back, don't come to have a lesson.” I was shocked to hear that when entering the classroom. Am I so unwelcome in class six?!“ Why ? For what?!” “  We permit you a day of leave.”

Oh, my goodness. Guys, you frightened me to death.

However, to be honest, I'm really looking forward to winter vacation,especially these freezing days.  I have a chance to do many things I love, such as playing table tennis, cooking  famous local food in my town, sleeping late  , reading my favorite books , watching my favorite movies  and meeting my family members.  Going back to my hometown  getting together with my family and spending a quality time is my dream days .During winter vacation, I am the owner of my time.

And so ,why not look forward to winter vacation?

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