








When I was a student, because of the inproper memory methods, I was repeatedly frustrated,convinced that I was stupid, not gifted in learning .In contact with the mnemonics,it is just like a beam of warm light, shining into my heart suffering from learning. It is like a door, which opens a new chapter of my life.

Extremely excited ,I found that the human beings’ brain can be trained afterwards, and the level of memory can be constantly improved!It opened my mind from a fixed mindset to a growing one.I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to encounter such a good way of learning.

I am a mother of two children, and have seen the 13-year-old daughter carry a heavy academic burden , experiencing the load of learning  I once experienced.

As a family education lover and practitioner. I am a national second-class psychological consultant. I have the chance to witness the helplessness of many parents around me on their children's learning and the physical and mental suffering and pressure that children suffer because of their learning.

I deeply realize that scientific and effective memory methods will make learning a tiger with wings added.

A strong youth makes a strong country.If you have memory skills, your learning efficiency will be improved.

I hope I can shoulder the mission of disseminating scientific and effective memory methods, benefit thousands of families, and help children's learning and growth.

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