
//0. organizing code with package in golang // go語言用包來組織代碼。 //1. package name with main function must be main. // 包含main函數的包名必須是main。 package main //2. key word import tells compiler which packages to import. // import 告訴編譯器導入哪些包。 import "fmt" //3. define main function. 定義main 函數 func main() { //4. '{' must be this line of function name. 括號必須和函數名在同一行 //5. do not need ';' after statement. 語句後不需要分號 fmt.Println("Hello, Golang World!") } //6. comment is same with c lang 註釋與c語言相同 // use '//' with line and use '/* ...... * /' with block //7. use the followed command to run go program // 用下面的命令運行go程序 /* go run hello.go */
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