跳跃表(Skip Links)实现(Golang版)


跳跃表(Skip Links)实现(Golang版)

1. 介绍

2. 跳跃表在Redis中的应用

3. 跳跃表实现(Golang版)

3.1 实现介绍

3.2 实现源码



跳跃表(Skip Links)实现(Golang版)

1. 介绍

跳跃表(Skip Lists)是一种随机化的数据, 由 William Pugh 在论文《Skip lists: a probabilistic alternative to balanced trees》中提出, 跳跃表以有序的方式在层次化的链表中保存元素, 效率和平衡树媲美 —— 查找、删除、添加等操作都可以在对数期望时间下完成, 并且比起平衡树来说, 跳跃表的实现要简单直观得多。


2. 跳跃表在Redis中的应用

Redis的有序集合(sorted set)是基于跳跃表实现的,相比 William Pugh 论文中描述的跳跃表,Redis做了一些修改,其中包括:

  1. 允许重复的 score 值:多个不同的 member 的 score 值可以相同。
  2. 进行对比操作时,不仅要检查 score 值,还要检查 member :当 score 值可以重复时,单靠 score 值无法判断一个元素的身份,所以需要连 member 域都一并检查才行。
  3. 每个节点都带有一个高度为 1 层的后退指针,用于从表尾方向向表头方向迭代:当执行ZREVRANGEZREVRANGEBYSCORE这类以逆序处理有序集的命令时,就会用到这个属性。

以下展示了Redis有序集合(sorted set)的一个可能结构:


3. 跳跃表实现(Golang版)

3.1 实现介绍

  • 参考Redis有序集合(sorted set)设计原理与实现源码。
  • 只实现三个基础接口:Search(查询)、Add(添加)、Erase(删除)
  • 支持设置最大层级数(Determining MaxLevel)和上升索引概率(Probabilistic Philosophy)。
  • 提供一个Println接口,用于调试测试。

3.2 实现源码

package skiplinks

import (

const (
	defaultSkipLinkedP = 0.5
	defaultMaxLevel    = 64

type SkipLinks struct {
	// key和score的映射表
	scoreMap map[string]float64
	// 当前层级数
	curLevel uint16
	// 最大层级数
	maxLevel uint16
	// 最小值
	minScore float64
	// 上升索引概率
	skipLinkedP float64
	// 头节点
	head *Node
	// 随机参数
	rand *rand.Rand

func NewSkipLinked(maxLevel uint16, minScore float64, p ...float64) *SkipLinks {
	skipLinkedP := defaultSkipLinkedP
	if len(p) > 0 && float64(0) <= p[0] && p[0] < float64(1) {
		skipLinkedP = p[0]
	if maxLevel <= 0 || maxLevel > maxLevel {
		maxLevel = defaultMaxLevel
	return &SkipLinks{
		scoreMap:    make(map[string]float64),
		curLevel:    1,
		maxLevel:    maxLevel,
		minScore:    minScore,
		skipLinkedP: skipLinkedP,
		head:        NewNode("", minScore, nil, maxLevel),
		rand:        rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),

func (l *SkipLinks) getLevel() uint16 {
	level := uint16(1)
	for l.rand.Float64() < l.skipLinkedP && level < l.maxLevel {
	return level

func (l *SkipLinks) compare(score1, score2 float64, key1, key2 string) int {
	if score1 > score2 {
		return 1
	} else if score1 < score2 {
		return -1
	} else {
		return strings.Compare(key1, key2)

func (l *SkipLinks) Search(key string) (bool, interface{}) {
	score, exist := l.scoreMap[key]
	if !exist {
		return false, nil
	exist, node := l.search(key, score, l.head, l.curLevel)
	if !exist {
		return false, nil
	return true, node.Val

func (l *SkipLinks) search(key string, score float64, node *Node, level uint16) (bool, *Node) {
	next := node.Next[level-1]
	for next != nil && l.compare(next.Score, score, next.Key, key) <= 0 {
		node = node.Next[level-1]
		next = node.Next[level-1]
	if l.compare(node.Score, score, node.Key, key) == 0 {
		return true, node
	if level == 1 {
		return false, node
	return l.search(key, score, node, level-1)

func (l *SkipLinks) Add(key string, score float64, val interface{}) error {
	if score < l.minScore {
		return NewScoreOutOfRangeError(key, score, l.minScore)
	if key == "" {
		return NewInvalidKeyError(key, "empty key")
	_, exist := l.scoreMap[key]
	if exist {
	high, newNode := l.add(key, score, val, l.head, l.curLevel)
	if high > l.curLevel {
		// Add之后,层数可能加一
		l.head.Next[l.curLevel] = newNode
	l.scoreMap[key] = score
	return nil

func (l *SkipLinks) add(key string, score float64, val interface{}, node *Node, level uint16) (uint16, *Node) {
	next := node.Next[level-1]
	for next != nil && l.compare(next.Score, score, next.Key, key) <= 0 {
		node = node.Next[level-1]
		next = node.Next[level-1]
	if level == 1 {
		newNode := NewNode(key, score, val, l.maxLevel)
		newNode.Next[level-1] = next
		node.Next[level-1] = newNode
		return l.getLevel(), newNode
	high, newNode := l.add(key, score, val, node, level-1)
	if high >= level {
		newNode.Next[level-1] = next
		node.Next[level-1] = newNode
	return high, newNode

func (l *SkipLinks) Erase(key string) (bool, interface{}) {
	score, exist := l.scoreMap[key]
	if !exist {
		return false, nil
	delete(l.scoreMap, key)
	exist, node := l.erase(key, score, l.head, l.curLevel)
	if !exist {
		return false, nil
	for i := int(l.curLevel - 1); i > 0; i-- {
		if l.head.Next[i] == nil {
			// Erase之后,层数可能减少
		} else {
	return true, node.Val

func (l *SkipLinks) erase(key string, score float64, node *Node, level uint16) (bool, *Node) {
	next := node.Next[level-1]
	for next != nil && l.compare(next.Score, score, next.Key, key) < 0 {
		node = next
		next = next.Next[level-1]
	if level == 1 {
		if next != nil && l.compare(next.Score, score, next.Key, key) == 0 {
			node.Next[level-1] = next.Next[level-1]
			next.Next[level-1] = nil
			return true, next
		} else {
			return false, nil
	exist, rmNode := l.erase(key, score, node, level-1)
	if exist && next != nil && l.compare(next.Score, score, next.Key, key) == 0 {
		node.Next[level-1] = next.Next[level-1]
		next.Next[level-1] = nil
	return exist, rmNode

func (l *SkipLinks) Println() {
	for i := int(l.curLevel - 1); i >= 0; i-- {
		var (
			content string = fmt.Sprintf("level%d", i)
			node    *Node  = l.head.Next[i]
		for node != nil {
			content += fmt.Sprintf(" %s(%v)", node.Key, node.Score)
			node = node.Next[i]

type Node struct {
	Key   string
	Score float64
	Val   interface{}
	Next  []*Node

func NewNode(key string, score float64, val interface{}, maxLevel uint16) *Node {
	return &Node{
		Key:   key,
		Score: score,
		Val:   val,
		Next:  make([]*Node, maxLevel, maxLevel),

type ScoreOutOfRangeError struct {
	key   string
	score float64
	min   float64

func NewScoreOutOfRangeError(key string, score float64, min float64) *ScoreOutOfRangeError {
	return &ScoreOutOfRangeError{
		key:   key,
		score: score,
		min:   min,

func (e *ScoreOutOfRangeError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("score out of range, min(include)=%v, score=%v, key=%s", e.min, e.score, e.key)

type InvalidKeyError struct {
	key    string
	reason string

func NewInvalidKeyError(key, reason string) *InvalidKeyError {
	return &InvalidKeyError{
		key:    key,
		reason: reason,

func (e *InvalidKeyError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("invalid key: %s, reason: %s", e.key, e.reason)



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